Planning For Teaching Learning and Assessment
Planning For Teaching Learning and Assessment
Planning For Teaching Learning and Assessment
Curriculum planning is essential for contextualising curriculum
content and assessment to meet the needs of all students. Effective
curriculum and assessment planning supports:
• High student expectations that are built on differentiation of teaching and
learning for all students in single and multiple year-level contexts.
• Purposeful curriculum and assessment planning ensures that what is taught,
what is learned, what is assessed and what is reported on, is clear and aligned.
Plans are reviewed regularly to inform future planning, teaching, learning and
• Schools and teachers are responsive to the needs, interests and previous
achievements of all learners by providing opportunities to consolidate
previous learning, extend, differentiate for, or support students as appropriate.
The elements should be considered at all levels of curriculum and
assessment planning and can be ued in any sequence. All elements should
be considered when planning to ensure:
• What is taught (curriculum) informs how it is taught (pedagogy), how
and when students are given advice about how to progress (feedback),
how students are assessed (assessment), what next steps are required
(future learning) and how the learning is reported (reporting)
• Feedback is closely linked to assessment, and informs decisions about
how to improve teaching and progress learning
• What is assessed relates directly to what students have had an
opportunity to learn
• What is reported to students, parents/carers and other teachers aligns
with what has been learned and assessed from the intended curriculum.
Professional Conversations
Professional conversations help to
develop a shared understanding of
curriculum and assessment expectations
to support effective planning.
Feedback opportunities are planned for
and embedded within the teaching and
learning process. Feedback provides
students with information to help them
progress towards achieving their
established goals.
- Identify Curriculum
Teachers identify relevant aspects of the achievement standard to assess student
understanding and skills, and the content descriptions, focus elements, and organising
ideas that will support students to develop these understandings and skills.
- Develop Assessment
Assessment provides evidence for teachers to make judgments against the achievement
standards and monitor student progress. To maximise student outcomes, teachers use
ongoing assessment evidence to adjust the teaching and learning sequence.
- Moderate
During moderation processes, teachers engage in professional conversations to share
their observations and judgments about evidence in student work. Schools and
school clusters conduct moderation to improve the consistency, comparability and
defensibility of teacher judgments, to ensure teacher judgments are as valid, reliable
and fair as possible.