The Importance of Physical Activity 1
The Importance of Physical Activity 1
The Importance of Physical Activity 1
Physical Activity
1 The Effects of Physical Activity on
Physical Health
4 Tips
The Effects of Physical Activity on Physical
Regular exercise helps build and maintain Physical activity burns calories, aids in weight
muscle mass and bone density, reducing the loss, and helps maintain a healthy body weight.
risk of osteoporosis.
Active individuals have a lower risk of Regular exercise strengthens the heart,
developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and improves blood circulation, and lowers blood
certain types of cancer. pressure.
The Effects of Physical Activity on Mental
1 Reduced Stress & Anxiety 😌 Frequent physical activity
helps release endorphins,
easing stress, anxiety, and
boosting overall mood.
Busy schedules often make it challenging to Find alternatives like home workouts, outdoor
prioritize physical activity. Plan ahead and activities, or join affordable community fitness
schedule exercise into your routine. programs.
Set realistic goals, find activities you enjoy, Start with achievable goals, gradually increase
enlist a workout buddy, or consider hiring a intensity, and listen to your body to prevent
personal trainer for extra motivation. injuries and build confidence.
Recommended Amount and Types of
Physical Activity
150 minutes of Strength training Flexibility and
moderate-intensity balance exercises
Aim for two or more sessions
aerobic activity per week, focusing on all major Include exercises like yoga or tai
muscle groups. chi to improve flexibility and
Engage in activities such as brisk
walking or cycling for at least 30
minutes, five times a week.
Tips for Incorporating Physical Activity
into Daily Life
1 Morning Workouts
Don't overwhelm yourself with unrealistic goals. Choose activities that resonate with your interests
Begin with manageable activities and slowly and brings joy. Involve friends or family members
increase intensity and duration. for added motivation.
Stick to a regular exercise routine to enjoy long- Prioritize safety and avoid overexertion. Pay
term benefits. Find activities that you enjoy and attention to any pain or discomfort and adjust
can maintain over time. activities accordingly.