Health 4th QTR Lesson 1
Health 4th QTR Lesson 1
Health 4th QTR Lesson 1
Is repeated pattern of
actions that makes a victim
scared, tense, and harassed. It
is when someone frequently
makes phone calls or sends
online messages, follows in
his/her whereabouts.
What should you do if you are being
a. Jot down every incident which includes time, date,
and location. If it happened online , take screenshots
as evidence.
b. Get help from trusted adults like parents,
councelors, police, and friends.
c. File a complaint with yiur barangay officials.
d. Always keep evidence like photos, text messages,
videos, emails, etc.
e. Tell people about the stalking incident.
f. Avoid the person stalking to you and do not
respond to any form of communication.
Is the acquiring of a person’s
property or money against
his/her will. Anyone who
commits this act is called an
extortionist. Extortion is a crime.
When an extortionist is proven
guilty, he/she will be imprisoned.
Bribery and blackmail are the
most abvious type of extortion.
How will you protect yourself from
A gang is a group of
adolescents who band together.
Gang members are mostly
involved in serious youth violence
like extortion, theft, and
robbery, selling drugs, causing to
injuries to their victims, and
even killing.
E. Illegal Fraternity-Related Violence
A fraternity is a group with a
common purpose or interest.
Fraternities are mostly based in colleges
and universities. Most youths join
fraternities for sense of belongingness.
However, becoming a part of a
brotherhood would mean undergoing
physical and mental initiation rites.
These rites include hazing, which is
considered illegal in our country, causing
a lot of injuries and may lead to death.
F. Kidnapping and Abduction
Kidnapping is a criminal
offense that involves taking away a
person by force or fraud and
ransoming him/her from his/her
family for his/her safe release.
A person who is forcefully
taken away will be detained in an
isolated or abandoned area as a
hostage. A person who keeps a
hostage is called a kidnapper.
Abduction is an unlawfull act of
taking or stealing a child from
his/her parent. It is also a means of
destroying a family relationship in
cases where the child’s parents are
divorced or legally separated.
The parent who does not have
custody of the child will often commit
the act. Kidnappers and abductors
may intentionally hurt or injure their
victims just to get what they want.
What are the effects of being
kidnapped and abducted?
a. Fear and anxiety
b. Lack of trust
c. Anger
d. Trauma
e. A feeling of helplessness
H. Acts of Terror
An Act of terror is a criminal act
that aims to instigate a state of fear in
the general public, a group, or a
particular person.
Terrorist groups create terror using
violence, fear, and intimidation, drawing
the attention of the local populace,
government, and the world to their
cause. Their actions usually result in
injuries and deaths.
Domestic violence is a pattern of
abusive behavior of which the purpose
is to control family members, children,
intimate partners, and spouses.
The violence occurs in a domestic
setting or at home, and the abusive
person may be partner, parent,
caregiver, or relative.
This is the reason why this is
called family violence.
Suicide is the act of directly killing
oneself due to severe depression or
other mental illnesses. The main risk
factors for suicide are the following:
Severe depression
Substance abuse disorder
Family history of mental health
Sexual abuse
Medical illness
Most children are victims of sexual
abuse. Sometimes, it was abuse by family
members or close friends.
all children want to be hugged,
kissed, and cuddled to feel that they have
a special relationship with their parents
and other caring adults. Adults who
respond in this way are committing an
act of sexual abuse.
There are several tips on how to protect
yourself and your family from sexual
Sexual abuse
Is sexual behavior such as
gestures, contact, and
inappropriate sexual remarks that
can happen to a person without
his/her consent.
The following are some examples
of sexual abuse:
1. Unwanted kiss or touch
2. Unwanted violent/painful sexual activity
3. Rape or attempted rape
4. Refusal to use methods of birth control (e.g., condoms)
5. Sexual contact with a drunk, drugged, unconscious, or unable
to tell a clear “eyes” or “no” person
6. Threats against someone into doing an unwanted sexual
7. Repeated pressure on someone into sex or to perform sex
8. Repeated sexual insults.
What are the forms of sexual abuse?