Vocab For The Topic (Page 84)
Vocab For The Topic (Page 84)
Vocab For The Topic (Page 84)
(page 84)
a person who takes part in a
sport or other activity for
enjoyment, not as a job:
Amateur (n) a person who
takes part in a sport or other
activity for enjoyment, not as
a job:
- The tournament is open to
both amateurs and
a light narrow boat which you
move along in the water with
a paddle
Canoe (n) a light narrow boat
which you move along in the
water with a paddle
[C] a large area of land,
usually without exact limits or
Region: [C] a large area of
land, usually without exact
limits or borders:
- the Arctic / tropical / desert,
etc. regions
very surprising, especially in a
way that makes you feel pleasure
or admiration SYN astounding,
Amazing (adj.) very surprising,
especially in a way that makes you
feel pleasure or admiration SYN
astounding, incredible:
- An amazing achievement /
discovery / success / performance.
- That’s amazing, isn’t it?
to keep holding sth/sb:
To hold on (to sth/sb) | hold onto
sth/sb []
to keep hold ing sth/sb:
- Hold on and don’t let go until I
say so.
- He held onto the back of the
chair to stop himself from
the money that you spend on sth:
Expense: the money that you spend
on sth:
- The garden was transformed at
great expense.
(noun) an arrangement by which
money spent by sb while they are at
work is later paid back to them by
their employer; a record of money
spent in this way
Expense account (noun) an
arrangement by which money spent
by sb while they are at work is later
paid back to them by their
employer; a record of money spent
in this way
(BrE also unauthorised) (adj)
without official permission:
OPP authorized
Unauthorized (BrE also
unauthorised) (adj) without
official permission:
- No access for unauthorized
OPP authorized
the amount of money that sb
asks for goods and services:
Charge (for sth) (n)
the amount of money that sb
asks for goods and services:
- We have to make a small
charge for refreshments.
- Admission charges.
- Delivery is free of charge.
to officially agree to a plan,
request, etc.:
To approve: to officially agree
to a plan, request, etc.:
- The committee unanimously
approved the plan.
1. earlier than sb/sth:
2. further advanced than sb/sth;
in front of sb, for example in a
race or competition:
Ahead of (preposition)
1. earlier than sb/sth:
- I finished several days ahead of
the deadline
2. further advanced than sb/sth;
in front of sb, for example in a
race or competition:
- His ideas were way ahead of his
a very heavy fall of snow,
usually with a strong wind
Snowstorm (n) a very heavy
fall of snow, usually with a
strong wind
covered with ice:
Icy (n) covered with ice:
- icy roads
linking verb :
to continue to be sth; to be
still in the same state or
To remain: (formal) (not
usually in the progressive
tenses) linking verb :
to continue to be sth; to be
still in the same state or
an advertisement on the radio
or on television
Commercial (n): an
advertisement on the radio or
on television
1. feeling that you have had enough of sb/sth
because you no longer find them / it
interesting or because they make you angry
or unhappy:
2. boring because it is too familiar or has
been used too much:
Tired of sb/sth | tired of doing sth:
1. feeling that you have had enough of sb/sth
because you no longer find them / it
interesting or because they make you angry
or unhappy:
- I’m sick and tired of all the arguments. -
She was tired of hearing about their trip to
2. boring because it is too familiar or has
been used too much:
- He always comes out with the same tired old
something that temporarily
stops an activity or a situation; a
time when an activity is stopped:
Interruption (n) something that
temporarily stops an activity or
a situation; a time when an
activity is stopped:
- The birth of her son was a
minor interruption to her
- An interruption to the power
a person who competes in
Athlete (n) a person who
competes in sports:
- Olympic athletes
to pay an amount of money regularly in
order to receive or use sth:
To subscribe (to sth): to pay an amount
of money regularly in order to receive or
use sth:
- Which journals does the library
subscribe to?
- We subscribe to several sports channels
(= on TV).
- He subscribed to a newsgroup (= on the
- to apply to take part in an activity, use
a service, etc.
to promise to do sth; to
promise sth will happen
To guarantee: to promise to
do sth; to promise sth will
adjective [only before noun]
happening at the beginning;
Initial: adjective [only before
noun] happening at the
beginning; first:
- an initial payment of £60 and
ten instalments of £25.
the act of discussing sth with
sb or with a group of people
before making a decision
about it
Consultation (n) [U] the act of
discussing sth with sb or with
a group of people before
making a decision about it
sự bàn bạc, sự thảo luận, sự trao đổi
ý kiến, sự hội đàm, sự hội ý
(informal): to make sb feel sad
or depressed
To get sb down (informal): to
make sb feel sad or depressed
[pl.] feelings of sadness:
The blues [pl.] feelings of
- the Monday morning blues
to force sb/sth to run away
To chase sb/sth away: to force
sb/sth to run away
(adjective) lasting for a week:
week-long (adjective) lasting
for a week:
a holiday / vacation that is
organized by a company at a
fixed price and that includes
the cost of travel, hotels, etc.
Package tour (BrE also
package holiday) (n)
a holiday / vacation that is
organized by a company at a
fixed price and that includes
the cost of travel, hotels, etc.
a journey by sea, visiting
different places, especially as
a holiday / vacation:
Cruise: a journey by sea,
visiting different places,
especially as a holiday /
- I’d love to go on a round-
the-world cruise.
- A luxury cruise ship
[C] a place where a lot of
people go on holiday /
Resort: [C] a place where a lot
of people go on holiday /
- seaside / ski / mountain, etc.
(BrE) a popular holiday resort
(adj.) attractive in an unusual
or old-fashioned way:
Quaint : (adj.) attractive in an
unusual or old-fashioned way:
- quaint old customs.
- A quaint seaside village
1. (old-fashioned, BrE)
a pub, usually in the country
and often one where people
can stay the night
2. (NAmE) a small hotel,
usually in the country
Inn (n)
1. (old-fashioned, BrE)
a pub, usually in the country
and often one where people
can stay the night
2. (NAmE) a small hotel,
usually in the country
[sing., U] the speed at which
sb/sth walks, runs or moves:
Pace (n) [sing., U] the speed at
which sb/sth walks, runs or
- to set off at a steady /
gentle / leisurely pace
(n) (informal)
1. a place where fighting is
common, especially for
political reasons.
2. a place where there is a lot
of activity or entertainment
Hotspot (n) (informal)
1. a place where fighting is
common, especially for
political reasons.
2. a place where there is a lot
of activity or entertainment
to choose to take or not to
take a particular course of
To opt (for / against sth) to
choose to take or not to take a
particular course of action:
- After graduating she opted
for a career in music.
(n) (pl. -ies) [U]
the enjoyment of special and
expensive things, particularly
food and drink, clothes and
Luxury (n) (pl. -ies) [U]
the enjoyment of special and
expensive things, particularly
food and drink, clothes and
[U] (BrE)
a place to live, work or stay
Accommodation: [U] (BrE)
a place to live, work or stay
- rented/temporary/furnished
not spending more money
than necessary:
Economical: not spending
more money than necessary:
- He was economical in all
areas of his life.
to not do sth that you usually
do or should do:
To skip (n) to not do sth that
you usually do or should do:
- I often skip breakfast
- She decided to skip the
afternoon’s class.
to find yourself in a place or
situation that you did not
intend or expect to be in:
To end up: to find yourself in
a place or situation that you
did not intend or expect to be
- If you go on like this you’ll
end up in prison.
[+ -ing] I ended up doing all
the work myself.
to obtain an advantage or
benefit from sth or from doing
To gain (sth) (by / from sth):
to obtain an advantage or
benefit from sth or from doing
- There is nothing to be gained
from delaying the decision.
to provide sth good to balance
or reduce the bad effects of
damage, loss, etc
SYN To make up for
To compensate (for sth):
to provide sth good to balance
or reduce the bad effects of
damage, loss, etc
- Nothing can compensate for
the loss of a loved one.
SYN To make up for
[usually passive] to send sb to
a hospital for treatment.
(n) …?
To hospitalize (BrE also
hospitalise) [usually passive]
to send sb to a hospital for
treatment. Hospitalization,
hospitalisation (n)
an official piece of paper on
which a doctor writes the type of
medicine you should have, and
which enables you to get it from
a chemist’s shop / drugstore:
Prescription (for sth)
an official piece of paper on
which a doctor writes the type of
medicine you should have, and
which enables you to get it from
a chemist’s shop / drugstore:
- The doctor gave me a
prescription for antibiotics.
insurance coverage.
Medicaid health coverage for
low-income families
Coverage (NAmE) = cover (n)
insurance coverage.
Medicaid health coverage for
low-income families
a fixed amount of money that is
charged or paid for sth:
Rate: a fixed amount of money
that is charged or paid for sth:
- advertising/insurance/
postal, etc. rates.
- A low / high hourly rate of pay.