Health & Safety at Work Act Etc 1974
Health & Safety at Work Act Etc 1974
Health & Safety at Work Act Etc 1974
Section 2 2.1 General duty to ensure so far as reasonable practicable the health & safety of employees 2.2a Provision & maintenance of safe plant & SSOW 2.2b Safe use, handling, storage and transport of materials 2.2c Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision 2.2d Safe access and regress 2.2e Adequate safe facilities 2.3.3Policy 2.2.4/5 Safety rep Section 3 Public contractor Visitors disclosure of information Section 4 Sharing workplace Section 5 Emission Section 6 Manufacturers
Section 7 Employee duty Section 8 Employees not to interfere Section 9 Charge for PPE
2.2.6Consultation with safety reps 2.2.7Establish committee if requested by 2 reps in writing Section 37 Prosecution of Director / Managers Section 33 Not to obstruct inspector
Whistle Blowing
Employee good faith Prescribed People -Union Safety rep -Employer -H&S advisor -Professional body -HSE Law = The Public Interest Disclosure act 1998 Employees must have reasonable belief of one or more of the following Breach of legal obligation
Whistle Blowing
Prescribed people Employees protected against -loss of job -victimisation Protected disclosure -if job lost, case for unfair dismissal
A criminal offence
Miscarriage of justice
Domino Theory
Event 5 Effect - injury Natural culmination of a series of events leads to a preventable injury occurring Heinrich / Bird Loftus Event 4 Accident Event 3
Domino Theory
Limitations Simplistic straight chain thinking Heinrich model restricts the findings of underlying causes
Compensation Amounts
Compensation Amounts Special known Loss of earnings up to trial Modifications of house Travel expenses Special care Medical costs Legal expenses General not know After care Pain & Suffering Impact upon family life Loss of ability Loss of quality of life Loss of future earnings
Standby systems
Planned preventative maintenance
Setting out clearly the reasons and benefits of the proposed change
Interview person at the scene if possible (props easily available, help memory)
What happened
What did you see What times Where When How Who Not why Interview ASAP after the event
Benefits of OHSAS18001
External regulation e.g.. customer Clearer standard for benchmarking Customer demand
Benefits of OHSAS18001
More prescriptive system
External assessment
International recognition
Reduction in costs Combined audits Less duplicates Same format used Combined information systems
Equal influence
Complex auditing
Multiple causation
Benefits Thorough accident investigation Identification of all underlying causes including effects of managers and management systems Encourages the use of a more systematic accident analysis such as fault tree analysis May be more use than one underlying cause Not only if happens in sequence
Multiple causation
Thorough accident investigation requires all cause to be identified
Failings usually interact with each other causing incident, can be major
Workplace circumstances
Vicarious Liability
Breach of civil law
Cases Lister Vs Romford Ice & Cold Storage Hudson Vs Ridge manufacturing (competent fellow employees)
Vicarious Liability
Defences Volenti non fit injuries Contributory negligence Not acting within scope of employment Not employed No injury or unforeseeable
Tort of negligence committed by employee Negligent act cause injury or loss to third party
Identifies inadequate health and safety management and/or elements of the management system
Shows management commitment through action follow up and feed back Data analysis can show trends and reoccurring issues indicates areas to improve
Design of controls
Easy to use e.g.. Toggles / switches Keep number to minimum A change of system state should only occur after operation of a control
Control design
Arrange of controls in sequence of use
Stop controls should be easy to activate Controls should be kept next to the display that gives the reading of its output
System restarts should only occur after operating a control Labels & shape put to effective use
Design of Displays
Digital for quantative information Emergency displays should be clearly identifiable Direct relation between readout and control
Dials with pointers to convey qualative readings Use of colours to give clear indication of a change in state
Display design
Lights used for status readings
Leadership by managers
Developing strong good safety culture Involvement in reactive monitoring e.g. accident investigation
Number of and time available sufficient for size, risk and risk distribution of the company
Requirement to attend site H&S induction before workers start work on site
Accident data may be small hence not being easy to see trends
Contract must not be to commit a crime An offer from one party & acceptance from another can be verbal or written
Create action plan for improvement
Owner What When Team effort Design stage of process Define scope
Appropriate specialist Engineers Health & safety advisor
Assess impact of deviations No flow Flow Identify possible deviations from normal running Process broken down into sections to analyse
Managers Defined Hazop leader
Absence of competent person to authorise Permit not specific to task Too time consuming
Where technology or knowledge exists must be implemented
Cases Adsett vs K & L steel founders (technology not known, silica dust)
Not as high a duty as Absolute but higher duty than reasonably practicable
Reasonable Practicable
Balance of cost vs risk
One factor must be grossly disproportionate to the other Duty not as strict as Absolute or practicable
Reasonable Practicable
Decision is reached to implement precaution or not after balancing
Cases Edwards vs National coal board (shoring up of roadway) NCB found liable as risk and consequences was greater than cost Marshall Vs Gotham (gypsum mine)
Investigation could provide useful information for evaluating the costs of accidents
Information gathered from investigation can be used to evaluate whether current precautions are adequate, also SSOW and existing risk assessments are they adequate
Accident investigation
Interview all parties involves ASAP, e.g. injured party, witnessess Identify immediate causes/underlying causes
Accident investigation
Identify environmental factors that could have contributed to the accident e.g. poor light, noise, wet conditions Look at any relevant procedures that are in place
Look at training records that may exist for people involved in accident
Examine information objectively i.e with a view to identify the causes Look at job factors involved e.g. distractions
Quality of supervision
Assess human factors that may have been involved e.g. fatigue, stress, alcohol
Take into account any environmental factors that may have exited e.g. noise, light, air condition
Set health and safety targets and create plans for improvement, communicate these plans to all of the workforce
Introduce new improved safety policy's and programmes e.g. behavioural safety programme
Human Failure
Human Failure
Violations deliberate
Slips of action Actions not as planned Steps in wrong order Too soon Too late Too strong Too weak Up rather than down
Lapses Memory Forget to carry out action Lose place in task Example forget to turn something on
Situational Job pressure Time Rule not safe at time Incorrect equipment
Exceptional Emergency situations Something goes wrong Not carry out safely decisions taken, normally due to time wont allow
Rule based Remember rules of familiar procedure Apply wrong rule Apply rules to wrong situation
European Law
Regulations Apply directly in member states Go straight into member law If conflict with National law European prevails Rarely used Directives
Can be applied to all members or individual members Lay down objectives what achievement is required Directives have to be implemented by member states. Can be made by Council or commission Biding upon those they address Main use is to allow a member state to depart from a requirement of a EU treaty
Article 137
Setting of minimum standards of health and safety Harmonisation and improvement of workplace health and safety standards E.g. Frame work directive 6 pack
Power to make regs given to secretary of state by section 15 HSWA Subject matter of reg should fall within schedule 3 of the act
Passed it no vote against Consultation between secretary and HSC and other relevant government bodies must occur
Finally the calculated monetary values are compared and a decision is reached
Cost vs Benefit Analysis as applies to proposed regulation
Cost adjusted for different time scales of implementation and benefits that may occur
Monitoring of contractor health and safety performance Ensure all waste removed controlled