FortiClient EMS Course Notes

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FortiClient EMS Course Notes

Forticlient (EMS)

ForiClient (FC)
EMS Course FortiGate(FG)

Installation Packages
Forticlient (EMS)
Forticlient (EMS)



Vulenrability Management

Forticlient (EMS)

FortiClient EMS shares device status information through
ZTNA telemetry

FortiClient EMS is the management server that centrally

configures and monitors FortiClient endpoints.

Provisions & Manages FCs

Groups FCs based on ZTNA tagging rules

Forticlient (EMS)

Remote deployment of FC S/W to Windows PCs

Updating endpoint user profiles regardless of location

Administer FC connections (status, accept, block and


Manages and monitors outdated FC version

Forticlient (EMS)


EMS Database


Webfilter Extension

Forticlient (EMS)

Manages FC on endpoints

Manages FC Webfilter in connected Google Chromebook

Forticlient (EMS)

Manages FC Webfilter in c...

Console: manages security profiles, FC and chromebook

Server: secure communication b/w:

Forticlient (EMS)

Server: secure communica...

endpoint and console

chromebook and Google Admin Console

Forticlient (EMS)

EMS Database
Stores security profiles & events

Stores user info. from Google Admin Console for


As part of EMS, SQL server Database is installed

You can backup/Restore with same DB version ONLY

Forticlient (EMS)

You can backup/Restore w...

You must backup / restore DB with password protection

You must wait for restored DB to reload before using it

Forticlient (EMS)

Ensforces security & protection on endpoints

Runs on server, PCs and Laptops

Forticlient (EMS)

Webfilter Extension
Communicates with EMS to enforce web filtering on

You must enable Fortiproxy to use web filter

Can be enabled for on/off-fabric endpoints

You can select site categories from Fortiguard

Forticlient (EMS)

Rate IP address:
Filters URL & resolve IP address at same time and select required action

FC can rate site by URL & IPS separately

Provides additional security by Fortiguard

Configure actions when Fortiguard is unavailable

Forticlient (EMS)

Exclusion List:
Has higher priority than site categories

Can be configured for URL / URL types

Actions available: allow, block and monitor

Forticlient (EMS)

List of all violated Fortiguard categories when actions are

List all exclusion list when action is block only.

Forticlient (EMS)

ZT Telemetry / FC Telemetry

Telemetry Data

ZTNA Server: Defines access proxy VIP and real servers

that client will connect to

ZTNA Rule:
Forticlient (EMS)

ZT Telemetry / FC Telemetry
Shows connectivity b/w FC & EMS

Used to manually connect/disconnect FC to EMS

FC can use gateway to connect FC to EMS using:

ZTNA Telemetry Compliance

Forticlient (EMS)

FC can use gateway to con...

IP Address


Invitation Codes
Forticlient (EMS)

ZTNA Telemetry Compliance

Depends on EMS and FortiOS

To be compliant, you must have all 3:

Forticlient (EMS)

To be compliant, you must...

FC must be 7.0.2+ or 7.2.0

EMS must be 7.2.0

FortiOS must be 7.2.0

No mix is allowed
Forticlient (EMS)

Telemetry Data
This data is sent to EMS

All info are used to understand endpoint workload to better

protect it

It consists of :
Forticlient (EMS)

It consists of :
H/W info (macOS)

S/W info (OS version)

Users Credentials (User name, Avatar, Hostname)

Vulnerability scanning info

Forticlient (EMS)

ZTNA Rule:
It is proxy policy which enforces access control

Applies security profiles to protect traffic

Redirects the client requests to the access proxy

Forticlient (EMS)

ZTNA IP/MAC-based Acces...

Only for on-fabric connection

Does not use access proxy

Uses ZTNA tags for access control

Forticlient (EMS)

Vulenrability Management
An administrator is required to maintain a software vulnerability on the
endpoints, without showing the feature on the FortiClient dashboard. Click the
hide icon on the vulnerability scan tab

Managed by EMS

FC performs VUS on endpoints

One-click to install patches and resolve Vulnerability

Forticlient (EMS)

Prevents Post-Execution Suspicious activities

Detect, Respond and Remediate

Next-Generation AV (Pre-Execution Protection PEP) and

Vulenrability Patch

Application Control to block outdated/unwanted

Forticlient (EMS)

Users Administration
Admin User
Forticlient (EMS)

Admin User
Manages permissions, approvals, discovery and
deployment of FC

Configure user privileges/permissions on all

Windows/LDAP servers/users

Initially, No password for admin

Two types of Admin accounts

Forticlient (EMS)

Two types of Admin accounts

Local admin (EMS)

Windows Users (Local host server)

LDAP Users (AD)

Forticlient (EMS)

Roles of Administrators
Super admin

Standard admin

Endpoint admin

Restricted admin

All roles are derived from 3 categories

Forticlient (EMS)

All roles are derived from ...

Endpoint permissions

Policy permissions

Settings permissions
Forticlient (EMS)

Users Settings
Inactivity timeout (default 30 min)

Inactive/disabled users for days can be activated by super


Max. password age: Time to change password(only built in

users & EMS)
Forticlient (EMS)

Fabric Devices
Shows authorized FGs in FSF

You can either authorize/deny

Only if EMS is part of FSF

Devices Roles:
Forticlient (EMS)

Devices Roles:
Device identity & trust are integrated to ZTNA

Identity is established via client certificate

Trust is established b/w the following:

Forticlient (EMS)

Trust is established b/w th...

FC: provides endpoint info: ( device info, login users,
security posture

EMS: Issue & sign FC certificate and sync it to FG using

tagging rules for FC

FG: sync FC info with EMS

Forticlient (EMS)

FG: sync FC info with EMS

When FC device info changes, EMS updates FG

WAD daemon uses device info to process ZTNA traffic

Forticlient (EMS)

EMS Operation Modes:

Stand-alone Mode:

EMS Integrated Mode with Security Fabric

Forticlient (EMS)

Stand-alone Mode:
EMS provisions endpoints

Endpoints connect ZT telemetry to EMS to receive

configuration info from EMS as policies

EMS sends ZTNA tagging rules to FCs

EMS uses results to dynamically group endpoints in EMS

Forticlient (EMS)

EMS Integrated Mode with ...

FC ZTNA telemetry connects to EMS to receive
configuration info as part of endpoints polciies

EMS connects to FG to participate in FSF & send

endpoints info to FG

FCs receive device certificate from EMS to encrypt and

tunnel TCP/HTTPS traffic via HTTPS to FG (FG version
Forticlient (EMS)

FG uses EMS dynamic end...

Build dynamic FG policies (ver. 7.0.2+)

Adjust policies based on these dynamic groups

Forticlient (EMS)

EMS Settings:
Shared EMS Settings:

EMS Settings:

Endpoints Settings:

EMS Server Certificate:

EMS Custom Messages:

Forticlient (EMS)

Shared EMS Settings:

Hostname, IP, FQDN, Remote Hostname/ports, Management IP, pre-
defined hostname, endpoint control, web server,ZTNA certificate

Shared among all endpoints

Default port for EMS remote access is TCP 443

Forticlient (EMS)

EMS Settings:
Howendpoints connect to EMS

Listen port, FC download URL, enforce user verification, login banner

Default listening port for telemetry is 8013

Default listening port for Chromebook is 8443

Forticlient (EMS)

Endpoints Settings:
Timeout values:

Telemetry connection key is must

Signature DB updatate

Cloud services: linkedin, google, salesforce, user avatar

If you choose info log type, you will get all types from
Forticlient (EMS)

Timeout values:
Keepalive =60s, offline=5 days, EMS
license=45 days, Delete=30 days,
Deauthrozed user inactivity=30 days
Forticlient (EMS)

EMS Server Certificate:

Default: cannot be deleted or used with other types

Uploaded: comes in .pem, .der, .pkcs12 formats

ACME: Free sSL certificate for ACME protocols

FortiCare: Cannot be deleted, used when renewal of

existing certificate. Preferred than defalut
Forticlient (EMS)

Services use Certificates:

Web server: port 443, 10443, 8015

Endpoint control: port 8013

Chromebook: port 8443

Forticlient (EMS)

Web server certiificate vali...

If certificate is valid, connection is allowed.

If not valid:
Forticlient (EMS)

If not valid:
If action is warn, and user allows connection, FC will
connect to EMS and remember action.

IF action is warn, and the user denies, each time FC will

display warnning message
Forticlient (EMS)

EMS Custom Messages:

Web filter messages:

Add company logo

Only superadmin can enable/disable Features on EMS

Forticlient (EMS)

Web filter messages:

Blacklisted page, blocked page, warning
page, warning FG inaccessible page,
Blocked FG inaccessible page
Forticlient (EMS)

EMS in Multi-Tenancy:


Site Admin:

Site-Level License:
Forticlient (EMS)

Granular access to multiple sites for mutiple admins with
separate endpoints data & config info for each site

Site data is not shared

Up to 500 sites

Fabric connection must use FQDN to connect to EMS

including default site.
Forticlient (EMS)

You must enable "Manage Multiple Customer Site" option

All previuosly created admins become admins for default site

except default admin

Dashboard display:

New site are created from global settings

Forticlient (EMS)

Dashboard display:
Global settings for all sites

Default settings for original instance

Forticlient (EMS)

Site Admin:
Site Admin is a new role for site-level

Can access assigned sites only

No global site access

He is superadmin for his site

Can access site-level license & settings

Forticlient (EMS)

Site-Level License:
ZT license

Next Generation endpoint security

Forticlient (EMS)

EMS High Availability:

Active-Passive mode:

Fail-over Options:
Forticlient (EMS)

Active-Passive mode:
Both primary & secondary servers same remote DB in
separate server

Endpoints connected to primary EMS, when failed,

endpoints go to secondary after promoting sec to prim
Forticlient (EMS)

Fail-over Options:
DNS Round-Robin:

HA Load-Balancer:
Forticlient (EMS)

DNS Round-Robin:
Same Hostname to multiple EMS servers with different IPs

EMS must configure FQDN

Endpoints must point to DNS server with Round-robin

FCEMS service runs on primary EMS server only.

Forticlient (EMS)

HA Load-Balancer:
Uses FG to route traffic to EMS
using VIP, real IPs/Ports, LB,
health check
Forticlient (EMS)

Endpoints Management in EMS:

EMS synchs AD domain workgroups but not back to AD

FC registration happens when FC telemetry connects to EMS IP


Endpoints can be viewed from EMS "Endpoints> All endpoints menu

Endpoints Actions on EMS:

Forticlient (EMS)

Endpoints can be viewed f...

Not installed: # of endpoints do not have FC s/w installed

Not registered: # of endpoints not connected to EMS

Out-of-synch: # out of sync policies

Security risk: # with security risk / compromized

Quarantined: # quarantined endpoints

Forticlient (EMS)

Endpoints Actions on EMS:

AV Vulenrability scan on next telemetry comm.

Patch VUL on FC

Upload log files to EMS

Run diagnose tool on FC and share result with EMS

Quarantine, connect, disconnect, exceclude from

Forticlient (EMS)

For Android, use

invitation codes and...
Invitation code/QR-Code include hostname/ip
(must), port#, connection key for EMS
Forticlient (EMS)

EMS automatically groups ...

Installer ID

IP address

OS platform: Win/macOS...
ForiClient (FC)
ForiClient (FC)
FC Features:

FC General Info:


Quarantined Files in FC:

Quarantine Automation
ForiClient (FC)

FC Features:
FortiClient provides features such as antivirus, web filtering,
firewall, vulnerability scan, and VPN.

Cannot participate in FSF

Connects to EMS to pull policies (in FSF)

Enforce EP compliance & awareness

ForiClient (FC)

Connects to EMS to pull p...


ForiClient (FC)

FC General Info:
Types of AV scanning

FC automatically luanches & connects to EMS after


Manually enter EMS IP address/Invitation code to connect to


FC can remember connection keys

ForiClient (FC)

Types of AV scanning
Quick Scan

Full Scan

Custom Scan
ForiClient (FC)

Quick Scan
Runs the rootkit detection engine to detect & remove

Only scans .exe, .dll and drivers currently running

ForiClient (FC)

Full Scan
Runs the rootkit detection engine to detect & remove

Performs full system scan of all files, .exe,.dll and drivers.

ForiClient (FC)

Performs full system scan ...

Scan removable media if present

Scan network drives

Default is monthly
ForiClient (FC)

Custom Scan
Runs the rootkit detection engine to detect & remove

User <directory> name to enter full path of folder on your

local HDD to scan
ForiClient (FC)

Manually enter EMS IP add...

When instructed to forget IP address, FC does not use it to
automatically rejoin the EMS network

To join another EMS network, you must disconnect from old

EMS to join new EMS or disable FC and un-install
ForiClient (FC)

Malware Protection in FC
Includes AV protection, anti-malware, cloud-based malware protection,
anti-exploit and removable media access

In AV, when botnet protection feature is enabled, FC monitors & compares

network traffic on compromized system with known C&C servers and block

Real-time Protection (RTP) is tightly integrated with Windows to monitor

local/remote files (downloaded, saved, run, copied, renamed, opened, written
to. By default, real-time protection is disabled
ForiClient (FC)

FC automatically disables ...

OS server detected

Exchange server detected

SQL server detected

ForiClient (FC)

Anti-exploit Detection: Sig...

Protects vulnerable endpoints from unknown exploit attacks
and zero-day attacks

Protects from memory-based attacks and drive-by

download attacks
ForiClient (FC)

Network Support
FC supports IPSec & SSL VPN

FC supports MFA with FortiToken

FC allows multiple VPN profiles

FC can connect to EMS before login to Windows AD

ForiClient (FC)

FC supports IPSec & SSL VPN

Can be configured on FC console

Use EMS to proivision VPN config.

ForiClient (FC)

FC allows multiple VPN profiles

Can be basic

Or Advanced
ForiClient (FC)

Or Advanced
Redundant IPSec VPN

Priority based VPN

Supported in both Windows/Mac

ForiClient (FC)

To Connect to VPN, you ne...

VPN Name from FC console

User name/Password

Either Corporate/Personel VPNs

ForiClient (FC)

Application Firewall
ForiClient (FC)

Application Firewall
Uses IPS protocol decoder to detect & analyze apps traffic
even on non-standard ports

Traffic rules, which control apps traffic on FG or EMS based on

categories or application, can be pushed to managed FC

Application F/W settings are read-only on FC console

ForiClient (FC)

Quarantined Files in FC:

Quarantined files on FC are sent to EMS

Allowlisted & restored quarantined files on EMS can be

done on next telemetry

FC console can not restore / delete quarantined files

FortiClient vulnerability scan is a feature that detects and

fixes security issues on the endpoints.
ForiClient (FC)

Quarantine Automation
AS Fabric agent, FC can integrate w/ security fabric
automated responses to contain incidents

Based on IoC verdicts, EMS & FG can automate process of

qurantineing suspicious endpoints

Quarantineing Benefits:

For automation, you need : FG, FAZ, EMS and FC

ForiClient (FC)

AS Fabric agent, FC can in...

Provides endpoints info

Run VA scan & patching

Identify risky endpoints

Provide application inventory

ForiClient (FC)

Quarantineing Benefits:
Containing threats & icnidents

Controlling outbreaks
ForiClient (FC)

Endpoints Deployment on EMS:

EMS 7.2.0 no longer support initial deployment using AD

Instead, you must use the following:

Deployment Package Setup Types

ForiClient (FC)

Instead, you must use the ...




Email with install URL to end users

ForiClient (FC)

MS SCCM Create custom

pacakage (.MSI
ForiClient (FC)

Intune: All platforms

Vmware MD: MacOS only

ForiClient (FC)

Email with install URL to end users

Create custome dep. package on EMS

Create invitation code on EMS

Send email/sms to end user inclduing:

ForiClient (FC)

Send email/sms to end use...

Invitation code

Installer package
ForiClient (FC)

Deployment Package Setup Types

Basic Features

Advanced Features
ForiClient (FC)

Basic Features
ZT Telemetry (enabled by default)

Secure Access Arch. components

Vulnerability Scan

ForiClient (FC)

Advanced Features
AV, Anti-exploit, anti-ransomeware,app
f/w, SSOMA, cloud-based malware
outbreak detection
ForiClient (FC)

Endpoints Profiles:
Assigned/default profiles can not be deleted

Eye-icon feature:

Default profile:

Google Chromebook Profile:

Remote Access Profile:

ForiClient (FC)

Eye-icon feature:
Used for inspecting user traffic without their knowledge

Supports: Remote access, ZTNA destination, Web filter,

VUS, malware protection, Sandbox and Firewall
ForiClient (FC)

Default profile:
Created in EMS during installation

Provide effective level of protection

Applied to any group in EMS

Support Win, macOS, Linux and Chromebook

Applied to groups only

ForiClient (FC)

Google Chromebook Profile:

Support Web filter by categories

Blacklist/Allowlist can be added

Supports safe search:

Only Web filter & system settings tabs available

ForiClient (FC)

Supports safe search:

Blocks in-appropriate or explicit images from search results

Adult Sites

Supports Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines

ForiClient (FC)

Remote Access Profile:

Enable/disable VPN

Supports IPsec/SSL VPN

You can add VPN Tunnel

You can enable//disable option to connect/disconnect

ForiClient (FC)

Web Filter Profile:

From FG/FM to EMS

From XML file to EMS




Provides network & security

Uses verification rules & endpoints info from EMS to dynamically adjust
security policies

When using FM, FG communicates b/w EMS & FM

Firewall policies

Firewall policies
Applies security profiles to protect traffic using ZTNA
Configurations on FG for remote users

The firewall policy matches and redirects client requests to the

access proxy VIP

ZTNA Policies:

ZTNA Policies:
Full ZTNA Policy: Firewall policy matches and redirects
client requests to the access proxy VIP

Simple ZTNA Policy



A privileged access management solution

It's role-based access

Provides audit, security options for privileged users


Use FG as IdP to login to EMS

Only use SAML SSO feature

EMS does not support FortiAuthenticator or any IdP

Allows admin to login to multiple FGs , FMs with single sign on


Use FG as IdP to login to EMS


Central Topic


FAZ IOC Flows:

FortiManager (FM)


Provides network & security

Receives logs & windows host events directly from EMS-connected


Uses logs to run reports.

Receives other FGs data from EMS


FAZ IOC Flows:

When Melicious site are detected, FC sends logs to FAZ

FAZ discovers IOC and notifies FG

FG identifies connected endpoints and notifies EMS

EMS sends quarantine message to endpoints

Endpoint quarantined itself and notifies EMS & FG


FortiManager (FM)

Controls management for managed FGs

Can monitor managed endpoints from multiple FGs



Analyzes new, old unknown, udetected viruses samples

Receives logs & windows host events directly from EMS-

connected endpoints

Sends files once scanned

If is not detected & .exe, it runs in Windows VM and monitored.


AV, App F/W, VPN, Web filter, Updates, VUS scanning logs


You can export/clear logs (.log)

By default, logging is disabled in FM. You must enable it


Emergency: system is unstable

Alert: Immediate action required

Critical: Functionality affected


Information (default)

Logs contain logs & softw...

S/W installed

Sent to EMS & FAZ only first time


You must have :




License with FAZ cloud entitlements


Log Viewer:
View or download EMS logs (.zip

Forensic Analysis:
Requires Forensic Analysis license

Generated Statuses:

Generated Statuses:
Pending: request initiated and waiting to be assigned to

In-progress: analyst is working on it

Complete: Analysis is completed and results shared in .pdf

Failed: Analyst could not connect to endpoint


Analyst needs more info about endpoint

FC EMS admin cancelled request

Installation Packages
FC Installations

EMS Licenses

SASE Licenses
Installation Packages

FC Installations

Using AD GPO

VPN ONLY Installation

FortiPAM/FC Stand-alone
Installation Packages



Installation Packages

/quite: install in quite mode + log

/passive: Un-attended install, slow progress

/norestart : No restart after install

/promptrestart: prompts for restart if needed

/forcerestart: always restart

Installation Packages

Online tool to download s/w and install
Installation Packages

Using AD GPO
GPO is used to install/uninstall

Create OU, GPO to push installation

Create shared folder with permissions to host .MSI & MST


copy .MSI/MST to installation folder

Installation Packages

Upgrade Push from

Schedule upgrade dialog to allow users to upgrade for max of
24 hours with 15 mins window
Installation Packages

VPN ONLY Installation

Freed download for VPN connectivity only

You cannot use with SSOMA

If SSOMA+VPN is needed, you must license for EMS

Installation Packages

FortiPAM/FC Stand-alone
Requires ZTNA tunnel access to PAM server or FortiPAM without EMS

Does not any features of the standard FCPAM

Internet Access is required for EMS server Installation

Minimum of 200 FC (recommended)

Installation Packages

EMS Licenses
Supports Win, macOS, Android, Linux and Chromebook

EMS-License is per-seat: if user logs out for 30 days,

license can be utilized for another user

EPP License

ZTNA License
Installation Packages

EPP License
Full license with all features in FC:
ZTNA, AV, Anti-ransome, CBM,
Application F/W, SI, APT, Sandbox
Installation Packages

ZTNA License
Support fabric agent, telemetry, security
posture via ZTNA tags, remote access,
VUS, Webfilter, threat protection and USB
device control
Installation Packages

Chromebook License
For one user
Installation Packages

EMSE Installation Package...


MS SSQL server 2017 express edition

Apache http server

ClientdownloadPort is 10443

RemoteManagmentPort is 443
Installation Packages

Reasons for Uninstalling EMS

Migrating EMS on-prem to another

There is a conflict with other apps

Performing fresh installation

Installation Packages

Access EMS
https://localhost (locally)

https://FQDN-server-name (remotely)
Installation Packages

Registering to EMS via Invi...

Used to connect FC to EMS

For Linux, IOS, Android, no deplyment package needed

When endpoints do not automatically register to EMS after installation

If SMTP is enabled, you can email invitation codes in bulk or individual

(prefered indvidiual)
Installation Packages

SASE Licenses
Protects on/off campus users when
connected to internet using the same FG
access policies. (Subscription Only)

Security-as-a-Service-Internet Security Access

Deploye via Forticlient SASE

Scaleable cloud based platform

Allows customer to extend FWaaS, IPS, DLP,DNS, SWG,

Sandboxing off-fabric remote access
Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)
Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

Has 4 Editions
Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

Endpoints visibility through telemetry

Ensurce all fabric components have unified view of endpoints for

tracking & awareness, compliance and reporting

Secure remote remote connectivity via

Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

Secure remote remote con...

ZTNA Tagging

Secure VPN Tunnels

Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

Has 4 Editions


Managed Service

Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

An access control method that uses client device identification and
authorization and ZTNA tags to provide role-based access to apps of
on/off fabric users

Granular Access to endpoints

You can configure ZT tags, conditions and policies on EMS

EMS shares ZT tags info with FG using security fabric integration

Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

Device Verification
Verification Rules Criteria

EMS groups endpoints based on ZTNA tags

FG uses groups to create dynamic F/W policies

Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

Verification Rules Criteria


Login Domain

Files present

Registry Keys
Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

ZTNA Destination
ZTNA destination create non-VPN secure encrypted
connection to applications

FC uses FG as HTTPS gateway using digital certificate

from EMS using FC UID

FG is used as local proxy gateway

FG is uses UID to identify endpoints

Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

FG checks and
allow/deny access
If allowed by admin, ZTNA destination
can be configured on FC itself:
Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

If allowed by admin, ZTNA ...

Rule Name

Destination (IP/Port, FQDN)

Proxy gateway (IP/Port)

Mode: default Transparent

Encryption b/w FC/FG

Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

All ZTNA licenses - AV,Anti-malware,Anti-exploit

Cloud malwaredetection,application firewall, software inventory

APT through FC cloud Sandbox

FortiClient comprehensive endpoint protection helps to safeguard

systems from advanced security threats, such as malware.
Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

Managed Service
Initial FC cloud provisioning with customer to setup cloud enviornment

Endpoint onboarding

Security Fabric setup & Integration

Vulnerability monitoring
Forticlient Security Fabric(FSF)

Manages one Google Chromebook user

If more users license is needed, EMS borrows from fabic

agent license
Unified Orgnization Security Policy
Unified Orgnization Security Policy
An organization security policy provides full understanding
view of security policies defined in the organization

Used to manage endpoints seurity for Windows,

Thank you

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