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Digital Filters Design and

:Two Types of Digital Filters
1. Finite Impulse Response Filters(FIR)
2. Infinite Impulse Response Filters(IIR)
Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
y[n]   h[n] x[n  k ]
k 0

The equation is nonrecursive, i.e., previously computed

values of the output are not used to recursively compute
the present value of the output.

The impulse response is seen to have finite duration and

given by
 bn , 0  n  M
h[n]   a0
 0, otherwise
Infinite Impulse Response (IIR)
The difference equation is recursive

1 M N

y[n]   bk x [n  k ]   ak y [n  k ]
a0  k  0 k 1 

If the system is initially at rest, the impulse response

will have infinite duration.
Digital Filter
• Realization is the block diagram representation
of filter
• Basic structures of FIR filters
– 1. Direct Forms
– 2. Cascade Form
– 3. Linear-Phase Forms
• Basic structures of IIR filters
– 1.Direct Forms
– 2.Cascade Realizations
– 3.Parallel Realizations
Basic Building Blocks
• The computational algorithm of an LTI digital filter
can be conveniently represented in block diagram
form using the basic building blocks shown below:

x[n]  y[n]
x[n] y[n]

x[n] x[n]

z 1 y[n]

Unit delay Pick-off node

Block Diagram Representation
• For the implementation of an LTI digital filter, the
input-output relationship must be described by a
valid computational algorithm.
• To illustrate what we mean by a valid computational
algorithm, consider the causal first-order LTI digital
filter shown below:
• The filter is described by the LDE:
• Using the above equation we can compute
y[n] for n0 knowing the initial condition y[n-
1] and the input x[n] for n -1:
y[0]= -d1y[-1]+p0x[0]+p1x[-1]
y[1]= -d1y[0]+p0x[1]+p1x[0]
y[2]= -d1y[1]+p0x[2]+p1x[1]
• We can continue this calculation for any
value of the time index n we desire.
Consider the single-loop feedback structure
shown below:

The output E(z) of the adder is

E(z) = X(z)+G2(z)Y(z)
And, Y(z) = G1(z)E(z)
• Eliminating E(z) from the previous two
equations we arrive at:


which leads to:

Y ( z) G1 ( z )
H ( z)  
X ( z ) 1  G1 ( z )G2 ( z )
FIR Digital Filter Structures

The characteristics of FIR filters:

(1) h(n) is a length-N sequence.
(2) H(z) is convergent in |z|>0.
(3) Non-recursion structure.
• If the h(n) of a FIR filter is a length-N
sequence, 0≤n≤N-1, then its H(z) is:
N 1
H ( z )   h[n]z  n
n 0
Direct Forms
y[n]   k 0 h[k ]x[n  k ]
• It’s the convolution of LTI system, based on the
equation, we can get the direct form:
X(n z -1 z -1 z -1

h(0) h(1) h(2) h(N-2) h(N-1)


We also call it a tapped delay line or a

transversal filter.
• Example:
A direct form realization of an FIR filter for N = 4
is indicated below:

 The transpose structure is indicated below:

Cascade Form
• Decompose H(z) into a string of first-order or
second-order transfer functions:
H ( z )  h[0] (1  1k z 1   2 k z 2)
k 1

• if N is even, K=N/2 ;
if N is odd, K=(N+1)/2 andβ2k=0.
...... y (n)
z 1 11 z 1 12 z 1 1K
z 1  21 z 1  22 z 1  KK
• A cascade realization for N = 6 is shown

Each second-order section in the above structure

can also be realized in the transposed direct form.
Linear-phase FIR Structures
• Causal linear-phase FIR filter of N-order:
(1)h[n]  h[ N  n](2)h[n]  h[ N  n]
• The characterization can reduce the number of
multipliers into almost half of that in the direct form

• Example:
The implementations of length 7 and 8 with
symmetric impulse response.
• length-7 Type 1 FIR transfer function:
6 1 5
H ( z )  h[0](1  z )  h[1]( z z )
2 4 3
 h[2]( z z )  h[3]z
 We obtain the realization shown below:
• length-8 Type 2 FIR transfer function:
7 1 6
H ( z )  h[0](1  z )  h[1]( z z )
 h[2]( z  2  z 5 )  h[3]( z 3  z  4 )
 The corresponding realization is shown below:
• The Type 1 linear-phase structure for a length-7
FIR filter requires 4 multipliers, whereas a direct
form realization requires 7 multipliers;
• The Type 2 linear-phase structure for a length-8
FIR filter requires 4 multipliers, whereas a direct
form realization requires 8 multipliers;
• Similar savings occurs in the realization of Type 3
and Type 4 linear-phase FIR filters with
antisymmetric impulse responses.

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