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2350347111 Herawati Cahaya Putri

2350347112 Viona Listya Putri Widodo

2350347113 Siti Karmilah

2350347131 Sharon Abigail


Dinda Nur Fadhila


Nia Sunianingsih

Ade Haebah Ulul Azmi

The vagina is a muculomembranous tube formation, which extends
from the cervical part of the uterus to the vestibulum, which is the
gap between the labia minora towards the opening of the vagina and
urethra. The base of the vagina surrounds the cervical part of the
uterus. The anterior and the anterior and posterior walls of the
vagina are usually so close together that they appear to be attached,
except at the end of the superior vagina which is separated by the
cervical portion of the uterus.
The vagina has the following functions:
a. as a channel for menstrual fluid
b. to form the inferior part of the birth canal
c. as a place for the penis and the process of ejaculation during the
process of intercourse.
d. Connects with the canalis cervicalis in the superior parte.
Bordering the vestibule in the inferior part.
Uterus is the organ in the lower body of a woman where offspring are conceived and in which
they gestate before birth.
The uterus, uterus (in medical language), womb, or tian is the main female reproductive organ
in most mammals, including humans. One end is the cervix, opening into the vagina, and the other, wider
end, considered the body of the uterus, is connected on both sides with the Fallopian tube. The uterus occurs
in various shapes and sizes in different organisms. In humans it is pear-shaped and the size of a chicken egg.
Some organisms such as cats and pigs, as well as other types of carnivores have a bipartite uterus.
The uterus is placed in the pelvis and is dorsal (and usually somewhat cranial) to the bladder
and ventral to the rectum. The uterus is held in place by several ligaments. Outside of pregnancy, the
midline measurement is a few centimeters. The uterus consists mostly of muscle. The deepest, permanent
layer of tissue is called the endometrium. In most mammals, including humans, the endometrium creates a
lining at certain times which, if no pregnancy occurs, is shed or reabsorbed.
The uterus is divided into 2 parts, namely: Corpus uteri (body), Cervix uteri
The wall of the uterine body consists of 3 layers: Perimetrium,
Myometrium, Endometrium
3. Uterine (fallopian) tubes
The parts of the uterine tube include the pars interstitalis, ithamus, ampulla,
andinfundibulum, and is equipped with fimbria. One of the fimbria is very longuntil
it approaches the ovary. In fact, through contraction of the smooth muscles inInside,
these fimbria can reach the ovary.In the tubes there are also typical ciliated (hairy)
cells, which are always presentvibrates in a certain direction of movement. The
movement or vibration of these hairs or feathersaims to channel the egg or products
of conception to the uterus. Absence of orDamage to these cilia will make the egg
cell unable to move properlyperfect so that it can cause a woman to experience
infertility (nocan conceive).The normal function of the uterine tube is to deliver the
ovum fromovary to uterus. Also provides a place for fertilization.
The ovaries are small, oval-shaped glands located on either side of your
uterus. They produce and store your eggs (also called ovum) and make
hormones that control your menstrual cycle and pregnancy. During
ovulation, one of your ovaries releases an egg. If a sperm fertilizes this egg,
you can become pregnant. Your ovaries continue to release an egg each
menstrual cycle until you reach menopause. During menopause, your
ovaries stop releasing eggs. Sometimes your ovaries can release more than
one egg (this can result in a multiple pregnancy).
Each of your ovaries has thousands of ovarian follicles. Ovarian follicles are
small sacs in the ovaries that hold immature eggs. Each month, between
days six and 14 of your menstrual cycle, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
causes follicles in one of your ovaries to mature. At about day 14 in the
menstrual cycle, a sudden surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) causes the
ovary to release an egg (ovulation).The egg begins its travel through a
narrow, hollow structure called the fallopian tube to the uterus. As the egg
travels through the fallopian tube, the level of progesterone rises, which
helps prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy.

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