14 July
14 July
14 July
14 July 2020
Issues to be addressed, questions to be answered
1. Why we need THz for beyond 5G
THz spectrum usage and properties Spectrum definition
Terahertz waves are electromagnetic waves whose frequency range from 100 GHz to 10 THz, their
wavelengths are between 30 µm and 3 mm.
2014-2020 ++
1897 Graphene and
Nobel Prize in Physics HyperSurfaces
First research attributed to A.Geim & applications for
activities by K. Novoselov. integrated
Rubens in Graphene- communication systems
1897 material enabled and Internet of Nano
EM Things (IoNT)
1990-2000 2017-2020
Europe : Fraunhofer, H2020 and other
CNRS, CEA investigate Collaborative
THz bands projects
Terahertz spectrum usage and properties
THz absorption
Source [NDR,2016]
2. Current THz Projects
THz Projects around the world Academic Players
Six from the H2020 call ICT-09-2017 “Networking research beyond 5G” form an unofficial
cluster “Horizon 2020 ICT-09-2017 cluster”
• TERRANOVA (end december 2019)
with one from EU-Japan cooperation
• ThoR (end June 2021) -
2 closed
• TWIST (03/2015 to 02/2016)
• TWEETHER (01/2015-09/2018)
ANR project
• BRAVE (end september 2020)
H2020 EU call
3. Telecommunication cases
THz Uses Cases and Services THz applications within 6G
Inter/intra-chip communication
Drone-based communications Kiosk downloading Fixed Wireless Access
9 to 12 Gbps 1 Tbps
1 Tbps 200 Gbps
Indoor - <10m
Outdoor -2km Outdoor – 200m
THz radio-communication systems Transceiver description (1)
Different methods of Implementation
Technological locks THz Technological Gap
3. The Graphene capabilities in the THz band : a major physical material invention
for THz communicationsallowing THz waves transport in 2D with Surface Plasmon
Polariton waves
THz radio-communication systems Wish list Graphene based solutions
Integrated Graphene-based transceiver
Fabrication steps
On-chip THz detectors
Beyond 5G => THz =>High loss metals=>metal
substitution esp. in Antennas => Graphene
Graphene patch antenna
Different photonic/plasmonic waveguides
Some Plasmonic Implementation
KIT Scheme
Graphene-based Plasmonic integrated
Conclusions and perspectives
This presentation iprovides an overview of THZ communications and promising research challenges
for macro, micro and nano scale applications for beyond 5G and 6G
Attentions are paid for healthcare, IoNT and Robotics
Graphene would play a major role in the emerging THz technologies
possibilities and challenges
Enlarge added values on beyond 5G and 6G services with large spectrum availability and Multi-band operation
scalable distance ranges
THz fingerprint brings advantages (spectrum, attenuation,…)
Evaluate benefits of meta and hypersurfaces for power efficient deployment topologies
Telecommunications and Medicine
investigate, access and learn about :
o THz Propagation measurements
o Ultra Massive MIMO in THz bands
o Prepare Beyond 5G and 6G
5. THz radio-communication systems
Measurement setup
THz radiocommunication systems THz Fingerprint detection
THz radiocommunication systems THz Fingerprint detection
Michelson interferometer to spectrally analyse THz signals The operational bandwidth of the
interferometer is determined by the
number (N) and height (h) of the lamella
The frequency resolution of a Michelson
interferometer is determined by the
scanning length of the moveable mirror,
and is given by Δf=c/2L, where c is the
speed of light in air and L is the scanning
THz radiocommunication systems
THz Fingerprint detection
THz radio-communication systems Transceiver description (1)
Technological locks THz Technological Gap
3. The Graphene capabilities in the THz band : a major physical material invention
for THz communicationsallowing THz waves transport in 2D with Surface Plasmon
Polariton waves
THz radio-communication systems Wish list Graphene based solutions
All-Plasmonic Solutions
Sources /References (1) Publications
[AHN,2018] Ian F. Akyildiz , Chong Han, Shuai Nie , “Combating the Distance Problem in the Millimeter Wave and Terahertz
Frequency Bands”, IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol 56, Issue 6, June 2018.
[AJ,2016] I. F. Akyildiz and J. M. Jornet, “Realizing Ultra-Massive MIMO (1024x1024) Communication in the (0.06-10) Terahertz Band,”
Nano Commun. Networks J., Elsevier, vol. 8, 2016, pp. 46–54.
[BRA,2018] ANR BRAVE project, – “B5G wireless Tbps Scenarios and Requirements - v1-1”, D1.0 deliverable
[EHA,18] Elayan. H, Amin .O, Shubair. RM, Alouini M-S, “Terahertz Communication: The Opportunities of Wireless Technology
Beyond 5G”, International conference CommNet’18
[FCC_FRO,19] FCC Report and Order, “Spectrum Horizons Report” First Report and Order – ET Docket 18-21, February, 22 2019.
[ITU-R,15] Report ITU-R SM.2352-0 (06/2015), “Technology trends of active services in the frequency range
275-3 000 GHz”
[JA,2011] J. M. Jornet and I. F. Akyildiz, “Channel Modeling and Capacity Analysis of Electromagnetic Wireless Nanonet-works in
the Terahertz Band,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun, vol. 10, no. 10, Oct. 2011, pp. 3211–21
[NDR,2016] T. Nagatsuma, G. Ducournau, C. C. Renaud, “Advances in terahertz communications accelerated by photonics”, Nature
Photonics 10 (2016) 371-379.
[PKM,18] V. Petrov, J. Kokkoniemi, D. Moltchanov, J. Lehtomaki, Y. Koucheryavy, M. Juntti, ‘Last Meter Indoor
Terahertz Wireless Access: Performance Insights and Implementation Roadmap”
[RN,1897] H. Rubens, E. F. Nichols, “Heat Rays Of Great Wave Length” Phys. Rev. (Series I) 4, 314 –January 1897
[REP,2017] S. Rey, J. M. Eckhardt, B. Peng, K. Guan and T. Kürner, "Channel sounding techniques for applications In THz
communications: A first correlation based channel sounder for ultra-wideband dynamic channel measurements at 300 GHz," in
9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), Munich, 2017.
Source/References (2) Publications
[AHN,2018] Ian F. Akyildiz , Chong Han, Shuai Nie , “Combating the Distance Problem in the Millimeter Wave and Terahertz
Frequency Bands”, IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol 56, Issue 6, June 2018.
[AJ,2016] I. F. Akyildiz and J. M. Jornet, “Realizing Ultra-Massive MIMO (1024x1024) Communication in the (0.06-10) Terahertz
[BRA,2018] Nano Commun. Networks J., Elsevier, vol. 8, 2016, pp. 46–54.
[FCC_FRO,19] ANRReport
FCC BRAVEandproject,
Order,– “B5G wireless
“Spectrum Tbps Scenarios
Horizons and Report
Report” First Requirements - v1-1”,
and Order – ETD1.0 deliverable
Docket 18-21, February, 22 2019.
[ITU-R,15] Report ITU-R SM.2352-0 (06/2015), “Technology trends of active services in the frequency range
275-3 000 GHz”
[JA,2011] J. M. Jornet and I. F. Akyildiz, “Channel Modeling and Capacity Analysis of Electromagnetic Wireless Nanonet-works in
the Terahertz Band,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun, vol. 10, no. 10, Oct. 2011, pp. 3211–21
[NDR,2016] T. Nagatsuma, G. Ducournau, C. C. Renaud, “Advances in terahertz communications accelerated by photonics”, Nature
Photonics 10 (2016) 371-379.
[PKM,18] V. Petrov, J. Kokkoniemi, D. Moltchanov, J. Lehtomaki, Y. Koucheryavy, M. Juntti, ‘Last Meter Indoor
Terahertz Wireless Access: Performance Insights and Implementation Roadmap”
[RN,1897] H. Rubens, E. F. Nichols, “Heat Rays Of Great Wave Length” Phys. Rev. (Series I) 4, 314 –January 1897
[EHA,18] Elayan. H, Amin .O, Shubair. RM, Alouini M-S, “Terahertz Communication: The Opportunities of Wireless Technology
Beyond 5G”, International conference CommNet’18
[REP,2017] S. Rey, J. M. Eckhardt, B. Peng, K. Guan and T. Kürner, "Channel sounding techniques for applications In THz
communications: A first correlation based channel sounder for ultra-wideband dynamic channel measurements at 300 GHz," in
9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), Munich, 2017.
Beyond 5G transceivers
based on Graphene
14 July 2020
Arash Mokhtari