Topic Two - TQ Pioneers New

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Leaders in the Quality Revolution / Quality Gurus

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Edward W. Deming Joseph Juran Philip B. Crosby A. V. Feigenbaum Kaoru Ishikawa Genichi Taguchi

W. Edwards Deming

The Deming philosophy focuses on continual improvements in product and service quality by reducing uncertainty and variability in design, manufacturing, and service processes, driven by the leadership of top management.
Quality management and improvement are responsibility of all the firms employees.

Deming Chain Reaction

Improve quality

Costs decrease
Productivity improves

Increase market share with better quality and lower prices

Stay in business Provide jobs and more jobs

Demings System of Profound Knowledge

Appreciation for a system Understanding variation Theory of knowledge Psychology

Most organizational processes are cross-functional Parts of a system must work together Every system must have a purpose Management must optimize the system as a whole

Many sources of uncontrollable variation exist in any process Excessive variation results in product failures, unhappy customers, and unnecessary costs Statistical methods can be used to identify and quantify variation to help understand it and lead to improvements

Theory of Knowledge
Knowledge is not possible without theory Experience alone does not establish a theory, it only describes Theory shows cause-and-effect relationships that can be used for prediction

People are motivated intrinsically and extrinsically; intrinsic motivation is the most powerful Fear is de-motivating Managers should develop pride and joy in work


Demings 14 Points
1. Create and publish a company mission statement and commit to it. 2. Learn the new philosophy. 3. Understand the purpose of inspection. 4. End business practices driven by price alone. 5. Constantly improve system of production and service. 6. Institute training. 7. Teach and institute leadership. 8. Drive out fear and create trust.

Demings 14 Points (Cont)

9. Optimize team and individual efforts. 10. Eliminate exhortations for work force. 11. Eliminate numerical quotas and M.B.O. - Focus on improvement. 12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship. 13. Encourage education and self-improvement. 14. Take action to accomplish the transformation.

Demings Deadly Diseases

Lack of constancy of purpose. Emphasis on short-term profits. Evaluation of performance, merit rating or annual review. Mobility of management (job hopping). Use of only visible figures.


Joseph M. Juran


Juran proposed a simple definition of quality: fitness for use.

Fitness for use --- 5 major dimensions; quality of design, quality of conformance, availability, safety and field use. Quality should be viewed from both external and internal perspectives Quality is related to: - product performance that results in customer satisfaction - freedom from product deficiencies, which avoids customer dissatisfaction.

Jurans Quality Trilogy

Quality planning - A process that identifies the customers, their requirements, the products and services with the correct attributes and then facilitates the transfer of this knowledge to the producing arm of the organization.


Jurans Quality Trilogy (Cont)

Quality control - The activity operations. of meeting quality goals during

Quality improvement - A process in which the sustaining mechanism is put in place so that the quality can be achieved in a continuous basis.


Philip B. Crosby


Quality is free . . .
Quality is free. Its not a gift, but it is free. What costs money are the unquality things --all the actions that involve not doing jobs right the first time.


Absolutes of Quality Management: Quality means conformance to requirements Problems are functional in nature There is no optimum level of defects Cost of quality is the only useful measurement Zero defects is the only performance standard

Quality Vaccine Improvement:




- The ingredients of vaccine --- integrity, policies, system, communications and operations.
Strategy to administer the vaccine continually: - Determination - Education - Implementation

A.V. Feigenbaum


Three Steps to Quality:

- Quality Leadership, with a strong focus on planning. - Modern Quality Technology, involving the entire work force. - Organizational Commitment, supported by continuous training and motivation.

Hidden factory --- the part of plant capacity wasted due to quality.

Kaoru Ishikawa

Instrumental in developing Japanese quality strategy Influenced participative approaches involving all workers Advocated the use of simple visual tools and statistical techniques

Cause and Effect Diagram

A simple graphical method for presenting a chain of causes and effects and for sorting out causes and organizing relationships between variables. Enables a team to focus on the content of a problem, not on the history of the problem or differing personal interests of team members Creates a snapshot of collective knowledge and consensus of a team; builds support for solutions Focuses the team on causes, not symptoms

Cause and Effect Diagram (Cont)

Main Cause
Cause Cause Cause

Main Cause




Main Cause

Main Cause


Genichi Taguchi
Pioneered a new perspective on quality based on the economic value of being on target and reducing variation and dispelling the traditional view of conformance to specifications:


No Loss
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Two Related Areas in Quality:

Loss Function - Quality of a product is the loss imparted to society from the time the product is shipped --losses cover consumers dissatisfaction, warranty costs, loss of reputation and loss of market share Off-line Quality Control - Optimizing production process and product parameters to minimize item-to-item variations in the product and its performance --- product design


Three Stages of Quality Designing

System design --- basic configuration of the system is developed. Parameter design --- standards are being determined by conforming the factors (i.e. the product and process parameters) optimum level of acceptance against disturbance.

Tolerance design --- use if the system is unsatisfactory -- improving performance by tightening the tolerance.

Find additional info on : Crosbys 14-step to quality improvement Key elements of Ishikawas philosophy Feigenbaums 10 benchmarks for Total Quality success. The Juran method.

End of Topic 2


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