Did Usp Lecture 5
Did Usp Lecture 5
Did Usp Lecture 5
A. Pereira
PRI 5058
Lecture 5
• What is neoliberalism and what are its
• Through what mechanisms did
neoliberalism become a globally dominant
ideology and set of practices?
• What is the record of neoliberal approaches
to development?
• Is the era of neoliberal dominance over?
• Examples
• Origins
• Emergence
• Diffusion
• Ideas and practice – strengths and
• Decline?
• Conclusion
Examples of neoliberal policies
• ?
Some examples
• Privatisation of SOEs and state infrastructure
(airports, roads, railways, ports, etc.)
• Liberalisation of capital markets
• The “flexibilisation” of labour markets
• The privatisation of state pensions
• School vouchers
Other features of neoliberal
• Reductions in the fiscal deficit (cut spending, increase
revenues, or both – in practice, often meant cuts in spending
and investment, reductions in state salaries and personnel, and
elimination of state functions)
• De-regulation (or more accurately, re-regulation)
• Reductions in tariffs, quotas, capital controls, and other
impediments to trade and investment (economic “opening”)
• Privatisation of state-owned enterprises
• An increase in exports and facilitation of debt repayment
• Decentralisation of some state functions
• Reduction of tax burdens
Neoliberalism as theory
• Representative theorists: Friedrich von Hayek; Milton
Friedman; Sebastian Edwards. [Note: they would consider
themselves neoclassical economists or libertarians.]
• Major influences: neo-classical economics and the Austrian
School of economics.
• The market as “natural” and in need of protection by a
strong rule of law and a minimalist, but effective state (see
Hayek on the rule of law)
• State intervention distorts market incentives and usually
makes social outcomes worse. The cost of nonmarket
allocation of resources usually outweighs the benefits. State
failure and “rent-seeking” by states is a bigger problem than
market failure.
• Most states should be “rolled back”, with many of their
functions replaced by markets.
Alternative theoretical positions
• New institutional economics (Coase, North, Williamson,
• Markets are imperfect more often than neoliberals allow, and are
marked by information asymmetries and transaction costs.
• Effective institutions (both state and non-state) are needed to lower
transaction costs and facilitate market transactions – institutions such
as judicial systems, property rights regimes, regulatory agencies,
central banks, insurance, etc.
• Neostructuralists/neo-Keynesians (neo-developmentalists;
i.e. Ha-Joon Chang, Paul Krugman, L.C. Bresser-Pereira)
• Developing economies differ fundamentally from advanced capitalist
• Significant state activity is needed to overcome market imperfections-
more activity than advocated by new institutionalists.
• Elements of the desarollista or import-substitution industrialization
(ISI) model were more effective than neoliberals claim
• (Also versions of what we have studied so far: Marxism,
dependency theory, post-development, etc.)
• F. von Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (1944).
• 1945-71: a period of embedded liberalism in the world
economy (state mediated capitalism with strong labor
rights, curbs on capital mobility, welfare rights, Keynesian
demand management and some degree of state planning).
• “Stagflation” challenged the Keynesian orthodoxy.
• The oil shock of 1973-4 put “petrodollars” into the world
economy, and by borrowing these many developing
countries sustained ISI during the 1970s.
• The Pinochet reforms in the 1970s were an experiment in
neoliberal reform.
• Chinese economic reforms under Deng
Xiaoping beginning in 1978
• The second oil shock of 1979
• US interest rates rise
• Thatcher elected in the UK in 1979
• Reagan elected in the US in 1980
• The 1980s: a debt crisis in much of the
developing world, in which capital flows
were from developing to the developed
Neoliberal reform in Latin America in the
1980s and 1990s
•Africa: IMF structural adjustment policies
•India: liberalization beginning in the 1990s
•East Asia: the crash of 1997
•Neoliberalism as an arm of US foreign
policy: `free markets + democracy’
Diffusion: the Washington
The “Washington Consensus” described by
Williamson (1989) included:
• Fiscal discipline
• Reduction of subsidies and investment in
infrastructure, education and health
• Tax reform (lower marginal rates and broader base)
• Interest rates that are market determined
• Exchange rates that are market determined
• Liberalization of trade and investment
• Legal security for property rights
• Privatization of SOEs
The rise of Japan: a
developmental state?
The role of the IFIs
• World Development Report: Trade and
Industrialization (1987)
• The Japanese government reacts
• The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth
and Public Policy (1993)
• World Development Report: The State in a
Changing World (1997)
Theory, prescription, practice
• Understanding the difference between neoliberalism as
theory, prescription, and practice helps unlock the current
• Neoliberals argue that the reforms’ disappointing results
have more to do with incomplete and/or distorted
implementation of the policies, and that the policies and
the theory behind them are still fundamentally sound.
• Critics argue that the last three decades of reform show
that both the theory and the prescriptions have been tried
and have been shown to be inadequate.
• There are now many critics in the advanced capitalist
countries, who attack neoliberalism for undermining
national cohesion.
The Politics of Neoliberal
• World Bank’s first SAP (1979).
• IMF and World Bank promote economic
liberalisation (not contemplated in Bretton
Woods accords) by attaching conditions to
new lending (“conditionality”). The region
most directly affected: Latin America,
followed by Sub-Saharan Africa.
Neoliberals raised the question of the
optimal mix of state strength and scope
Low scope high strength High scope high strength