M Series Workshop Agenda - 13-15march

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M series workshop agenda – 13th March to 15th March

High Level Outcome:

• Alignment between sales expectation, product features availability and product
manufacturing capability
• Standardization the methods/process/tools/software for short term and long term
manufacturing solution.
- Outcome of the workshop will cover the following:
o Interface between Solution and Production – ie. XML file for meter setup, sunrise library, support from SW development, security, generation of
o Solution requirements/goals – need to be clear on solution needs, eg. reprogramming of configs/keys in EDMI warehouse, customer warehouse,
upon commissioning, and/or in the field; Input/Output requirements (see below)
o PD/Characteristics and BOM – create with input from PSM (PengXuan and ChunYi) and PE team
o Manufacturing keys – secure storage and restricting access, hardware security, secure programming of meters, etc
o Inputs and Outputs – all inputs from the solution (eg. Characteristics including XML file, Artwork files, FW version, etc) and outputs to the customer
(XML, NOS, DKF, Cal reports/certs, functional test data, export file)
o STS support – HSM usage/management/licenses/capacities, SGC management, DITK/DDTK/DUTK key management and secure storage, etc
o Certificates and Compliance – certifications and compliance, customers requirements, lab requirements (eg. ISO17025, MID, IEC, etc)
o Functional test requirements – PCBA, meter-level, comms, solution-level, data storage and analytics, etc
o Risk management – ISO27001 risk assessment, review, compliance and certification; especially around storage and release of DLMS keys
o System Software – review EMS, MES, FusionX and other software currently in use in production, and simplify/consolidate into single comprehensive
secure system
M series workshop agenda – 13th March to 15th March
13th March (Wednesday) :
Time Agenda Owner
0900 - 1000 10min Team self introduction. PSM
M - series Product Introduction: Johnic
Understanding of M series products HW/FW/CIU/POD/Modem/DLMS special
features, gap between design and customer expectation
30min tea break
1030 - 1200 Introduction of capability of existing Software for M-series – what can do or Product
cannot do for production floor. Development
-Fusion X, GuruX (Julius/Hendi) , Eziconfig (Casey/Jemer), etc?
-EMS software (Danar) – CaTo, EEM, etc?
-EESB & SZ MES software – any special software embedded into MES EESB/SZ PE

90min Lunch
1330 - 1500 Current pain points discussion: All
- Short term solution to continue production of M-series to meet customer

30min tea break

1530 - 1700 Current pain points discussion: All
- Short term solution to continue production of M-series to meet customer

30min wrap up Wrap up meeting to summarize understanding of current pain All

points/outcome for short term solution with alignment on understanding of
available software capability
M series workshop agenda – 13th March to 15th March
14th March (Thursday) :
Time Agenda Owner
0900 - 1000 1. long term manufacturing process standardization & solution - Team A Team A:
2. Product dev team data integrity - Team B Team B:
30min tea break
1030 - 1200 1. long term manufacturing process standardization & solution - Team A Team A:
2. Product dev team data integrity - Team B Team B:
90min Lunch
1330 - 1500 1. long term manufacturing process standardization & solution - Team A Team A:
2. Product dev team data integrity - Team B Team B:
30min tea break
1530 - 1700 1. long term manufacturing process standardization & solution - Team A Team A:
2. Product dev team data integrity - Team B Team B:
30min wrap up Wrap up meeting to summarize the outcome All
1. Long time production process
2. Supporting tools/software/jigs/solution plan
M series workshop agenda – 13th March to 15th March
15th March (Friday) :
Time Agenda Owner
0900 - 1000 1. STS support All
2. Certificates and Compliances
3. Risk management on key storage at factory

30min tea break

1030 - 1200 1. STS support All
2. Certificates and Compliances
3. Risk management on key storage at factory

90min Lunch
1330 - 1500 AOB All

30min tea break

1530 - 1630 Wrap up meeting to summarize the outcome for the past 3 days
- follow up action items/tasks
- follow up meeting schedule

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