Trends Week 3

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Identifying Parts of a

Whole and Emerging

Patterns in Trends
Quarter 3/ Week 3
Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Guess the
Gibberish Words
Why pie tick now loo gee

Wi-fi Technology
Saw seal main juh

Social Media
Moo vile aids

Mobile Age
Gene array shown gulf

Generation Gap
East Mart ‘til life be shown

Smart Television
Identifying Parts
of a Whole
Quarter 3/ Week 3
Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
As a trend was born because of an idea
of an individual or groups of individuals,
and these become prevalent, growing and
evolving in the course of time, it is but
crucial for us to trace the movement of
these growth, expansions and evolutions of
Trends as they grow and evolve tend to
influence or give birth to other trends and
become interconnected and interrelated. Trends
are formed from the combination of things. Thus, a
trend has constituent parts of portions that are
interrelated. Their influence, as well as how the
people adopt them, makes the trend viable,
especially the megatrends and gigatrends.
In retrospect, Urgel
(2017) illustrated the
popularity of anime
which was brought
about by a number of
developments such as
the ones shown.
Visual culture is another
example that we experience today. It
was developed from various trends─
digital camera, smartphone, internet,
Wi-Fi technology, social media,
mobile apps, computer, fashion, art,
photography, to name a few.
Internet memes, infographics,
and sharable videos seemed to be a
microtrend only, but they eventually
became a mainstay in disseminating
information. Even large news
organizations and government
websites use them.
Remember that microtrends can become
macrotrends if they affect more lives and
societies. Then, macrotrends can become a
megatrend if it can affect a much larger group
for a longer period like a decade. Megatrends
can become gigatrends if they have
everlasting effects and influences.
In a nutshell:
• Trends as they grow and evolve tend to influence or give
birth to other trends and become interconnected and
• Trends are formed from the combination of things.
• A trend has constituent parts of portions that are
• Visual culture is an example of trend that we
experience today.
Written Output:
• Document the trends that you have observed in
your daily life through a journal within this
week from February 19- 23, 2024. Make a
daily journal.
• Explain how this trend was encountered or
experienced and how it affects your way of
Identifying Emerging

Quarter 3/ Week 3
Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
• Urgel (2017) defined pattern as a design,
shape, form or configuration that emerges from
repetitious appearance of lines, curves, and
• According to him, in the study of trends,
repetitive behavior that gives rise to an
emerging pattern is the main interest.
Four Activities for Trend
Spotter in Detecting
Emerging Patterns
1. Documentation
It means being able to record
your observations which you
consider related to any trend.
2. Archive or Memory

It is used to easily retrieve any

documentation you have kept.
3. Analysis
It is the stage where examination and
combination happen. Looking for patterns
on prospective trends can be achieved
through these methods: brainstorming,
grouping, and crafting combinations.
4. Presentation
It is representing your findings for easy
understanding as a way of analysis. You
can represent your findings through,
among others, a mood board and a
Identifying emerging patterns can be
used to introduce to individuals,
organizations, and communities
change, improvement, transformation
and new opportunities.
Relationships Between
Causes and
A cause refers to an agent that brings
about a result or a consequence. A
consequence is always traceable to a
cause which can be a person, thing,
principle, motive, act, or event. There is no
cause without a consequence and vice
versa. (Urgel, 2017)
Korea become
Korean one of the
Widespread popular lists for
Culture of Korean Filipino tourist

Boosted small-
scale business
Establishments like Korean
of Korean Store
Advancement of Difficulties in
technology in Reduces maintaining
communication commuting company culture
time and

Need to invest in
Work-life measures to protect
balance for sensitive data.
A cause brings about one or more
consequences which may be either
positive or negative. Whatever the results
of a cause, the events that are noted in
each result will help produce a picture of a
trend which is studied to be adopted in
many life applications.
Group Activity:

Debate Rules:
• Pay attention to what others are saying.
• Avoid shouting. Maintain a composed demeanor during
the debate.
• Stay on topic
• Base your arguments on sound logic and reasoning.
• All participants must contribute to the discussion.
• Value diverse viewpoints for collaborative learning.

1. Argumentation - 5
2. Organization- 5
3. Delivery- 5
4. Teamwork- 5
Topic for Debate:

The Impact of Social

Media on Mental

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