Week 2. Analyzing Culture

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Analyzing Culture

Dr. Kurnia Ningsih. M.A


 You already understood that every culture influenced the language people used,
 Your tribes, ethnicity, nationality and your first language may all be different .
e.g You are originally Minangkabau (ethnicity Malay))but You are born in German,
Your first language German and Minang, Nationality may German and your culture mix
or Hybridity ( Minang and German)
 Liling is chinese, born and grow up in Beijing, speaks Mandarin. At the age of 10,
her family moves to canada, livess there, speak two languages and becomes
citizen. Then She married Canadian / French Canadian. Their children speak English
fluently, live with Canadian style, dress, food and behaviour.
 The children are interested in Chinese, French cultures but they see themselve as
Eastern and Western

 Indonesian Culture influenced by geographical. Different area, island

geographically. ( Minang, Batak, Papua, Jawa, Makasar) etc
 Indonesian culture share with another country in South Asia.
 English Speaking Culture originally from Britain , refers to the way of life of
 English is found in many countries in the world as a result of colonization and
Globalization. The language most people use from different countries to
communicate is English. Though some of them use French, or German.
 However each countries is also influenced by their own cultures. Such as Intonation,
 Eg; Malaysian English, Singaporean, Philiphine, Thailand, Myanmar, Japan, Korean.
Indonesian Culture

 Indonesian is Eastern Culture. This is totally different.

 The greeting, terms of address ( ibu, bapak, mbak, Mas, kakak, Abang, tante ,om. Nenek ,
kakek. Miss, Mam, Sir) using topics for small talk, way of asking question are really different.
 The way to open conversation and ending it are different.
 All language in the world is used based on the social-cultural context.
 Culture is both abstract and concrete ( visible or tangible and Invisible and
 But all the members of the culture hold it.
 Thus Culture here is:
It is a way of life and an understanding about life for a particular group of people. It is
complex, complete, organised, learn uncounciously controled by beliefs and values.
It meets the need and constanly change.
The function of CCU
 Itis not for going to abroad ( as What Students
think most of the time)
 Itis to help you in using English for
communication .
 Whatever you learn in CCU, it relates to the use
of language , no matter you go abroad or just stay
in your country, city ,town even in your own
village, but as long as you use English you
indirecty involve in a culture.
Greeting in Indonesian

 Let”s say the way Indonesian people give Greeting:

 Assalamua’laikum wr wb (Muslim)
 Salam sejahtera (Non Muslim)
 Om Swastyastu ( Hindu)
 Om awignam astu namosidham ( Bali)
 Namo Buddhayana
 Salam kebajikan

 Penutup biasanya:
 WassalamualaikumWr WB
 Semoga Tuhan memberkati
 Om Shantih shantih shantih Om
 Namo Buddhaya
 Salam kebajikan

 Semua ini dipengaruhi oleh agama yang dianut nya dan

sudah membudaya mereka ucapkan
Selamat pagii : bu,bapak, Dokter, Irma . Meira ( using terms of address)
Apakabar pak /ibu. Mas, Mba,etc
Kulo nuwonn ( kalau berkunjung)

Sekarang greeting ( during Pandemic) : Sehat ibu/ bapak? Etc Alhamdulillah.

Good Morning ( no terms of addres)

Gutten Morgen (German)

Good Day ( Australia any time for people you know or not)

Swadikaap ( Thailand)

Sudah makan ? ( Chinese)

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