Evolution of Management

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Why a manger is important

- Manger can inspire the employees

- Manager can guide others
- Mangers can lead others
- Manager can control others
- Managers can motivate others
- Manager can supervise others
- Manager can solve the problems
- Altogether manger can mange others
Skills of managers
• We discusses why manager is important, now let us discuss what should
be the skills a mangers should have
• How he can inspire others , for inspiring others he should be good listener
and communicator.
• How he will lead and guide others .. So he should possess leadership skills
• Manager should possess diagnostic skill and problem solving skill
• Organization and delegation (delegating the works , assigning the works to
the responsible persons).
• And many more
• A manger should have multi talent
Where does a Manager works
Levels of managers
• Top level – who all comes under top level : CEO, Director – what they use to do , they were
planning, formulating the long term plans , setting objectives , taking decisions
• Middle level : act as a bridge between top level and lower level. Act in between planning and
execution level, allocating the resources , report to top management – HR manger , Finance
• Lower level mangers : concerned with daily activities. Routine works , deals with
implementation of plans , report to middle level managers , supervisor, foreman etc.
Evolution of Management
Management theories
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notes list
I – Classical Approach
The classical approach is one of the oldest approaches to management and is
also known by various names such as, Functional approach, Management
Process approach and Administrative Management approach.
• Scientific management
The literary meaning of scientific
management is performing the work of
management in a scientific manner.
1. Principles of Scientific Management – Frederick Winslow Taylor

• Replacing rules of thumb with science (Organized knowledge) - This principle

says that we should not get stuck in a set and continues with the old

techniques of doing work, rather we should be constantly experimenting

to develop new techniques which make the work much simpler

• Obtaining harmony in group action(team work , unity among the employees)

• Achieving cooperation of human beings, rather than chaotic individualism

• Working for maximum output rather than restricted output

• Developing all workers – for benefit of individual and the company

F. W. Taylor
2. Time and motion study - Frank and Lillian

• Developed while studying the job of bricklayers

• Still in use in manufacturing plants:
– Process of determining the most efficient motions
for a given task and to determine the appropriate
elapsed time for completion of the job
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
3. Modern Management – Henri Fayol

• 14 Principles of Management

1. Division of work 8. Centralization

2. Authority and responsibility
9. Scalar chain
3. Discipline
10. Order
4. Unity of command
11. Equity
5. Unity of direction

6. Subordination of individual
12. Stable personnel

interest to general interest 13. Initiative

7. Remuneration of personnel 14. Espirit de corps
Henri Fayol
Division of work
Authority and Responsibility
Unity of Command
Unity of Direction
Unity of command refers to a principle
of management which states that one
incumbent should get orders from and
report to one boss. Unity of direction is
a management principle which implies
that all the activities with same
objective must have one head and
one plan.
• Subordination of • Remuneration of
individual interest to Personnel
general interest
Centralization and Decentralization
• Scalar Chain • Order
Stable Personnel
Esprit De Corps
4. Theory of Bureaucracy (1946 - 1947) – Max
• Characteristics of Bureaucratic Management
• Division of labor
• Hierarchy
• Formalized rules
• Impersonality
• Selection and promotion of employees based on ability
II – Neo-Classical /
Behavioural Approach
1. Human Relations Approach
• Elton Mayo and Colleagues
• Studies conducted at the Hawthorne Works of
the Western Electric Co.
– Illumination experiments
– Relay assembly room experiments
– Bank Wiring Observation Room Experiment
– Mass interview Programme
2. Behavioural Science
• Behavioural science movement started after
• Drawn heavily on the work of Maslow
• Knowledge drawn from behavioural sciences
like psychology, sociology and anthropology is
applied to explain and predict human
• Herzberg, Vroom and D. McGregor are
the other important contributors to this field
III - Modern Management
1. Quantitative Approach
• Management science approach.
• A mixed team of specialists from relevant
disciplines are called in to analyze the problem
and offer a course of action to the
• The OR (Operations Research)team presents
the management with a rational base for
making a decision.
• Use of Mathematical models and expressions.
2. System Approach
• The systems approach looks upon the
management as a system as an ‘organized
whole’ made up of sub-systems integrated into
a unit or orderly totality.
• Department is a sub-system of the system
called Organisation
3. Contingency Approach
• Situational approach
• This approach emphasizes the fact that what
managers do in practice depends upon a give
set of circumstances (a contingency and
• This approach not only takes into account only
given situation but also the influence of given
solution on behaviour pattern of an enterprise

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