Sessions 17 and 18 Crafting Online Business Messages
Sessions 17 and 18 Crafting Online Business Messages
Sessions 17 and 18 Crafting Online Business Messages
Conversations. Although they take place via writing, some forms of digital communication function
more like real-time conversations than the sharing of written documents.
Comments and critiques. One of the most powerful aspects of social media is the opportunity for
interested parties to express opinions and provide feedback, whether it’s leaving comments on a blog
post or reviewing products on an e-commerce site.
Orientations. The ability to help people find their way through an unfamiliar system or subject is a valuable writing skill
and a talent that readers greatly appreciate.
Summaries. At the beginning of an article or webpage, a summary functions as a miniature version of the document, giving
readers all the key points while skipping over details. At the end of an article or webpage, a summary functions as a review,
reminding readers of the key points they’ve just read.
Reference materials. One of the greatest benefits of the Internet is providing vast quantities of reference materials—
numerical or textual information that people typically don’t read in a linear way but rather search through to find particular
data points, trends, or other details.
Status updates and announcements. If you use social media frequently, much of your writing will involve
status updates and announcements. However, don’t post trivial information that only you are likely to find
interesting. Post updates that readers will find useful, and include only the information they need.
Tutorials. Given the community nature of social media, the purpose of many messages is to share how-to
advice. Becoming known as a reliable expert is a great way to build customer loyalty to your company while
enhancing your own personal value.
Social networks
Online services that help people and
organizations form connections and
share information, have become a
major force in both internal and
external business communication in
recent years. In addition to
Facebook, a variety of public and
private social networks are used by
businesses and professionals.
Categories of social
Private networks. Some companies have built private social networks for internal use. The
Mexican building materials company Cemex keeps its 40,000-plus global employees connected
through a private collaboration and networking system called Cemex Shift, for example.
Business communication
uses for social networks
Integrating company workforces.- Ex: Finding experts, mentors, and other important
Building communities. Social networks are a natural tool for bringing together
communities of practice (people who engage in similar work) and communities of
interest (people who share enthusiasm for a particular product or activity).
Supporting customers.
for succesful Don’t use messaging for lengthy, complex messages; email and other formats are
Follow all security guidelines designed to keep your company’s information and
systems safe from attack.
Advantages and disadvantages of What's up
Discussion groups
Blogging and
Communicating with personal
Communicating style and an authentic voice. No
“corporate voice.