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As an academic discipline consist of:

1. Body of knowledge built on facts and

theories derived from research.

2. Formal course of study in institutions of

higher learning.

3. Professional preparation of practitioners,

future investigators, and leaders in the field.

It is the study of how the body (cell, tissue, Considered in the physiological system:
organ, system) responds in function and • Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Nervous,
structure to acute exercise stress, and Renal, GI, Temperature Regulation,
chronic physical activity. Exercise physiology Endocrine, Muscle, Bone, Skin, Immune,
is the study of how the body responds and Metabolism,
adapts to physical activity and exercise. It • Exercise tends to disturb homeostasis
examines the acute and chronic effects of • Adaptations of physiological systems
various types of exercise on the body's tend to minimize this disturbance.
systems, including cardiovascular,
respiratory, and musculoskeletal.
Those factors that are related to how well the systems of your
body work :
1. Cardiovascular endurance
The ability of the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels) to
supply oxygen to working muscles during exercise.
2. Body Composition
The relative percentage of body fat compared to lean body
mass (muscle, bone, water, etc).
3. Flexibility
The range of movement possible at various joints.
4. Muscular strength
The amount of force that can be produced by a single
contraction of a muscle
5. Muscular endurance
The ability of a muscle group to continue muscle movement
over a length of time.


Those aspects of fitness which form the basis for successful sport or
activity participation.
1. Speed
The ability to move quickly from one point to another in a straight line.
2. Agility
The ability of the body to change direction quickly.
3. Balance
. The ability to maintain an upright posture while still or moving.
4. Coordination
Integration with hand and/or foot movements with the input of the
5. Power
The ability to use muscle strength quickly it can be increased by three general
ways: increase the force; decrease the time it takes; and increase the distance a
force acts on one’s body.
high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol, and it
decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-
two punch keeps your blood flowing smoothly,
which lowers your risk of heart and blood
vessel, called cardiovascular, diseases.
3. Exercise improves mood
A gym session or brisk walk can help.
Physical activity stimulates many brain
1.3 BENEFITS chemicals that may leave you feeling happier,

OF REGULAR more relaxed and less anxious. You also may

feel better about your appearance and yourself
EXERCISE when you exercise regularly, which can boost
your confidence and improve your self-esteem.
4. Exercise boosts energy
Regular physical activity can improve your
muscle strength and boost your endurance.
Exercise sends oxygen and nutrients to your
tissues and helps your cardiovascular system
work more efficiently. And when your heart and
lung health improve, you have more energy to
The health benefits of regular
tackle daily chores.
exercise and physical activity are hard
5. Exercise promotes better sleep
to ignore. Everyone benefits from
Regular physical activity can help you fall
exercise, no matter their age, sex or
asleep faster, get better sleep and deepen your
physical ability. Here are some ways
sleep. Just don't exercise too close to bedtime,
that exercise can lead to a happier,
or you may be too energized to go to sleep.
healthier you.
6. Exercise puts the spark back into your sex
1. Exercise controls weight
Regular physical activity can improve
Exercise can help prevent excess
energy levels and give you more confidence
weight gain or help you keep off lost
about your physical appearance, which may
weight. When you take part in physical
boost your sex life.
activity, you burn calories. The more
7. Exercise can be fun — and social
intense the activity, the more calories
Exercise and physical activity can be fun.
you burn.
They give you a chance to unwind, enjoy the
2. Exercise combats health conditions
outdoors or simply do activities that make you
and diseases
happy. Physical activity also can help you
No matter what your current
connect with family or friends in a fun social
weight is, being active boosts
Bone and Muscle Strength: Weight-
bearing exercises help build and maintain
bone density, reducing the risk of
osteoporosis, and strength training helps
build muscle mass and strength.

Improved Sleep: Regular physical activity

can improve the quality of sleep and help
regulate sleep patterns.

Enhanced Immune Function: Moderate

exercise can boost the immune system,
1.4 ROLE OF reducing the risk of infections and
HEALTH Longevity: Research suggests that regular
exercise is associated with a longer
PROMOTION lifespan and better overall quality of life.

Exercise plays a crucial role in health In essence, exercise is a cornerstone of

promotion by offering numerous benefits: health promotion, contributing
significantly to overall physical and
Physical Health: Regular exercise helps mental well-being.
maintain a healthy weight, reduces the
risk of chronic diseases such as heart
disease, diabetes, and hypertension, and
improves cardiovascular health.

Mental Health (mental health): Exercise is

linked to improved mood, reduced
symptoms of anxiety and depression, and
enhanced cognitive function.

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