Micro Teaching
Micro Teaching
Micro Teaching
What to Teach”
understand the teaching skill.
understand the concept of Micro-teaching.
understand the principles underlying Micro-
analyse the complex process of teaching into
essential Micro-teaching skills.
understand the procedure of Micro-teaching
for developing teaching skills.
Teaching is not merely imparting knowledge
to students, nor merely giving advice.
Teaching is not passing information to the
Teaching is not sharing one’s own
The best way to understanding the nature of
teaching is establishing a harmonious
relationship between teacher, student and
Teaching is the activity of facilitating
One can become an effective teacher
irrespective of his/her age, gender and
Product of research in Stanford university.
First adopted in 1961 by Dwight W. Allen.
Simplifies complexities of teaching process.
New model for improving teaching, effective
strategy for modification of classroom
behaviour of teachers.
No exact relationship – Content course and
actual teaching.
No organised form of feedback
No adequate guidance for preparation and
practical teaching.
No due attention to various aspects of
practical lesson.
Suggestions offered are general impression.
Acquisition of various skills.
Teaching skills make- good teaching defined,
observed, measured and controlled by means of
Practiced under controlled conditions.
Complexities are reduced
a) Length of lesson-
b) Number of students: 5-10
c) Scope of lesson- (one concept and one skill)
d) Class time: 5-10 minutes
Micro- teaching is a teacher trainer
technique that plays a significant role in
developing teaching skills in student
To use specified teaching skills
To teach a single concept.
To teach for a short time.
To teach a very small number of students.
Teachers education technique
Apply clearly defined coaching technique to
carefully prepare lessons in a planned series.
For a period of 5-10 min and encounters
small group of pupils.
To observe the results.
According to Allen and Eve(1968)“ Micro
teaching is a system of controlled practice
that makes it possible to concentrate on
specified teaching behaviour and to practice
teaching under controlled conditions”.
Assimilate new teaching skills.
Master a number of skills.
Gain Confidence in teaching
1. Teacher Training technique
2. Micro- element
3. Teaching skills and strategies
Pre-Instructional skills
Instructional skills
Post- Instructional skills.
4. Feedback
Oral feedback by supervisors.
Observation schedules filled by peer group
Audio- tape recording
Video- tape recording
4. Refocussing:
It is used in a correct response to
strengthen the response.
Teacher compare one situation to other and
for implication of response to more complex
and novel situations.
It is used in completely correct response for
increasing critical awareness of pupils’. The
pupil justify his response rationally.
Questioning is a very important technique which
every teacher should know thoroughly
Questions are used to help students to recall
facts, exercise their reasoning ability
Questioning is a logical procedure of problem
The teacher encourages the learners to seek
more than one answer for a question
The teacher uses questioning to achieve learning
To assess students understanding
It’s a critical skill that can be used in any subject
and any grade
o Help the students display/test their
Elicit desired information from students
Develop subject matter in the class
Enable students to analyze problems related
to the topic being taught
Enable students to apply their knowledge to
a specific new situation
Help students to evaluate for themselves
their understanding of the concepts
Motivate students to participate in the
teaching learning process
limited to memory level of thinking
merely deal with mode of expression
• Asking appropriate questions
• Few simple questions
Deliberate change in attention, drawing behaviour
of teacher in order to secure and sustain attention
of what is being taught.
Determines liveliness of teacher in classroom.
• Move in class
Movement • To check activities
• Avoid aimless wandering
Change in
Change in tone, volume, speed
• Voice modulation
Direct students attention
towards a point
focussing • Verbal, gestural, verbal cum
Physical In experiments,
involvement dramatization,
of students writing on blackboard
Chalkboard is real asset in class teaching as
it serves to make direct appeal to child's
senses and strengthens the retention.
Its importance is because of –
1) Clarity
2) Motivation
3) Holistic picture
4) Variety
Visual aid of teaching
Clarity in understanding
Reinforcement of idea verbally presented
Primary notes
Date, subject,thoughts, standard, unit and
Adequate spacing between letters
Writing in straight line
Gramatically correct writing
Sequence of points
Use of color chalk
Use of duster, geometrical aids.
LEGIBILITY – To ensure that a clear
distinction is make between every letter,
adequate space is maintained between
individual letters and words.
to that point.
1. Highly individualised teacher training
2. Systematic and objective observation.
3. Developing teaching efficiency
4. Acquiring various types of skills
5. Reduces complexities of real classroom
6. Training device for improving teaching
7. Develops confidence among teachers.
8. Practiced either in real classroom
conditions or simulated conditions
9. Effective feedback device