2.4.3 Stock Control
2.4.3 Stock Control
2.4.3 Stock Control
You will need a ruler and selection of colours
Calculators will be needed for this topic
From Edexcel
a) Interpretation of stock control diagram
b) Buffer stocks
c) Implications of poor stock control
d) Just in time (JIT) management of stock
e) Waste minimisation
f) Competitive advantage from lean production
• You have two cats.
• Each cat eats 2 pouches of wet food a day (one at 6 am one at 2pm)
• Each cat also eats 25g of dry food a day
• You shop once a week and only have limited money
• Questions:
1. How many wet cat food pouches would you buy for one 7 day week?
2. What size bag of dry cat food would you buy for 7 days?
3. Is there an efficient way to ensure that you never run out of cat food?
4. What if you don’t have the storage space?
5. What if you have a tight weekly budget?
6. On which day would you go shopping (assume your week starts on Sunday) to ensure a
constant supply?
Answers to starter
1) 28 pouches of wet food a week
2) 350g bag of dry food
3) Buy lots and lots and lots of cat food and have it in the cupboard
4) Having cat food delivered just before you run out, you won’t need
storage space
5) Make sure you only buy exactly what is needed
6) Go shopping on Friday to ensure there is a small buffer stock, incase
the shops have run out
Definition: Stock control
• Stock control is the control of the flow of stock in a business, it
concerns the ordering and management of:
1. Raw materials
2. Components
3. Work-in-progress
4. Finished goods
Stock explained
Stock is also known as inventory. It can mean any of these; raw materials, work-in-progress,
components or even finished goods. So stock does not have to be complete products it can be part
made items. This is an example of the stocks held by Denby pottery. What would a component be in
Denby pottery?
Raw materials - Work-in-progress Finished goods
Interpretation of stock control
Stock management diagram
• Stock management can be carried
out by using a diagram such as the
one on the right
Stock Level – boxes of cat
2 4 6 8
Time in weeks
Step 3: Have a go at drawing a diagram
Maximum Stock Level
Stock Level – boxes of cat
Re-order Level
2 4 6 8
Time in weeks
Step 4 read your diagram
The stock arrives when your stock level is at maximum – think about a box of cat food arriving and filling the
What is the max stock level that the business can hold?
What is the minimum stock level that the business can hold?
How long does it take for stock to arrive after it has been
ordered? (this is the lead time)
Step 5 check your answers
What is the max stock level that the business can hold?
What is the minimum stock level that the business can hold?
What is the re-order level?
What is the buffer stock level?
4-5 days
How long does it take for stock to arrive after it has been
ordered? (this is the lead time)
Try another example
What is the max stock level
that the business can hold?
What is the minimum stock
level that the business can
What is the re-order level?