Chapter 3

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◉ ATTENDANCE-leaders check your
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our faces
◉ WAIT-use the raise hand reaction to ask
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Learning Objectives
◉analyze data obtained from research
◉formulate findings based on the
analysis of data from research

◉Game PIN: 02743737
◉(Max. 50 players)
Statement of the Problem
The main objective of the study was to assess the level of awareness and
attitude of Education students of NEUST on Global Warming. Specifically, it
sought to answer the following queries: 1. How may the demographic profile
of the respondents be described in terms of: 1.1 Age, 1.2 Gender, 1.3 Field
of Specialization, 1.4 Year Level, 1.5 Place of Residence, 1.6 Number of
Professionals in the Family, 1.7 Educational Attainment of Parents; and 1.8
Occupation of Parents? 2. How may the respondent‘s level of awareness on
Global Warming be described? 3. How may the respondent‘s attitude on
Global Warming be assessed? 4. Is there any significant relationship
between the demographic profile and the level of awareness and attitude of
the respondents on global warming? 5. Is there a significant relationship
between the level of awareness and attitude of the respondents towards
global warming? 6. Is there any significant difference in the level of
awareness of the respondents on global warming when grouped according
to field of specialization?
Hypotheses of the Study
This research was guided by the following hypotheses:
1. There is no significant relationship between the
demographic profiles of the respondents and their level of
awareness and attitude on global warming.
2. There is no significant relationship between the level of
awareness and attitude of the respondents on global
3. There is no significant difference in the level of awareness
of the respondents on global warming when grouped
according to field of specialization

Chapter 3

◉ Data presented in tables, charts,
graphs and other figures.
◉ Findings of the study
◉ Contextual analysis of data

Sample Introduction
◉This chapter presents the data gathered in
an organized and comprehensive manner
with the end view of answering the specific
problems stated in Chapter I. In particular,
the data are presented in tabular form and
substantiated by analysis and
Table 2 shows the demographic profile
of the respondents based on frequency
and percentage.

Table 2 shows the distribution of the
respondents‘ demographic profile according
to their age, gender, field of specialization,
year level, number of professionals in the
family, place of residence, mother‘s and
father‘s occupation, mother‘s and father‘s
educational attainment.
Age of the Respondents
As can be seen from the table, out of 232 respondents, there were 34 or
14.66% respondents whose age bracket is from 15 to 16, 131 or 56.47%
respondents whose age was ranging from 17 to 18, while the ages 19
and above, there were 67 or 28.88% respondents who participated in
the study. The number revealed that greatest number of respondents
came from age that ranges from 17-18. There is a right age for every
school year level. Since the population of 1st and 2nd year college
education students was larger than in 3rd year, this simply means that
their age was in accordance with their year level.

◉ Gender of the Respondents
◉ Field of Specialization of the Respondents
◉ Year Level of the Respondents
◉ Number of Professionals in the Family of the Respondents
◉ Place of Residence of the Respondents
◉ Educational Attainment of the Parents of the Respondents
◉ Occupation of the Parents of the Respondents

2. How may the respondent‘s level
of awareness on Global Warming
be described?
Table 3 shows the respondent‘s awareness on
global warming based on twenty-five
statements as well as its resulted weighted
mean and equivalent verbal description.
Table 3. Respondent‘s awareness on
global warming


The student‘s awareness toward global warming was reflected in Table
2. Of the twenty-five items listed, items 6,12,13,14 and 17 received
‗strong awareness‘. Item 6 which denotes, ―Most of the electricity used
in houses is used by the lights‖ which means that lights consumed most
of the energy in houses and that respondents awareness that it largely
influence on global warming is seen. Another item generates strong
awareness, Item 12 which states, ―We can only reduce global warming
by protecting forests and planting trees‖ gained a weighted mean of
3.54, this indicates that students recognize that protecting our forests
from illegal loggers, kaingin, and planting trees gives of oxygen which
helps regulate Earth‘s temperature.

3. How may the respondent‘s
attitude on Global Warming be
Table 4 shows the respondent‘s attitude on
global warming based on the ten statements
listed with the computed weighted mean and
its corresponding verbal description.

Table 4 contains ten statements to assess respondent‘s attitude
towards global warming. It can be gleaned from the table that all the
ten items listed were rated as ―moderate extent‖ except in Item 7 that
rates as ―great extent‖. Item 7 which states "Turn off electronic
devices when you are moving out for a couple of days or more‖ and
has earned a weighted mean of 3.39. It only shows students have
responsibility to check all electronic devices when going out for two
days or more before leaving the house. Students are trained to always
leave the house with off electronic device so it will not consume
electric and can saved energy that helps lessen the effect on global

4. Is there any significant relationship between the
demographic profile and the level of awareness and attitude of
the respondents on global warming?

Table 5.1 shows the significant relationship between the respondents‘
demographic profile and their awareness on global warming. As to
age, when the observed and expected frequencies were subjected to
the chi-square test of independence, an x2 value of 2.43 was obtained
which is less than the criterion value of 12.59 at 6 degrees of freedom at
0.5 level of significance. Hence, the chi-square value is not significant;
consequently, the raised null hypothesis which is, ―There is no
significant relationship between the age and awareness on global
warming‖ was accepted. This implies that the age does not influence
the awareness of a person anent global warming because they are
exposed to the issue about global warming.

The result is different from the finding of Broas (2014) as she stated that
older high school students had a higher level of awareness while those
younger high school students had low level of global warming
awareness. Moreover, in the study of Aminrad et. al. (2011) where the
results of their study revealed that there was statistical significance on
the influence of age on overall environmental awareness for all the three
levels of Education groups (Bs, Ms and PhD). Result showed that
increasing in age and levels of education have effect on increasing of
environmental awareness and attitude. Patchen (2006) mentioned a
large-scale survey on environmental issues where the oldest (55 and
older) were more aware than youngest people (15-24) that the youngest
ones were not making any effort or concern to take care of the
environment because it did not have any impacts to them
The null hypothesis, ―There is no significant relationship between the
gender of the respondents and their awareness on global warming‖
was also accepted as the 2.32 value of chi-square is less than the
criterion value of 7.82. It indicates that gender does not influence the
awareness of the respondents on global warming. This is because
regardless of the respondents‘ gender, if they are observant, they will
be aware of what happens in their environment. The finding was the
same with Olatumile (2013) and Broas (2014) where gender has no
significant relationship with environmental awareness. On the other
hand, according to Patchen (2006), men tend to be better informed
about environmental change matters.

5. Is there a significant relationship between
the level of awareness and attitude of the
respondents towards global warming?

Table 5.2 shows the significant relationship between the respondents‘ demographic
profile and their awareness on global warming. With regard to age, when the
observed and expected frequencies were subjected to the chi-square test of
independence, an x2 value of 2.80 was obtained which is less than the criterion value
of 12.59 at 6 degrees of freedom at 0.5 level of significance. Hence, the chi-square
value is not significant; consequently, the raised null hypothesis was accepted.
Therefore, the age of the respondents does not influence their attitude towards global
warming. It implies that regardless of the age, if the respondents are aware of global
warming and if they are concerned with the place they are living, their actions on
minimizing the rate of global warming is not being influenced. In contrary, another
study revealed that age influences the environmental behavior of a person. Older
people tend to act to support the environment more than do younger people. A survey
from American national, older people were more likely than younger ones to support
a series of actions that counter global warming. Older people are not generally better
informed on environmental matters. However, older persons tend to be more worried
about environmental problems than are younger people (Patchen,2006).
Table 7 shows the relationship between the respondent‘s
awareness and attitude towards global warming. As can be seen
from the table, the relationship was significant as the chi-square
value of 29.28 is higher than the critical value of 16.92, so the
null hypothesis of no significant relationship was rejected. Hence,
the awareness of the respondents on global warming
significantly influences their attitude towards the issue. It means
that, as the respondents become aware of their environment and
global warming, they become cautious and tend to care for the
environment by thinking of ways on how they can minimize the
rate of the global warming. Sometimes, there is a great tendency
for someone to think of ways on how he can solve a problem. No
one can ever resolve a certain problem if he/she has no idea
about it. 33
6. Is there any significant difference in the level of awareness
of the respondents on global warming when grouped
according to field of specialization?

The computed F-value obtained is 3141.5. This value was
greater than the F-Tabular value of 3.00 with df + 2,229 at
0.05 level of significance. Thus, the computed F-value is
significant at 0.05 or 5% level of confidence. This means
that there are significant differences in the awareness of
the respondents on global warming when grouped
according to their field of specialization. Hence, the null
hypothesis is rejected. The result only means that every
field of specialization has different perception towards
global warming.

◉ Compile all the parts on your research paper‘s
Chapter 3 including tables and graphs,
interpretation of findings, conclusions and
recommendations. Apply all the necessary
◉ Send your adviser soft copy of your required final
output as soon as you are done with it. Wait for
your adviser to send you back your output for
possible feedbacks. Follow the table of contents.

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