Aula 8 - Humans and Their Abilities Part 2

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Humans and their abilities
Part 2

2o bimestre – Aula 8
Ensino Fundamental: Anos Finais
Conteúdo Objetivos

● Temático: as habilidades de ● Revisar o modal verb can em
alguns animais e os perguntas e respostas;
superpoderes do cérebro ● Ler e compreender um texto
humano. sobre algumas habilidades de
animais e os superpoderes do
cérebro humano;
● Interagir com os colegas por
meio da enquete elaborada na
aula anterior.
Para começar

1. Think about what you know and what you would like to know about the
superpowers related to the human brain. Then complete the first two
columns of the KWL chart below.

KWL Chart
What I know What I want to know What I have learned
Para começar

2. Match the photos with the activities that humans can do.

a. b. c. d.

e. f.
a. to cook ( ) d. to talk ( )
b. to talk on the phone ( ) e. to read a book ( )
c. to write ( ) f. to play ( )
Para começar

2. Match the photos with the activities that humans can do.

a. b. c. d.

e. f.

a. to cook ( c ) d. to talk ( f )
b. to talk on the phone ( a ) e. to read a book ( b )
c. to write ( d ) f. to play ( e )
Foco no conteúdo

Reading Glossary

Ants: formigas
3. Read the texts below to answer the questions Dolphins: golfinhos
in the next slides. Cheetahs: guepardos
Underground: subterrâneo
Animals abilities and the human brain Without: sem
Store: armazenar
Feel: sentir
Ants Pity: pena
Ants can build complex underground tunnel Anger: raiva
systems. Happiness: alegria

Dolphins The human brain

Dolphins can communicate with each other using
a variety of sounds and gestures.
Human memory can store information and
Cheetahs remember it later.
Cheetahs can run 70 mph.
Humans can feel a great variety of emotions:
Camels pity, anger, happiness, etc.
Camels can go six to seven months without
When we look at a person's face, we can
drinking water.
tell if they are happy, sad, or angry.
Texts produced for this material.
Na prática

Write T (True) or F (False) to the Animals abilities and the human brain
sentences below: Ants can build complex underground tunnel systems.

Dolphins can communicate with each other using a

a. Dolphins can build tunnel systems. ( ) variety of sounds and gestures.

Cheetahs can run 70 mph.

b. Camels can go months without drinking
Camels can go six to seven months without drinking
water. ( ) water.

c. Animals like ants and cheetahs can feel

a great variety of emotions. ( )
The human brain
d. Human memory can store information Human memory can store information and remember it
and remember it later. ( ) later.

e. Humans can identify a person’s feelings Humans can feel a great variety of emotions: pity, anger,
happiness, etc.
when he/she looks at his/her face. ( ) When we look at a person's face, we can tell if they are
happy, sad, or angry.
Na prática

Write T (True) or F (False) to the Animals abilities and the human brain
sentences below: Ants can build complex underground tunnel systems.

Dolphins can communicate with each other using a

variety of sounds and gestures.
a. Dolphins can build tunnel systems. ( F )
Cheetahs can run 70 mph.
b. Camels can go months without drinking
Camels can go six to seven months without drinking
water. ( T ) water

c. Animals like ants and cheetahs can feel

a great variety of emotions. ( F ) The human brain
d. Human memory can store information Human memory can store information and remember it
and remember it later. ( T ) later.

Humans can feel a great variety of emotions: pity, anger,

e. Humans can identify a person’s feelings happiness, etc.

when he/she looks at his/her face. ( T ) When we look at a person's face, we can tell if they are
happy, sad, or angry.
Na prática

4. In pairs, answer the question below.

a. According to the text you read, what are some of the superpowers
related to the human brain?
Na prática

4. In pairs, answer the question below.
a. According to the text you read, what are some of the superpowers
related to the human brain?
● The human brain can store information and remember it later;
● It can make us feel a great variety of emotions, like pity, anger,
happiness, etc.;
● It can identify if a person is happy or sad when we look at
Na prática

5. Complete the third column of the KWL chart below.

KWL Chart
What I know What I want to know What I have learned

Let’s organize a survey?

Last class, you wrote three questions about your classmates’ abilities you
wanted to survey;
Now, you will interview them.
Follow the steps below:
1. Interview your classmates using “Can you...”?;
2. Tick the answer in the appropriate column;
3. Present the results of your survey to the class. What can your
classmates do?
O que aprendemos hoje?

● Revisamos o modal verb can em perguntas
e respostas;
● Lemos e compreendemos um texto sobre
algumas habilidades de animais e os
superpoderes do cérebro humano;
● Interagimos com os colegas por meio da
enquete elaborada na aula anterior.

Slides 4 e 5 –
. Acesso em: 22 fev. 2024.

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