Chapter 10 Control Accounts - 1675244829
Chapter 10 Control Accounts - 1675244829
Chapter 10 Control Accounts - 1675244829
A business keep control accounts to check the arithmetical accuracy on the trade receivables
Contra is a set-off entries in both receivable control account and payable control account when
(6) Explain how a trade receivables ledger control account should be used to verify the balances in
the receivable ledger?
The balance of the trade receivables ledger control account should be the same with the
total of all the balances of the accounts in the receivables ledger. Otherwise, there may be some
(7) Explain two ways in which the trade payables ledger control account can act as an aid to
managing the business.
• Locate errors in payables ledger
• keep a check on its credit suppliers and pay on time.