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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Diagnosis: References:
OCD is diagnosed using the criteria set forth Wang, H., 2020, October. Research on the Causes and
by the NICE Guidelines for OCD. A doctor Treatment of OCD. In Proceedings of the 2020
will perform a psychological examination Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
and ask questions to access the patients Healthcare (pp. 188-193)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder distinguished by its
thoughts and feelings. They may also Parmet, S. (2011) “Obsessive-compulsive disorder,”
obsessions (intrusive thoughts) that cause stress and anxiety and the compulsions interview family members to gain a greater JAMA, 305(18), p. 1926. Available at:
(repetitive actions) taken to relieve that stress. (Wang, H., 2020) understanding of the patients behaviour. A https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.305.18.1926.
blood test may also be conducted to Abramowitz, J.S., Taylor, S. and McKay, D. (2009)
Treatment: eliminate thyroid problems and substance “Obsessive-compulsive disorder,” The Lancet,
• Cognitive behavioural therapy; Involves exposure and response prevention (ERP) and abuse as a cause. Stein, D.J. et al. (2019) 374(9688), pp. 491–499
cognitive therapy. (Parmet, S., 2011). Fontenelle, L.F. et al. (2011) “Role of stressful and
• Aetiology: traumatic life events in obsessive–compulsive
Medications; SSRI’s are used to treat OCD although about half of OCD patients do
The exact cause of OCD is not holistically disorder,” Neuropsychiatry, 1(1), pp. 61–69.
not respond. (Kellner, M. 2010)
understood, it is thought to be multifactorial Bream, V. et al. (2017) Cognitive behaviour therapy for
Prevention: obsessive-compulsive disorder. Oxford: Oxford
in origin and associated with;
• There is not much research into the prevention of OCD. (Brakoulias et al., 2017) • Imbalances of the neurochemicals; University Press.
• Limited options for OCD caused by biological factors. (Brakoulias et al., 2017) Serotonin, dopamine and glutamate in Stein, D.J. et al. (2019) “Obsessive–compulsive
• Stratergies for OCD caused by enviromental factors include removing the patient the brain can present in OCD. (Parmet, disorder,” Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 5(1).
from the enviroment. (Brakoulias et al., 2017) S., 2011). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41572-019-
• You are more likely to develop OCD if 0102-3. .
Epidemiology: other members of your family has it, Pavone, P. et al. (2021) “SARS-COV-2 related paediatric
• OCD is very prevalent, the condition affects 12 in every 1000 people from all ages, this is possibly because of shared acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome,” The Lancet
gender and social background. (Rachman & Silva, 2009) genes. (Abramowitz, J.S., Taylor, S. and Child & Adolescent Health, 5(6).
• McKay, D. 2009). 45 – 65% of OCD Kellner, M. (2010) “Obsessive-compulsive spectrum
Research suggests OCD may be slightly more prevalent in women, but this could also
cases can be attributed to genetic disorders,” Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 12(2),
be due to men being less likely to report OCD behaviour. (Rachman & Silva, 2009)
factors. pp. 187–197.
• OCD is common among all ages but is most prevalent among young adults. Brakoulias, V., Perkes, I.E. and Tsalamanios, E. (2017) “A
• Stressful life events or environment is
(Rachman & Silva, 2009) often reported by patients with OCD call for prevention and early intervention in obsessive-
before the onset of symptoms. compulsive disorder,” Early Intervention in Psychiatry,
Prognosis: (Fontenelle, L.F. et al. 2011) 12(4), pp. 572–577.
• Untreated remission rates • Cognitive causes are also considered, Rachman, S.J. and Silva, P.D. (2009) Obsessive-
among adults are approximately such as misinterpreting ones thoughts. compulsive disorder. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
20%. With CBT there is (Bream, V, et al. 2017) Sasson Y, et al (1997); Epidemiology of obsessive-
improvement in 60-80% of • In children symptoms of OCD can compulsive disorder: A world view, The Journal of
people. Patients taking SSRIs appear after an infection of, Group A clinical psychiatry. U.S. National Library of Medicine.
were twice as likely to have a Figure 1 (above) shows the prevalence of OCD streptococcal infections, lyme disease Grant, J.E. (2014) “Obsessive–compulsive disorder,”
and the H1N1 flu virus, this occurrence New England Journal of Medicine, 371(7), pp. 646–653.
response as patients taking a across different sites, demonstrating OCD as a
is known as PANS. (Pavone et al., 2021)
placebo. (Grant, 2014) global problem. (Sasson Y, Et al, 1997)
Tegan Swann // 2210981

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