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P R O & C O N C H A RT

Direction: Get your English notebook and

answer this task “Survey of What You
Know.” Write only the letter of your
P R O & C O N C H A RT
P R O & C O N C H A RT
P R O & C O N C H A RT
P R O & C O N C H A RT
P R O & C O N C H A RT
The learners will do the walkthrough of the lesson; at the end you are expected to:

01 02 03
Identify the key
Summarize an Express self-
structural elements
argumentative essay impressions of pros and
of an argumentative cons regarding
using an outline;
text; common issues in the
Identifying Key
Elements and
Language Features of
an TA T I
V E Te x t s
English 10

Watch and analyze this video and

answer the processing questions that

TA S K 3 – V I E W I N G
P R O & C O N C H A RT


1.What is the video all about? 2. Based on the given statement

that cellphone should be banned in
the classroom, as a student what is
your stand about the certain issue?
P R O & C O N C H A RT

Directions: Fill in the Pro & Con T – Chart.

Read and analyze the statements posted on
the board then identify whether the
statement is under the Pro or Con.

TA S K 4 – F I L L M E !
P R O & C O N C H A RT
1.Cellphones distract students from learning if they send
messages or play games in class.
2.Cellphones can easily be turned off and kept out of sight.
3.Students could use cellphones to cheat on tests.
4.High school students are not children and cellphones are
important in an emergency.
5.Cellphones might ring in class and disturbed the teacher.
6.Cellphones are useful tool it can be used as a dictionary or to
make memos.

1. Cellphones distract students 1. Cellphones can easily be turned off

from learning if they send and kept out of sight.
messages or play games in

2. High school students are not

2. Cellphones might ring in class
children and cellphones are important
and disturbed the teacher.
in an emergency.

3. Students could use 3. Cellphones are useful tool it can be

cellphones to cheat on tests. used as a dictionary or to make
If you are to choose, which argument are you going to take side?
Pro or Con?

Statement of Position:

1. What do you think the quotation trying to imply to its reader?

2. Based on that quotation, how are you going to defend yourself in
A rg u m e n t a t i v e e s s a y

According to Clanza, Capin et al. n. d. it is a

type of essay that presents arguments about both
sides of an issue. It could be that both sides are
presented equally balanced, or it could be one side
is presented more forcefully than the other.
A rg u m e n t a t i v e E s s a y Wr i t i n g

Your job is to make the reader agree with your

opinion about a controversial topic. You have to:
(1) State your opinion,
(2) Give reasons to support your opinion, and
(3) Argue against the opposite opinion.
Overall, you must convince the audience that your side
of the argument is correct. To convince the audience, your
essay must be balanced - it must include your viewpoint and
opposing viewpoint, or counterargument.
Even though you are arguing only one side of an issue,
you must think about what the other side would say about
your opinion. After the counterargument, you must refute by
showing that it is wrong. If your essay is balanced, a reader
is more like to agree with you.
INTRODUCTION Paragraph Hook Connecting/ Background
Information Main Idea
1 Statement/Thesis statement

B Paragraph Support 1 (first reason)

O 2  Explanation, detail, explanation
D  Explanation, detail, explanation

Paragraph Support 2 (second reason)

3  Explanation, detail, explanation
 Explanation, detail, explanation

Paragraph Support 3 (third reason)

4  Explanation, detail, explanation
 Explanation, detail, explanation

Paragraph Opposite Side

5  Counterargument 1
 Refutation (ATTACK)

 Counterargument 2
 Refutation (ATTACK)

CONCLUSION Paragraph Repeat your thesis statement in

6 different words
Suggestion/Opinion/Prediction for
the future.
Connect Me!
Ta s k 5 M a t c h i n g Ty p e

Direction: Match the words in column A to its

definitions that can be found in column B.

To help us understand the concepts of an

Argumentative Text, here are some terms commonly
used in this lesson:
Hook - It is a part of an essay that disproves the
opposing arguments.
Thesis Statement - A sentence which clearly presents the main idea
of your essay.
Argument/Claim - A claim that has logic and facts.
Counterargument/Counterclaim - A sentence that gets the reader’s attention.
Refutation - It is an argument opposing the thesis statement.
• Hook – A sentence that gets the reader’s attention.
• Thesis Statement – A sentence which clearly presents the
main idea of your essay.
• Argument/Claim – A claim that has logic and facts.
• Counterargument/Counterclaim – Is an argument opposing
the thesis statement.
• Refutation – It is a part of an essay that disproves the
opposing arguments
Ta s k 6 – S u m I t U p !
Directions: Read the following argumentative essay about “The
School Uniform Question”.

Direction: You have two options for this activity. Choose one that
suits your interest and ability. Be guided by the given rubric, for
each option and be prepared to present your work. Explain how
and why you have arrived at such decision. Convince your
readers that your decision is the best, for you.
Ta s k 5 – S u m I t U p !
Group I. News Reporters
Directions: Identify the parts of the Argumentative
Essay by answering the following questions. After
you identify, discuss your work to the class in the
manner of News Reporting.
Ta s k 5 – S u m I t U p !
Group II. Artists
Directions: Using the essay “The School Uniform
Question”, fill in the following activity. After
accomplishing the activity present your work through
dramatization showing the advantages and
disadvantages of wearing school uniform.
Criteria 1 2 3 4 TOTAL
Voice was loud and Student spoke clearly Voice and language Could not understand what
but it was difficult to was not very clear; was
VOICE understand some of the could’ve been much being said due to unclear
script; could’ve louder. and low speech.
been louder.
Good use of stage and Almost used entire Could have used more Needed more blocking—
movement—did not stage—turned away of the stage; must always face audience and
BLOCKING turn back from audience concentrate on facing use the stage!
to audience only once or twice. forward.
Enticing vivid detail Script/dialogue was Some detail used in Script/dialogue contained
SCRIPT/ used in script/dialogue; well written; script/dialogue; needed no purpose and very little
PURPOSE evident reasons for the Considerable detail more of a purpose. detail.
performance with good purpose
Great use of gestures, Contained some facial Needed more facial Contained little to no Facial
FACIAL facial expression, gestures & expressions gestures & expression, gesture or
EXPRESSION/ expression and body body movement movement movement.
BODY movement!
OVERALL Committed, cooperated Semi committed, Almost committed, No commitment,
& concentrated WOW! concentrated & cooperative & cooperation or
cooperative GREAT concentrated NOT concentration MORE
Ta s k 6 – T E L L M E
M O R E !
Directions: Below is a statement of position (thesis
statement). Complete the Pro & Con T-Chart by writing
two ideas supporting, and another two against the

Thesis Statement:
Teenagers Should Experience Failures to Succeed
Ta s k 7 – T E L L M E
M O R E !
Choose three major reasons that supported your stand
about the certain topic.
A. _________________________________
B. _________________________________
C. ______________________________
What I have learned?
Complete the statement below.
P l a n n i n g Yo u r A r g u m e n t a t i v e
E s s a yFollow the steps below to develop ideas for an argument essay.
1. First, choose any suggested topic inside the box and thesis statement that you
want to write about. Remember that the topic must have more than one point of
view to qualify as an argument.
Essay Topic: _______________________________
Thesis Statement: ____________________________

2. Now brainstorm ideas about your topic. Fill out the Pro & Con T-Chart with
as many ideas as you can.
Topics for Argument
Banning cigarettes Banning violent video games
Requiring school Using animals for medical
uniforms research
Mandating military Requiring a test for people
service who want children
Lowering the drinking Banning cell phones in schools
age to 18
Getting rid of zoos Requiring a year of study

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.
Additional Activities for Application or

Directions: Read the Argumentative text

“Room at the Top” and complete the
outline that follows.
Additional Activities for Application or

I. Introduction (Paragraph 1)
A. Hook: “There is plenty of room at the top.”
B. Thesis Statement: _______________________
II. Body
A. First Reason (Paragraph 2)
1. Self-confidence as a great factor in obtaining success
2. ____________________________________
Additional Activities for Application or
R e m e d i a t i o n
C. Third Reason (Paragraph 4)
1. Some people may say that hard work and faith are useless.
2. ____________________________
D. Counterargument (Paragraph 5)
1. Counterargument #1 ___________________
Refutation (attack)______________________________
2. Counterargument #2 Why did I have to be the one who got hit?
Refutation (attack) Instead he gets up and gets back into the game, he gets
a name for being a good sport.
3. Conclusion (Paragraph 6)
Additional Activities for Application or

A. Restated Thesis: ___________

B. Opinion/Suggestion/Prediction: ______

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