4 Topic Outline

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 Bring out your assignment!

When given a writing task, such as an

analysis or review of a book you just
read, how do you organize your
What Makes An Essay Or
Article Easy To Read?
 When ideas flow smoothly from one
paragraph to another, understanding is
easier to achieve. All ideas, therefore,
must be organized properly. One of the
common ways to do this is through
an outline.
 An outline is the skeleton of any written
text. It serves as a guide in organizing your
ideas. Usually, it is done before you write
your piece. It is a tool for reading, too. You
can outline the ideas of a piece of work to
better understand it.
 A topic outline uses words and phrases
to list ideas, while a sentence
outline uses complete sentences to
define the subject matter.
 A topic outline is divided into three levels:
 the headings,
 the subheadings, and
 the sub-subheadings.
 In choosing the headings of your outline, look for
the main ideas in the passage or text. Roman
numerals (e.g., I, II, III…) are used to identify the
headings. For subheadings, get the supporting
ideas that further explain the main ideas. Use
capital letters (e.g., A, B, C…)
 Sub-subheadings are the specific details
or concrete examples of the supporting
ideas. Arabic numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3…) are
used for sub-subheadings. However, sub-
subheadings are only given when
 In
writing a topic outline, use short
words or key phrases only. Also, do
not forget to indent the subheadings
and the sub-subheadings
Chocolate Hills
I. General Description
A. Total number (count)
B. Color
1. Brown in sunny days
2. Leaf green in rainy days
C. Height
II. Origin Stories
A. Two giants hurling rocks
B. Love story of Arogo and Aloya
Remember the following points about topic
 Use short words and phrases only in writing.
 Donot forget to indent the subheadings and
 outline shows you where each idea is
placed, how all of them fit together, and
how each leads to the central idea in a
passage or text. Using an outline makes
reading or writing easier.
topic outline makes use of words
and phrases from passages or texts to
identify main ideas, supporting ideas,
and specific details or examples.
1. Which of the following are the functions of an
a. to organize ideas or information
b. to select appropriate words or phrases
c. to read long passages or texts
d. to write ideas about a given topic
2. What is the topic in the sentence below?
 The circumstances which brought about the Filipino’s adop-
tion of the jeepneys are nearly providential.

a. Jeepneys
b. Adoption
c. Circumstances
d. Filipino
3. In the given paragraph, which among the sentences con-
tains the topic?
a. There are several reasons why so many people attend the
Olympic games or watch them on television.
b. One reason is tradition.
c. People can escape the ordinariness of daily life by attending
or watching the Olympics.
d. National pride is another reason and an athlete’s or a team’s
hard-earned victory.
 There are several reasons why so many people attend the Olympic
games or watch them on television. One reason is tradition. The
name Olympics and the torch and flame remind people of the an-
cient games. People can escape the ordinariness of daily life by at-
tending or watching the Olympics. They like to identify with some-
one else’s individual sacrifice and accomplishment. National pride
is another reason and an athlete’s or a team’s hard-earned victory.
There are national medal counts and people keep track of how many
medals their country’s athletes have won.
4. Which among the choices will complete the topic outline be-
I. _____________________
A. Visiting the National Museum
B. Having a picnic at Luneta Park
C. Watching the sunset at Manila Bay
a. Trip to Manila
b. Amazing Sights of Manila
c. Things to Do in Manila
d. Places to Visit in Manila
5. Which among the choices will complete the topic outline be-
I. Investing in better train system
A. Lessen road decongestion
B. Lessen urban pollution
C. __________________
a. Increase population control
b. Increase passenger safety
c. Increase number of passengers
d. Increase traffic congestion

 Instruction: Read the text below then
complete the three-point outline after
 Fossils
 Fossils are mineralized or
preserved remains or braces of
animals, plants, and other
organisms. Fossils are useful. They
tell the story of the \earth. Changes
of the Earth’s surface may be traced
through them. We can find how the
climate in different parts of the
Earth has changed.
 Fossils are usually formed on hard rocks
and are not easily washed away. Plants,
insects, and bodies of animals are
sometimes buried in layers of sedimentary
rocks. Because of heat and pressure, they
became parts of hardened rocks. Some
skeletons of animals are left on rocks.
 There are different kinds of fossils.
They are preserved bodies or parts of
bodies of plants and animals as well as
 Fossils

 I. Meaning of fossils
 A. ________________________________
 B. ________________________________

 II. How fossils are formed

 A. ________________________________
 B. ________________________________

 III. Kinds of fossils

 A. ________________________________
 B. ________________________________

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