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 After converting the ER diagram in to table forms, the next

phase is implementing the process of normalization,
 which is a collection of rules each table should satisfy.
 Normalization is a series of steps followed to obtain a
database design that allows for consistent storage and
efficient access of data in a relational database.
 These steps reduce data redundancy and the risk of data
becoming inconsistent.

 One of the best ways to determine what information should

be stored in a database is
 to clarify what questions will be asked of it and
 what data would be included in the answers
 identifying the logical associations between data items and
 designing a database that will represent such associations but
without suffering
1. Insertion Anomalies
2. Deletion Anomalies
3. Modification Anomalies

 Thus, the purpose of normalization is to reduce the chances

for anomalies to occur in a database.
Example of Unnormalized
database table

 Deletion Anomalies
 If employee with ID 16 is deleted then
 every information about skill C++ and
 the type of skill is deleted from the database.
 Then we will not have any information about C++ and its skill type.
 Insertion Anomalies
 What if we have a new employee with a skill Pascal?
 We cannot decide whether Pascal is allowed as a value for skill and
 we have no clue about the type of skill that Pascal should be categorized as.
 Modification Anomalies
 if the address for Helico is changed from Piazza to Mexico?
 We need to look for every occurrence of Helico School_Add from Piazza to
 which is prone to error.
Functional Dependency (FD)

 Before moving to the definition and application of

 it is important to have an understanding of "functional
Data Dependency
 The logical associations between data items that point the
database designer in the direction of a good database design
are referred to as
 determinant or dependent relationships
 Two data items A and B are said to be in a determinant or
dependent relationship if certain values of data item B always
appears with certain values of data item A
Functional Dependency (FD)

 if the existence of something, call it A, implies that B must

exist and have a certain value, then
 we say that "B is functionally dependent on A."
 We also often express this idea by saying that
 "A determines B," or
 "B is a function of A," or
 "A functionally governs B.“
 We ca express this as follows
 "If A, then B."
Functional Dependency (FD)

 The notation is: A→B which is read as;

 B is functionally dependent on A
 In general, a functional dependency is a relationship among
 In relational databases, we can have a determinant that
governs one other attribute or several other attributes.
NB: FDs are derived from the real-world constraints on the
Functional dependency

• Since both Wine type and Fork type are determined by the Dinner type, we say
Wine is functionally dependent on Dinner and
Fork is functionally dependent on Dinner.
Dinner → Wine
Dinner → Fork
Types of dependency

 Partial Dependency
 If an attribute which is not a member of the primary key is
dependent on some part of the primary key (if we have
composite primary key) then
 that attribute is partially functionally dependent on the
primary key.
 Let {A,B} is the Primary Key and C is non key attribute.
 Then if {A, B} →C and B→C or A→C
 Then C is partially functionally dependent on {A, B}
Types of dependency

 Full Dependency
 If an attribute which is not a member of the primary key is
not dependent on some part of the primary key but the
whole key (if we have composite primary key) then
 that attribute is fully functionally dependent on the primary
 Let {A, B} is the Primary Key and C is a non key attribute
 Then if {A, B} →C and B→C and A→C
 Then C Fully functionally dependent on {A, B}
Types of dependency

 Transitive Dependency
 "If A implies B, and
 if also B implies C, then
 A implies C."

 If Mr X is a Human, and if every Human is an Animal, then Mr X
must be an Animal.
 Generalized way of describing transitive dependency is that:
If A functionally governs B, AND
If B functionally governs C
THEN A functionally governs C
 Provided that neither C nor B determines A i.e. (B /→ A and C /→ A)
Types of dependency

In the normal notation:

 {(A→ B) AND (B→ C)} ==> A→C provided that
 B /→ A and
 C /→ A
Steps of Normalization
 We have various levels or steps in normalization called
Normal Forms.
 as we move from one lower level Normal Form to the higher
 The level of complexity, strength of the rule and decomposition
 A table in a relational database is said to be in a certain normal
form if it satisfies certain constraints.
Steps in normalization

 Un-Normalized Form:
 Identify all data elements
 First Normal Form:
 Find the key with which you can find all data
 Second Normal Form:
 Remove part-key dependencies.
 Make all data dependent on the whole key.
 Third Normal Form
 Remove non-key dependencies.
 Make all data dependent on nothing but the key.
 For most practical purposes, databases are considered normalized
if they adhere to third normal form.
First Normal Form (1NF)

 Definition: a table (relation) is in 1NF

 There are no duplicated rows in the table. Unique
 Each cell is single-valued (i.e., there are no repeating
 Entries in a column (attribute, field) are of the same kind.
First Normal Form (1NF)

 We have two ways of achieving atomicity:

 Putting each repeating group into a separate table and
connecting them with a primary key-foreign key relationship
 Moving these repeating groups to a new row by repeating the
common attributes.
 If so then find the key with which you can find all data
First Normal Form (1NF)
First Normal Form (1NF)
 In 1NF:
 Remove all repeating groups.
 Distribute the multi-valued attributes into different rows and
 identify a unique identifier
Second Normal Form (2NF)

 Second Normal form 2NF

 No partial dependency of a non-key attribute on part of the
primary key.
 This will result in a set of relations with a level of Second
Normal Form.
 Any table that is in 1NF and has a single-attribute (i.e., a non-
composite) primary key is automatically in 2NF.
 Definition: a table (relation) is in 2NF
It is in 1NF and
If all non-key attributes are dependent on the entire primary
key. i.e. no partial dependency.
Second Normal Form (2NF)

 Example for 2NF:

• Business rule: Whenever an employee participates in a project,

• he/she will be entitled for an incentive.

• since we don’t have any repeating groups or attributes with multi-valued property.
• This schema is in its 1NF
Second Normal Form (2NF)

 To convert it to a 2NF
 we need to remove all partial dependencies of non-key attributes on
part of the primary key.
 {EmpID, ProjNo}→EmpName, ProjName, ProjLoc, ProjFund,
ProjMangID, Incentive
 But in addition to this we have the following dependencies
 FD1: {EmpID} → EmpName
 FD2: {ProjNo} → ProjName, ProjLoc, ProjFund, ProjMangID
 FD3: {EmpID, ProjNo} → Incentive
 As we can see,
 some non-key attributes are partially dependent on some part of the
primary key.
 This can be witnessed by analyzing FD1 and FD2.
Second Normal Form (2NF)

 Thus, each Functional Dependencies, with their dependent

attributes should be moved to a new relation where the
Determinant will be the Primary Key for each.
Third Normal Form (3NF)

 Third Normal Form (3NF)

 Eliminate Columns Dependent on another non-Primary Key
 Definition: a Table (Relation) is in 3NF
It is in 2NF and
There are no transitive dependencies between a primary key
and non-primary key attributes.
 Example for (3NF)
 Assumption: Students of same batch (same year) live in one
building or dormitory
Third Normal Form (3NF)

• This schema is in its 2NF.

• Let’s take StudID, Year and Dormitary and see the dependencies.
StudID→ Year AND
Year→ Dormitary And
Year cannot determine StudID and
Dormitary cannot determine StudID Then transitively
StudID→ Dormitary
• To convert it to a 3NF
• we need to remove
• all transitive dependencies i.e,. StudID→ Dormitary
• The non-primary key attributes, dependent on each other i.e., Year→
• will be moved to another table and linked with the main table using Candidate Key-
Foreign Key relationship.
Third Normal Form (3NF)

• Generally, even though there are other four additional levels of Normalization, a table
is said to be normalized if it reaches 3NF.
• A database with all tables in the 3NF is said to be Normalized Database.
• Mnemonic for remembering the rationale for normalization up to 3NF could be the
Other Examples on
 Consider this Example:
Other Examples on normalization
Other Examples on
Other Examples on
Other Examples on
Other Examples on
 Generally we can have this

Relational algebra concepts

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