Models of Addiction
Models of Addiction
Models of Addiction
The Moral Model
Sociocultural Model
Psychological Model
Biopsychosocial Model
Has been adopted by certain religious groups as well as by the
legal system
This model explains addiction as a consequence of personal
choice caused by spiritual or character deficiencies (individual
Individuals are viewed as making decisions to use AOD in a
problematic manner & as being capable of making other
Example : drunkness (use of alcohol) is viewed as sinful
behavior in Islam & prohibited but not prohibited by some
religious groups.
In other words, if you believe that alcoholics & addicts are
weak-willd and/or immoral, then you are more likely to try to
solve the problem yourself or hide it.
This model explains addiction can be influenced by an
external factors such as cultural,religious, family, & peer
variables or psychological factors.
This model also defined populations at risk for addiction
in special sociocultural settings:
- in industrial societies
- immigrants & refugees
- poverty & affluence
- child rearing & culture
Adolescence developed as a period of self-doubt &
social anxiety ehnacing social interaction
explain the initiation of heavy AOD use among some
members of this group.
Immigrants & refugees have high rates of substance
abuse following relocation can influence local
When money is insufficent to cover basic needs (drug
dealer etc.) & when money is greater freedom to indulge.
Cultures & families who model & support heavy AOD
use are more likely to have children who develop AOD
Explain addiction can be influenced by psychological
state of individuals.
Primary psychological problem causes emotional pain,
& alcohol and other drugs serve to temporarily relieve
this pain.
For example : a woman was sexually molested by
relative, she does not tell anyone or her story is not
believed, and she does not receive any assistence
will experience anger, guilt, embarrassment, depress, &
anxiety a result of using AOD to relieve thase
uncomfortable feelings
Response to negative emotions
Biopsychosocial Model – sebuah model terbaik dalam
merangka pelan rawatan dan pemulihan.
Dalam ideologi biomedical worldview bagi abad ke 21,
model rawatan perlulah bersifat menyeluruh seiringan
dengan pembangunan teknologi asa kini.
Ia merupakan integrated model yang boleh digunapakai
oleh setiap individu, masalah sosial, & semua jenis
dadah yang diambil
Ia merupakan Kombinasi di antara elemen :-
Biologi ( psychosomatic/ somatic process – An
interaction of mind & body- irrational, stress-related,
stress-induces, subconscious, unconscious)
Psikologi, AND