Personality Development in The Workplace

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Personality Development

Being an Effective Team Member in the Workplace

Prepared and presented by:

Kristyn Abegail L. Datu

Development Management Officer III

Office of the Commandant

Philippine Coast Guard

s. 2024
Program of Activities

• Introduction • Lunch • Group Activity

• Discussion • Presentation • Discussion

• Break • Discussion • Commitment

• Group Activity • Break Workshop

Specific Learning Objectives
1. Utilize effective communication techniques to enhance teamwork, stakeholder
interactions, and conflict resolution within the organization.

2. Project a positive image both in-person and online, aligning with the

organizational values and enhancing personal and organizational reputation.

3. Build resilience to navigate challenging situations effectively, maintaining high

performance and well-being in their roles within the Philippine Coast Guard.
Two Truths and a Lie
10 pts: In your own words, what is PERSONALITY?
Personality -

the enduring characteristics and behavior that

comprise a person's unique adjustment to life,
including major traits, interests, drives, values,
self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns
(American Psychological Association, 2022).
Determinants of Personality

Heredity Environment Situation

10 pts: Name three (3) of your characteristics that you think is influenced by:

Genes/Heredity Environment Situation

Personality Development in
the Workplace
Definition of Personality Development
Importance of Personality Development

grooms an reduces stress helps you develop

individual and and conflicts a positive attitude

helps him make a in life.

mark of his/her

Importance (cont’d...)

helps develop not makes an inculcate helps develop an

only your outer individual positive impressive

but also inner self. disciplined qualities like personality and

punctuality, and makes you stand

so on. out.
Personality Development Tips
Tips to Develop Your Personality

Smile a lot Leave your ego behind

Think positive Avoid backbiting

Dress sensibly Help others

Be soft-spoken Be a patient listener

Character refers to the sum of an individual’s qualities and
characteristics which differentiate him/her from others (Management
Study Guide, n.d.).

Honesty Leadership

Trust Courage

Patience Integrity
Am I r e a l l y How much am I
i t h m y
happy w contributing to the
m a n c e ? organization?
Stand Up: Stand up if one of these characters speaks to your personality.

Observant Creative Spontaneous

Ambitious Independent Analytical

Humorous Open-minded Assertive

Curious Logical Confident

Share with us an example of one of these traits.

Recap: Personality development plays an essential role in reducing stress
and conflicts not only at the workplace but also at homes and our personal
lives (Management Study Guide, n.d.).

Smile Do not backstab

Every problem has a
solution. Do not spread baseless
Health Break
Group Activity 1 (20 minutes):

On a piece of paper, show your appreciation of

the first topic - personality development in the
workplace - through a drawing, relate your
learnings to your day-to-day life at work, and
present it to the group.
Personality Types
Personality Types

The Duty Fulfille The Protector


The Mechanic The Idealist

The Nurturer The Scientist

The Artist The Doer

The Duty Fulfiller (ISTJ)

• Serious individuals
• Honesty and peaceful living
• Good and responsible citizens
• Extremely hard working
• Find it difficult to say NO
The Mechanic (ISTP)

• Inclined towards machinery

• Why and how things function
• Practical application > theories
• Extremely adventurous
• Strong logical reasoning
• Value freedom and autonomy
The Nurturer (ISFJ)

• Big-hearted
• Others’ happiness is more important
• Optimistic
• Brings out the best in others
The Artist (ISFP)

• Eye for natural beauty and creativity

• Cool-headed
• Have their own style
The Protector (ISFJ)

• Very rare personality type

• Best system to get things done
• Often irrational
• Finds problems in every situation
• Don’t trust easily
• Only believe in themselves
The Idealist (INFP)

• “Mediator”
• Have strong set of values and ethics
• Helping others = Happiness
• Want to make the world a better place
The Scientist (INTJ)

• Careful, strategic, long-range thinkers

• Ambitious, self-confident
• Good observers
• Extremely intelligent
• Very sharp, analytical mind
• Expects others to be like them
The Doer (ESTP)

• Energetic
• Problem-solvers
• Quick to act, wants immediate results
• Learn by doing than reading
• Flexible and resourceful
• Dislikes rules and seek ways to improve things
Personality Types in the Workplace

The Guardian The Giver

The Performer The Executive

The Inspirer
The Guardian (ISFJ)

• Hardworking
• Humble
• Caring towards others
• Naturally quiet, but enjoys being around
small groups
• Highly observant
• Great listeners
The Performer (ESFP)

• Spontaneous
• Energetic and enthusiastic people
• Life is never boring around them
• Can sense what’s appropriate
• Truly enjoys the simplest things
The Inspirer (ENFP)

• Warmly enthusiastic
• High-spirited
• Ingenious, imaginative
• Able to do almost anything that interest them
• Quick with a solution, ready to help anyone
• Relies on their ability to improvise instead of
preparing in advance
The Giver (ENFJ)

• People-focused individuals
• Extroverted
• Idealistic
• Charismatic
• Outspoken
• Highly principled and ethical
• Usually know how to connect with others no
matter their background or personality.
The Executive (ESTJ)

• Dedicated to seeing things to completion

• Strong-willed
• Direct and honest
• Loyal, patient, reliable
• Enjoys creating order
• Excellent organizers
Group Activity 2 (30 minutes):

Take the free MBTI test online and group

yourselves according to your individual results.
Come up with a SWOT Analysis of your
personality traits and present it in front.
Health Break
Traits of a Successful
Desirable Personality Traits of a Manager

Always be with your team. Leave your ego behind.

Carry yourself well. Be flexible. Be realistic.

Be honest and fully Respect your team members.


Be punctual.
Communication Skills and
Personality Development
Effective communication skills play a crucial role in honing one’s
personality (Management Study Guide, n.d.).

Helps convince others Body language

Better and impressive personality Proper pronunciation

Strengthen bond Listen effectively

Say what you mean

1. Negative: "I can't believe you made that mistake again."

2. Negative: "You never listen to my ideas."

3. Negative: "This report is full of errors."

4. Negative: "Stop complaining about your workload."

5. Negative: "You're always late for meetings."

6. Negative: "Why haven't you completed your tasks yet?"

7. Negative: "You messed up the patrol schedule again."

8. Negative: "That's not how we do things around here."

9. Negative: "I can't believe you forgot to notify the team about the

10. Negative: "This equipment is always malfunctioning."

Health Break
Personality Development and
Organizational Success
DISC Personality Test
Individual Presentation

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