Pests of Arecanut & Coffee
Pests of Arecanut & Coffee
Pests of Arecanut & Coffee
• Collect and destroy the adult beetles
• Loosen soil around the base of the palm to a
depth of 10-15cm and drench witrh 0.04%
chlorpyriphos twice in may just before the onset
of momnsoon and in september towars the cloose
of monsoon
• Repeat the application for 2-3 years to eradicate
the pest
• Apply phorate 15g/palm – in May and September
Coffee bean weevil, arecanut beetle, cocoa
weevil, nutmeg weevil
Araecerus fasciculatus Anthribidae
Habitat / Crop(s) damaged
•Several stored products including coffee, arecanut, cocoa,
nutmeg, cassava, etc.
•The larvae damage the ripening berries of coffee in storage
and adults make circular holes on emergence.
•The adult beetle is small with a humped body outline and
long legs.
•The dorsal side is mottled with dark and light brown and the
antennae are long with a three-segmented club, darker than the
rest of the segments.
Pest status :A major pest of stored products, particularly coffee
and cocoa.
Spotted grasshopper, spotted locust, coffee locust
Aularches miliaris (Linnaeus)
•Adults are brightly and aposematically colored with a black head, yellow
tuberculate thorax, greenish forewings with yellow spots and a black and red-
banded abdomen. Nymphs are blackish with yellow markings.
Habitat / Crop(s) damaged
•It is commonly found in plantations and is a minor pest of coconut, arecanut,
jack, banana, tea, coffee, cacao, teak, rubber, Erythrina indica, cardamom,
cassava, pigeonpea, castor, guava, mango, mulberry, and many other plants.
Pest status
•Minor, causing occasional economic damage. The IUCN has designated this
insect as a lower risk, near-threatened taxon for South India.
Metallic shield bug, lychee shield bug
Chrysocoris stolli Scutelleridae
Common name
Habitat / Crop(s) damaged
• Pigeonpea, pongamia,
jatropha, arecanut, etc.
Pest status
• Minor.
Tailed palmfly
Elymnias caudata Nymphalidae: Lepidoptera
Minor pest
Egg period: 9-15days, 100 eggs/ female
Eggs: small and whitish in colour
Adult: Eggs laid in small groups in cracks on the stem under
the bark
Slender, elongate
cerambycid with Larval period: 10 months
white cross bands and Full grown grub: pale yellow in
dark brown elytra colour, stout and swollen
toward head and 2-3 cm long
Pupal period: One month
Pupation: within the tunnel after making exit hole
Maintain optimum shade on the estates
Swab/ spray the main stem and thick primaries once in April to
and once or twice in October during flight periods with lindane 20
EC @ 1300 ml in 200 lit of water along with 200 ml of wetting
Padding with monocrotophos 36 SL @ 5 ml by making a window in
the stem at 5 cm and filling it with absorbent cotton soaked in
insecticide solution an NSKE 5% also can be applied frequently.
2. Red borer, Zeuzera coffeae
F: Cossidae; O: Lepidoptera
The larvae cause wilting of branches or plant.
Boreholes often are plugged with excreta at the
base of the plant
Larva: Orange red and smooth
Adult: With dirty white bands and black or steel
blue spots on the wings
Red borer: Zeuzera coffeae
India and Malaysia
Host range
Coffee and cocoa
Host range
Coffee, Tea, Citrus, Avocado, Castor, Rubber and Cinchona
Prune affected twigs 2 to 3 inches beyond the shot – hole and burn
Remove and destroy all the unwanted/ infested suckers during summer
Host range
Coffee, Citrus, Guava, Mango and Tea
Egg period: 1 days Nymphal:
50-600 eggs / female
pale yellow in colour
Green coloured, flat, oval soft bodied
TLC:1-3 months
Green scale, Coccus viridis
Severe infestation
resulting in discoloured
leaves and fruits
Infested leaves are often
covered with sooty
Tender shoots and
undersurface of leaves
are covered with scale
Egg period: 3 days
100 –1000 eggs / female Nymphs with mealy
covering over the body
Oval body, clothed with mealy secretion in the
form of small white threads.
Female: wingless
Male: winged, TLC : 30 days