Flip Flops New Final

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Introduction to Flip Flops

Sequential Logic: Concept

• Synchronous sequential circuits are digital circuits that use clock signals to determine the
timing of their operations. They are commonly used in digital systems to implement
timers, counters, and memory elements.
• In a synchronous sequential circuit, the state of the circuit changes only on the rising or
falling edge of the clock signal, and all changes in the circuit are synchronized to this
clock. This makes the behavior of the circuit predictable and ensures that all elements of
the circuit change at the same time, preventing race conditions and making the circuit
easier to design and debug.
Sequential Logic: Concept
• Synchronous sequential circuits can be implemented using flip-flops, which are circuits
that store binary values and maintain their state even when the inputs change. The output
of the flip-flops is determined by the current inputs and the previous state stored in the
flip-flops, and the next state is determined by the state transition function, which is a
Boolean function that describes the behavior of the circuit.
• In summary, synchronous sequential circuits are digital circuits that use clock signals to
determine the timing of their operations. They are commonly used in digital systems to
implement timers, counters, and memory elements and are essential components in
digital systems design.
Sequential Logic: Concept

• Sequential Logic circuits remember past inputs and past circuit state.

• Outputs from the system are “fed back” as new inputs.

• The storage elements are circuits that are capable of storing binary
information: memory.
Sequential Logic: Concept
Circuits that we Information Storing
have learned Circuits
so far

Timed “States”
Flip Flops

• A circuit that has two stable states is treated as a flip flop.

• These stable states are used to store binary data that can be changed by applying
varying inputs.
• The flip flops are the fundamental building blocks of the digital system.
• Flip flops and latches are examples of data storage elements.
• In the sequential logical circuit, the flip flop is the basic storage element. The latches and
flip flops are the basic storage elements but different in working.
Flip Flops

• A basic flip-flop can be constructed using four-NAND or four-NOR gates.

• Types of Flip–Flops:

o S-R flip-flop

o J-K flip-flop

o D flip-flop

o T flip-flop
S-R Flip-flop

• This is the simplest flip-flop circuit. It has a set input (S) and a reset input

• When in this circuit when S is set as active, the output Q would be high
and the Q’ will be low.

• If R is set to active, then the output Q is low and the Q’ is high.

• Once the outputs are established, the results of the circuit are maintained
until S or R get changed, or the power is turned off.
S-R Flip-flop
S-R Flip-flop

Truth table of S-R flip-flop

S R Q State
0 0 0 No Change
0 1 0 Reset
1 0 1 Set
1 1 X
State Diagram

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