Hearing Sound PPT - 1664085596

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Hearing Sounds

Learning Objective

• To identify and explain vibrations

and different types of sound
• To explain how different sound
travels through different sources.
• To understand and explain how
sound travels into our ears.
Scientific Vocabulary (Notebook)

•Sounds are louder closer you are to the source of the vibration because the waves
reach closest objects first.
•Sounds make molecules move in all directions (like circle or a ripple in water).
•Sounds are vibrations . We can hear the rain, wind, thunder but not the sun.
Pitch is the frequency (highness and lowness) of sound, measured in hertz (Hz)
Faster the vibration the higher the pitch.
Slower the vibration the lower the pitch.
•Volume is loudness and softness of sound, measured in decibels (dB)
•Pitch is the frequency (highness and lowness) of sound, measured in hertz (Hz)
•Sound travels through air (slowest), liquids (faster), solids (fastest).
Sounds are made when something vibrates.
Talk to your partner about what is vibrating in each of these pictures to make a sound.
Loud and Quiet
Try this mini investigation to find out if the vibrations change when the loudness of the
sound changes.

Place some rice on the skin of a drum.

Bang the drum three times: gentle, medium and hard.

Observe the way the rice vibrates each time.

Is there a link between the loudness of the sound and
the size of the vibrations?
Loud and Quiet
The louder the sound, the
bigger the vibration. You
should have noticed that the
rice grains vibrated more when
you hit the drum harder,
creating a louder sound.

The size of the vibration is

called the amplitude.

Quieter sounds have a smaller

amplitude, and louder sounds
have a bigger amplitude.
Activity-2 Loud and Quiet
Draw and describe 2 loud sounds and 2 soft sounds from your classroom showing
How Does Sound Travel
So we know that sounds are caused by vibrations, and the louder sounds have
bigger vibrations.

But how do these different sounds reach our ears?

These children have been talking about their ideas.

What do you think of their ideas?

I think sound can travel Sound moves the air

through the air because from the source of the
the air is lighter and vibration into our ears.
easier to get through than If we are listening, we
solids or liquids. will hear the sound.
Lets Watch.. How Does Sound Travel

Watch this clip to see if you can identify how different sounds travel.


Click on this image to play the video in a new window.

How Does Sound Travel?
Sound can travel through solids, liquids and gases.

Sound travels as a wave, vibrating the particles in the medium it is travelling in.

So in our example, when you hit the drum, the drum skin vibrated. This made the air
particles closest to the drum start to vibrate as well. The vibrations then passed to the
next air particle, then the next, then the next. This carried on until the air particles
closest to your ear vibrated, passing the vibrations into your ear.
Lets check… How travels through ear

• https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5c3f845e4b306e001a56a755/sound
Scientific Vocabulary (Notebook)

Ear lobe
Ear canal
Ear drum
Auditory nerve
Hearing Sounds
 Sound waves are sent.
 Waves travel through pinna and into ear canal (outer ear).
 Eardrum vibrates as sound waves enter the ear canal.
 Three tiny bones in the middle ear called Ossicle.
 Inner ear has hearing part which transmit sound into electrical signals.
 Nerve sends message to the brain through the auditory nerve
An echo is produced when sound waves bounce off of an object and return to your
ears. Some animals like bats, dolphins and whales use echolocation to “see” their way
around and get food.
Lets watch… How travels through ear

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mptjEoHF2aI
Let us Write…Key Concept
1. Sounds are made when something vibrates.
2. Sounds make molecules move in all directions.
3. Volume is loudness and softness of sound,
measured in decibels (dB)
4. Pitch is the frequency (highness and lowness)
of sound, measured in hertz (Hz)
5. There are 2 types of sound Loud and Quiet
6. Loud sound produce bigger vibration, Quiet
sound produce smaller vibrations.
7. The size of the vibration is called the
Let us Write…Key Concept
8. Sound can travel through solids (Fastest), liquids (faster)
and gases (Slowest).
9. Sound travels as a wave, vibrating the particles in the
medium it is travelling in.
•Sound waves travel through pinna and into ear canal
(outer ear).
•Eardrum vibrates as sound waves enter the ear canal.
•The three tiny bones present in the middle ear called
ossicle help in transmitting the sound waves into inner ear.
•Inner ear has hearing part which transmit sound into
electrical signals.
•Nerve sends message to the brain through the auditory
Let us Write…Wow Factor:

•The fluid in the cochlea helps us keep

our balance. If the fluid is blocked we
feel dizzy. Ear wax protects and helps
to clean the ear and keeps bad things
Let us Write…Critical thinking question

1.Can you write what are the uses of whistle

in forest?
2.Draw a picture of ears made of corn
instead of normal ears.
Let us Write…ASSET (Question)

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