Proposal 2023099074 Mujahida
Proposal 2023099074 Mujahida
Proposal 2023099074 Mujahida
Penggerak Education on
English Teacher’s Pedagogical
A. Background of the Research
In the context of Law number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System, education is described as a conscious and planned effort to create a learning
atmosphere and process, allowing students to actively develop their potential. Law
number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers emphasizes the role of teachers
as professional educators with the primary task of educating, teaching, guiding,
directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students.
To enhance education quality, the government has established the PGP as a
leadership program for teachers to become learning leaders in schools. PGP aims to
strengthen the teacher’s role in leading change, motivating fellow teachers, and
improving education quality. Teachers who complete the PGP are referred to as Guru
Penggerak (GP), expected to be learning leaders fostering holistic, active, and proactive
student growth.
B. Research Question
How does the PGP impact English teacher’s pedagogical competence?
C. Aims of the Research
To investigate the impacts of PGP on English teacher’s pedagogical
D. Significance of the Research
1. Theoretically
The result of the research is expected to become significant and useful information for English
teachers regarding PGP. In addition, this research is also expected to provide useful information or reliable
references and can be used as study material for further and comparative research efforts.
2. Practically
a.) For school
This research can be useful for gaining insight into the impacts of PGP. By understanding the
impacts of this program, schools can take concrete steps to improve teacher competence and thereby
improve the quality of teaching in schools.
b.) For teachers
This research can provide information to teachers about the impacts of PGP on English teacher’s
pedagogical competence as well as provide evidence about the positive impact of this program on
E. Research Scope
This study aims to investigate the impacts of PGP on English teacher’s pedagogical competence. The
participant of the study is an English teacher who has completed the PGP. This research will explore and
analyze how the PGP impacts English teacher’s pedagogical competence. Based on the Indonesian Ministry
of National Education Regulation No. 16 of 2007 on Academic Qualifications and Teacher Competencies
Standard, there are 10 aspects of pedagogical competence, namely: 1) Mastering the characteristics of
students in terms of physical, moral, spiritual, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual aspects, 2)
Mastering learning theories and principles of educative teaching, 3) Developing curriculum related to the
subjects taught, 4) Conducting educative teaching, 5) Utilizing information and communication technology
for learning purposes, 6) Facilitating the development of students’ potential to actualize various capabilities
they possess, 7) Communicating effectively, empathetically, and courteously with students, 8) Conducting
assessment and evaluation of the learning process and outcomes, 9) Utilizing assessment and evaluation
results for learning purposes, and 10) Engaging in reflective practices to enhance the quality of teaching. In
this sense, this study will only focus on aspect 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8.
A. Theoretical Review
• Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
The merdeka belajar curriculum is one of the curriculum concepts that demands independence
for students. Independence in the sense that each student is given the freedom to access
knowledge obtained from formal and non-formal education. This curriculum does not limit the
concept of learning that takes place at school or outside of school and also requires creativity for
teachers and students (Manalu et al, 2022).
Guru Penggerak
Pedagogical Competence
H 1. Observation
2. Interviews
3. Documentation
1. Observation Checklist
T 2. Interviews Guide
3. Documentation
Data analysis that will be used in this research is
thematic analysis. In this study, the researcher will
A analyze the data based on the following steps:
1. Familiarization,
P 2. Coding,
3. Generating themes,
4. Reviewing themes,
T 5. Defining and naming themes, and
6. The researcher compiles reports covering various
articles, journals, and analysis results.
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