184 Health Informatics

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What is health informatics?

Health informatics, also known as medical informatics,

deals with the methods or devices that are used to
acquire, store, retrieve, and use information in the health
care industry. It includes computers, clinical guidelines,
terminology, and information/communication systems.
A fully developed,
electronic health
informatics system
may save as many as
100,000 lives a year…
lost now due to
medical errors, fraud,
duplication and lack
of knowledge on best
What is health informatics?
Technology is a critical part of the health informatics field.
It enables a health care provider to keep electronic medical
records for billing, scheduling, and research… rather than
the hard copy record-keeping systems.
What is health informatics?
Health informatics helps medical personnel make
healthcare decisions for patients by providing
knowledge and support electronically.
What is health informatics?

Health informatics is a ‘means’

to exchange information. An
electronic entry made by one
faction of the healthcare
community can quickly and
accurately exchange information
with other departments, agencies,
or even the patient.
What is health informatics?
Part of the health informatics overall picture is a system
of medical vocabulary that is universally recognized by
human beings and electronic devices. Medical
vocabularies include names, terms, codes, abbreviations,
and other identifiers.
What is health informatics?
The use of hand-held or portable devices to assist the
healthcare provider with data entry or medical
decision–making is sometimes called ‘mHealth’, and is a
developing technology in the health informatics field.
Where are health informatics used?
There are several sub-divisions of health informatics, each
defining a different setting in which the information,
technology, and methods are used. The first is Clinical
Informatics. It focuses on computer applications for all
types of medical data and knowledge that may be collected,
organized, analyzed, stored , and used in a medical clinic.
Where are health informatics used?
Imaging Informatics,
also known as
Informatics or
Medical Imaging
Informatics, is
another sub-division
of Health
It is the study of how information about and contained within
medical images is retrieved, analyzed, enhanced, and
exchanged within the radiology department and other
departments within the healthcare system. Digitalized images
are widely used in the practices of cardiology, dermatology,
surgery, gastroenterology, obstetrics, oncology, gynecology,
and pathology.
Where are health informatics used?
Consumer Health Informatics is a
branch of health informatics that
has emerged as a method that
helps patients and healthy
consumers use their computers
and telecommunications to better
manage their own health
decisions. Websites are
maintained with information that is
accessible to consumers, in order
to provide them with information
about their conditions, keep their
own personal health records by
using internet tools, and involve
them in the management of their
own health care.
Where are health informatics used?
Public Health Informatics
emphasizes data about
populations rather than
individuals. The Center for
Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) provides national leadership
and coordination with state or
county departments of health in
collecting, storing, and analyzing
data such as: vital statistics (birth
and death records); incidents of
communicable diseases, child
immunization and lead screening
information; evidence of biological
threats; and hospital capacity
information to allow for planning of
responses in case of emergencies.
Where are health informatics used?

Dental Informatics is the understanding, skills and tools that

enable the sharing and use of information to promote oral
health and improve dental practice, research, education, and
management. It encompasses electronic health records,
CAD/CAM technology, diagnostic digital imaging and
administrative information for all dentistry disciplines.
Where are health informatics used?
Translational Research Informatics
analyzes data and applies discoveries
generated during research in the
laboratory and in pre-clinical studies,
to the development of clinical trials
and studies on human beings, their
tissues, specimens, cognitive abilities,
or behaviors.
Where are health informatics used?

Clinical Research Informatics is the key instrument used to

manage a clinical trial. It includes the theory and methods
used to design, conduct and improve clinical research and
disseminate the information generated.
Where are health informatics used?
The goal of Bioinformatics is to increase our understanding
of biological processes. It is the name given to the
mathematical and computing approaches used to
understand biological and molecular biological processes.
Common activities in bioinformatics include mapping and
analyzing DNA and protein sequences, aligning different
DNA and protein sequences to compare them, and creating
and viewing 3-D models of protein structures.
Where are health informatics used?
Veterinary Informatics applies
computer science and
information technology to the
health care of animals.
Where are health informatics used?

Pharmacy Informatics or pharmacoinformatics, is the

application of computers to the storage, retrieval and
analysis of drug and prescription information. Pharmacy
informaticists work with pharmacy information management
systems that help the pharmacist make excellent decisions
about patient drug therapies with respect to, medical
insurance records, drug interactions, as well as prescription
and patient information.
Common careers using health informatics…

The administrative office

assistant is sometimes
called a medical secretary
or medical assistant.
Excellent verbal and non-
verbal communication
skills are critical.
The administrative office assistant may serve in patient
admissions or discharge, or as an office receptionist…
answering the phone, scheduling appointments, and even
collecting deductibles and co-payments. They operate
computers, intercom systems, fax machines, photocopiers,
and paging systems. Professional appearance and
demeanor are important when working with clients.
Common careers using health informatics…

The insurance OR billing and

collections specialists must
collect information from the
client’s medical and financial
records, and file forms to
insurance companies for
services provided.
They must understand policy details and the difference
between the policy holder and dependent, a private insurance
company, an HMO, Medicare and Medicaid, and TRICARE
plans. They must read and understand an explanation of
benefits form (EOB) received back from the insurance
company, bill the clients and/or collect the payment. They
must protect against insurance fraud… misrepresentation of
facts in order to receive undeserved benefits.
Common careers using health informatics…

The Health Information Technician or

Medical Coders analyze patient records
for accuracy and completeness and
assign codes for each medical
procedure performed. They assemble
all forms in chronological order, and
perform data entry.
The medical transcriptionist listens to
dictation from a physician or other health
care provider about the patient’s assessment
and treatment, and keys in exactly what they
have heard to create a hard copy. They must
have excellent knowledge of medical
terminology. These hard copies become part
of the client’s permanent healthcare record.
Common careers using health informatics…
The privacy officer of a
health care facility or
insurance company must
keep their facility in
compliance of rules in the
federal Health Insurance
Portability and
Accountability Act… HIPAA.
They respect the patient’s
right to inspect, amend, and
restrict access to protected
health information. They deal
with confidentiality consent
forms. They train staff
members in privacy issues.
Preparing for a career in health informatics in
high school…
Business classes are important
for most aspects of health
informatics. Learn keyboarding
and software applications for data
entry and spreadsheets. Select
courses appropriate for your area of
interest, such as accounting
classes for billing and insurance
specialties, web design for
Math and science classes
consumer health, business
are important for digital
management for office workers
imaging and research.
and managers.
Anatomy & Physiology and Scientific Nutrition will help with
medical terminology. English skills are needed for written and
verbal communication. Human Development helps with
understanding human relationships, or ‘people skills’.

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