Unit I
Unit I
Unit I
G. Ravindranath,
Asst. Professor, IT, ANITS.
+91 9553703364 1
History of IOT:
An Overview of Internet of things:
Important Features of IOT:
IoT – Advantages
IoT – Disadvantages
Internet of Things Technology
Sources of the IoTs
M2M Communication
Examples OF IoTs
Architecture of Internet of Things(IoT)
Challenges of WSN in IoT
Conclusion 2
The Internet of Things (IOT) is a rapidly expanding technology area that is shaping up to
bring the next revolution in computing and information technologies.
It is an advanced automation and analytics system that exploit networking, sensing, big data,
and artificial intelligence technology to deliver complete system for a product.
The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances,
and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity
which enables these things to connect, collect and exchange data.
Overview of IOT:
IoT Vision
Internet of Things is a vision where things (wearable watches, alarm clocks,
home devices, surrounding objects) become ‘smart’ and function like living
entities by sensing, computing and communicating through embedded devices
which interact with remote objects (servers, clouds, applications, services and
processes) or persons through the Internet or Near-Field Communication (NFC)
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History Of IOT
• In the Year 1997, “The Internet of Things” is the seventh in the series of ITU
Internet Reports originally launched in 1997 under the title “Challenges to the
• 1999, Auto-ID Center founded in MIT
• 2005, Four important technologies of the internet of things was proposed in
WSIS conference.
• 2008, First international conference of internet of things: The IOT 2008 was
held at Zurich.
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IOT Concept
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Features of IOT
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IOT – Advantages
• Technology Optimization
• Reduced Waste
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IOT – Disadvantages
• Security
• Privacy
• Complexity
• Flexibility
• Compliance
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Technology Behind IOT
• Hardware (Arduino Raspberry Pi, Intel Galileo, Intel Edison, ARM mBed, Bosch
Presence Protocol)
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Technology Behind IOT
• Network backbone (IPv4, IPv6, UDP )
• Software (RIoT OS, Contiki OS, Thing square Mist firmware, Eclipse IoT)
Xively, openllAB, AWS IoT, IBM BlueMix, CISCO IoT, IOx and Fog,
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Server-end Technology
• Online platforms
• Devices identification, identity management and their access management
• Data accruing, aggregation, integration, organizing and analyzing
• Use of web applications, services and business processes
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IOT Architectural View by IBM
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IOT Architectural View by ORACLE
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IOT Architectural View by CISCO
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IoT: Architectural Framework
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Virtualization device or systems must be able to simulate and create a virtual copy of the
real world they must also be able to monitor objects existing in the surrounding environment.
Real time capability an IOT device/system need to be able to collect data store or analyse it
and make decisions according to new findings all in real time
Modularity in a dynamic market an iot device ability to adapt to a new market is essential.
In a typical case it would probably take a week for an average company to study the market
and change its production accordingly.
1.Internet of Things: Architecture, Design Principles And Applications, Rajkamal,
McGraw Hill Higher Education
2.Internet of Things, A.Bahgya and V.Madisetti, Univesity Press, 2015
1.Designingthe Internet of Things, Adrian McEwen and Hakim Cassimally, Wiley
2.Getting Started with the Internet of Things CunoPfister , Oreilly
http:// www.thingspeak.com
http:// www.datamation.com
http:// www.nimbit.com
http:// www.iot-toolkit.com
http:// www.sitewhere.org
http:// www.smartliving.io
http:// www.xively.com
http:// www.thethings.io
http:// www.exosite.com
http:// www.m2mlabs.com
http:// www.localmotors.com
http:// www.yogasystems.com
Thanks for your Valuable Time!