Green Healthy Food Presentation 20230918 125613 0000
Green Healthy Food Presentation 20230918 125613 0000
Green Healthy Food Presentation 20230918 125613 0000
Prepare Salads and
What is Salad?
A salad is a dish consisting of mixed ingredients,
frequently vegetables. They are typically served
chilled or at room temperature, though some can
be served warm. Condiments and salad dressings,
which exist in a variety of flavors, are often used
to enhance a salad.
Salads are a personal favorite among many
people. They’re easy to make, they’re
healthy, there are so many different kinds.
But have you ever wondered where salads
How did Salad originate?
Salads first came about way back in the
Ancient Roman period. The first salad
consisted of raw vegetables and was topped
with dressing made of oil and salt. The word
salad got its roots from the word “sal,” which
means “salt” in Latin. The modern version of
the first salad ever has become known today
as the Garden Salad
How did Salad originate?
In the Middle Ages, the experimentation with salads
began. Many salads that were eaten and created during
this era are much like the ones that we have today.
Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment used
in Preparing Salad
Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment used
in Preparing Salad
Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment used
in Preparing Salad
Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment used
in Preparing Salad
Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment used
in Preparing Salad
Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment used
in Preparing Salad
Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment used
in Preparing Salad
Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment used
in Preparing Salad
Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment used
in Preparing Salad
Classifications of Salad
According to Ingredients
Green Salad
It must be fresh, clean, crisp and cold
and well drained. Moisture and air
are necessary to keep greens crisp.
Vegetable, Grain Legumes and
Pasta Salad
These are salads whose main ingredients are
vegetables other than lettuce or other leafy greens.
Starchy items such as grains, pastas and dried
legumes can also form the body of a salad. Raw or
cooked vegetables are usually added to the starch
items to enhance the color, flavor and nutritional
balance of the salad. Protein items such as poultry,
meat, seafood and cheese maybe added to vegetables
and starch salads.
Bound Salad
These are mixture of foods that are held together
or bound with a dressing usually a thick dressing
like mayonnaise. The term bound is most often
used for traditional mixtures of cooked protein,
starch and vegetables items with mayonnaise
like chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad and
potato salad.
Fruit Salad
It contain fruits as their main ingredients,
like appetizer salads or dessert salads.
Composed Salad
These are made by arranging two or more
elements attractively on a plate.They are
called composed because the components are
arranged on the plate rather than being mixed
together. They are elaborate and can be
substantial in size, usually served as main
courses or fruit courses rather than
accompaniments or side dishes.
Gelatin Salad
Most gelatin products are made with
sweetened prepared mixes with artificial color
and flavor. But some professional cook used to
prepare salads using unflavored gelatin relying
on fruit juices and other ingredients for flavor.
Identify the different kitchen tools and utensils in preparing salad. Write
your answer on your 1/4 sheet of paper.
3 4
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L.O. 2
Prepare a Variety of
1. Salad Greens
2. Vegetables (Raw)
- avocado, bean sprouts, broccoli,
cabbage, carrots, cauliflower,
celery, cucumber, mushrooms,
onions, peppers, radish, tomatoes.
3. Vegetables (Cooked,
pickled and canned)
- gelatin, nuts
Guidelines in Making Salads
1. Vegetable, Grain Legumes and
• After cooking, vegetables, must be
Pasta Salad thoroughly drained and chilled
before using.
• Neat, accurate cutting of ingredients is • Starches, pastas and legumes should
important because the shapes of the be cooked until completely tender
vegetables add to eye appeal. but not overcooked.
• Cut vegetable as close as possible to • Vegetable are to sometimes
serving time or they may dry or shrivel marinated or soaked in a seasoned
at the edges. liquid before being made into salad.
• Cooked vegetables to a firm, crisp • Grains and pastas may also be
texture and good color. marinated for a short time.
2. Bound Salad
• Potatoes for salads should be cooked
whole before peeling and cut in order to
• Cooked ingredients must be thoroughly
preserve nutrients.
cooled before being mixed with • Crisp vegetables like celery,green,
mayonnaise and the completed salad
peppers, carrots, chopped pickles,
mixture must be kept chilled at all time.
onions, and water chestnuts are used.
• Leftover such as chicken meat or fish
• Bland ingredients like potatoes and some
which have been handled accroding to
foods maybe marinated in seasoned
the rules of good sanitation and food
liquid such as vinaigrette before being
management can be used for making
mixed with mayonnaise and other
bound salads.
Bound Salad
• Fold in thick dressings gently to avoid
crushing or breaking the main
• Bound salads are portioned using scoop
to give height and shape to the salad.
• For plated salads, serve on a base with
greens and choose attractive, colorful
garnishes when appropriate.
3. Fruit Salad
• Fruit salads are often arranged, mixed • If both vegetables and fruits salads are
or tossed of most fruits that are delicate being prepared, vegetables salad should
and easily broken. be prepared first.
• Broken or less attractive pieces of fruit • Drained canned fruits well before
should be replaced on the bottom of the mixing them in the salad.
salad. • Dressings for fruit salad are usually
• Some fruit discolor when cut and sweet, but fruit juices are used to add
should be dipped into an acid such as tartness.
tart or fruit juice.
4. Composed Salad
• Prepare and season each ingredients separately and
evaluate the flavor and quality.
• Arrangements maybe plated ahead of time and add
delicate ingredients just before serving.
• Flavors and textures of all ingredients should
provide pleasing contrast.
• Observe general concepts of plating and
presentations of output.
5. Gelatin Salad
• To dissolve sweetened, flavored gelatin,
• Observe the correct proportion of gelatin
stir it into boiling water. It will not lump
and liquid. Too much gelatin makes a stiff,
because thegelatin granules are held apart
rubbery product while too little makes a
by sugar granules.
soft product that will not form the desired
• For quick setting, dissolve the gelatin to
half of the volume of liquid and the other
• To dissolve unflavored gelatin, stir it in
half is cold water to lower the
cold liquid to avoid lumping and let it
temperature. For even faster setting, add
stand for 5 minutes to absorb water. Then
crushed ice in an equal volume of cold
heat it until dissolves, or add hot liquid
water, stir until the ice is melted.
and stir until dissolved.
5. Gelatin Salad
-Dip the mold into hot water for 1 – 2 seconds
• Do not add raw pineapple and papaya to
-Quickly moisten tips of the fingers and gently
gelatin salads because these fruits contain
pull gelatin away from edge.
enzymes which dissolves gelatin.
• Refrigerate gelatin salads.
• Canned fruits and other juicy items must
be well drained before adding because
they will watered down the gelatin.
• To unmold gelatin if it is firm.
• -Loosen it by dipping a small pointed knife
in warm water and running the tip of it
around the top edge of the molded gelatin.
Procedure for Quantity Salad
1. Prepare all ingredients. Wash and cut greens, fruits, vegetables, and
garnishes. Prepare cooked vegetables and mix bound and marinated salads.
Have all ingredients chilled.
2. Arrange salad plates on worktables. Line them up on trays for easy transfer
to refrigerator.
3. Place bases on all plates.
4. Arrange body of salad on all plates.
5. Garnish all salads.
6. Refrigerate until serving.
7. Do not add dressing to green salads until serving
Important Factors to consider in Salad
1. Quality of ingredients. Salad is as good as the quality of its ingredients, so you have to
use ingredients that are fresh, ripe and in season.
2. Eye Appeal. It should be attractive, appetizing, creatively presented.
3. Simplicity. Make it simple not overcrowded.
4. Neatness. Keep salad neatly placed in a plate.
5. Contrast and Harmony of colors. Contrast in color for your garnishing can accentuate
the appearance of the salad.
6. Proper food combinations. Choose combination of ingredients carefully. Pineapples
and coconut go well with chicken but not compatible with tuna
7. Foods should be recognizable. Taste of the food that you are using as a base should be
identifiable when you taste the salad. The dressing should dominates the taste.
8. Keep foods properly chilled but not ice-cold.
9. Serve hot foods while hot and cold foods cold.
10. Keep it clean and crispy. This is done by washing greens in large quantity of water
and drain well and removing the green from the water to allow the dirt to settle to the
bottom of the container.
11. Flavorful. Tempting and stimulating if prepared and presented properly.
12. Drain all the ingredients well. Water or excess juices will weaken dressings and will
make your salad look messy.
13. Do not overcook food. Food and ingredients when overcooked eliminates the color
Prepare Variety of Salad
Ingredients of Salad Dressing
Salad dressings are liquid or semi liquids used to
f1avor salads. The flavors of most salad dressings
are not modifed by cooking. The quality depends
directly on the quality of the ingredients used.
Most salad dressings are made primarily of an oil
and an acid with other ingredients added to
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modify the f1avor or texture.
Ingredients of Salad Dressing
Oils – should have mild, sweet f1avor.
Strongly f1avored oil can make excellent
salad dressing but not appropriate with
every food. Examples: corn oil, soybean
oil, canola oil, peanut oil, olive oil, walnut
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2. Vinegar – should have a
good, clean sharp f1avor. Most
salad vinegar are about 5%
acidity, but some range as 7-
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Emulsions in Salad Dressings
OTHER STABILIZERS are used in some
preparations. Cooked dressing uses starch in addition
to eggs. Commercially made dressings maybe use
such emulsifiers as gums, starches and gelatin.
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Fill in the blanks with correct word or group of words. Write your answer on your
1/4 sheet of paper.
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Plated Salad has 4 parts:
• Base or Under liner- A cup-shaped leaves of iceberg or Boston
lettuce make attractive bases. They give height to salad.
• Body –main part of the salad
Dressing may be added at service time, served separately for the customer to add, or mixed
with the ingredients ahead of time.
Guidelines for Arranging
Guidelines for Arranging Salads
6. Keep it simple.
L.O. 4
Store Salads and
Newly Published
A. dentify safety and hygienic practices in storing salad and
B. Keep appetizers in appropriate conditions to maintain its
freshness, quality.
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Safety and Hygienic
Practices in storing Salad
and Dressing
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Safety and hygienic practices in storing salad
and dressing
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Safety and hygienic practices in storing salad
and dressing
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Safety and hygienic practices in storing salad
and dressing
C. Dressing is added
immediately before serving, or
serves it on the side.
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Safety and hygienic practices in storing salad
and dressing
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Principles and practices of
Hygiene in Preparing Salads and
Salad Dressing
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Washing all salad vegetables is important to
ensure food safety.
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1. Prepare a detergent in a bowl of tap water.
Dissolve very well 5g (litter) of powdered or
liquid detergent in 4L (1 gallon) of water.
Make sure there is no undissolved powder.
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2. Soak the vegetable in this solution for
about 1 minute. Ingredients that have to be
peeled should be washed too.
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3. Gently wash vegetables and pay special
attention on to the stems and leaves.
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4. Rinse the vegetables in tap water several
times to ensure that there is no remaining
detergent or soap.
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5. The vegetables may further be
sanitized in a mild solution of potassium
permanganate or hypochlorite by soaking
for about a minute, then rinsing them.
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6. Spin-dry the vegetables in a salad spinner, or
dry by putting them on a clean cloth or
disposable paper. Make sure that the greens are
dry when combining with the dressing because
wet greens will prevent the dressing from
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the leaves.
This makes the dressing very
watery and tasteless and
reduces the crispness of the
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Thank You