Flip Flops New Final
Flip Flops New Final
Flip Flops New Final
• Sequential Logic circuits remember past inputs and past circuit state.
• The storage elements are circuits that are capable of storing binary
information: memory.
Sequential Logic: Concept
Circuits that we Information Storing
have learned Circuits
so far
Timed “States”
Flip Flops
• Types of Flip–Flops:
o S-R flip-flop
o J-K flip-flop
o D flip-flop
o T flip-flop
S-R Flip-flop
• This is the simplest flip-flop circuit. It has a set input (S) and a reset input
• When in this circuit when S is set as active, the output Q would be high
and the Q’ will be low.
• Once the outputs are established, the results of the circuit are maintained
until S or R get changed, or the power is turned off.
S-R Flip-flop
S-R Flip-flop
S R Q State
0 0 0 No Change
0 1 0 Reset
1 0 1 Set
1 1 X
State Diagram