SessionPlans - B8f70module 1
SessionPlans - B8f70module 1
SessionPlans - B8f70module 1
•Need for Public Awareness
What is Environment ?
“Everything out side me is Environment”
•Definition 1
Everything which surrounds an individual may collectively be
termed as the Environment.
can be the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is
•Definition 2
The complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate,
soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological
community and ultimately determine its form and survival.
? Hydro Litho
The atmosphere implies the protective blanket of gases,
surrounding the earth:
1. It sustains life on the earth.
Upper Mantel
Outer Core
Inner Core
Misra (1991) has recognized four basic requirements of
environmental management as under:
2. Poverty: India has often been described a rich land with poor people.
The poverty and environmental degradation have a nexus between them.
The vast majority of our people are directly dependent on the nature
resources of the country for their basic needs of food, fuel shelter and
fodder. About 40% of our people are still below the poverty line.
Environment degradation has adversely affected the poor who depend
upon the resources of their immediate surroundings. Thus, the challenge
of poverty and the challenge environment degradation are two facets of
the same challenge. The population growth is essentially a function of
poverty. Because, to the very poor, every child is an earner and helper and
global concerns have little relevance for him.
7. Reorientation of Institutions
The people should be roused to orient institutions, attitudes and infrastructures, to
suit conditions and needs today. The change has to be brought in keeping in view
India’s traditions for resources use managements and education etc. Change
should be brought in education, in attitudes, in administrative procedures and in
institutions. Because it affects way people view technology resources and
8. Reduction of Genetic Diversity
Proper measures to conserve genetic diversity need to be taken. At present
most wild genetic stocks have been disappearing from nature. Wilding
including the Asiatic Lion are facing problem of loss of genetic diversity.
The protected areas network like sanctuaries, national parks, biosphere
reserves are isolating populations. So, they are decreasing changes of one
group breeding with another. Remedial steps are to be taken to check
decreasing genetic diversity.
9. Evil Consequences of Urbanization:
Nearly 27 per cent Indians live in urban areas. Urbanization and
industrialization has given birth to a great number of environmental
problem that need urgent attention. Over 30 percent of urban
Indians live in slums. Out of India’s 3,245 towns and cities, only 21
have partial or full sewerage and treatment facilities. Hence, coping
with rapid urbanization is a major challenge.