Sexual Reproduction in Mammals
Sexual Reproduction in Mammals
Sexual Reproduction in Mammals
in mammals
Syllabus Outcomes:
• After fertilisation, the zygote grows by cell
division (mitosis) as it travels down the
fallopian tube towards the uterus.
• After about one week this clump of cells is
called the blastocyst. It contains an inner
cell mass → form the embryo; and outer
cells called the trophoblast that will form the
after the egg is released,
the follicle seals itself off
and forms a mass of
cells called the corpus
Implantation luteum
• Next: For homework, you should construct study notes (including a flow
chart) to: Analyse the features of fertilisation, implantation and hormonal
control of pregnancy and birth in mammals
• Think about the types of hormones and their role – how do they regulate
fertilisation, pregnancy and birth.