2 Profile Fundraiser

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Profile of a Fundraising
Fundraising Definition

Fundraising means seeking out and gathering

voluntary financial contributions. Fundraising allows
NGOs to generate funds for their projects.

Fundraising is much more than asking for money!

Fundraising also involves knowing your organisation
well and being able to build solid relationships with
potential partners.
SWOT of our NGO
• WORKSHOP: choose an NGO and write down the answers to the
following questions:
Strengths: which are the INTERNAL FACTORS that make our
organisation STRONG when we fundraise?

• Weaknesses: which are the INTERNAL FACTORS that make our

organisation WEAK?

• Opportunities: which are the EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITIES available

for our organisation in relation to this call?

• Threats: are there any EXTERNAL THREATS in the context in which

we work?
SWOT of our NGO
• Excellent in-house knowledge on climate change.
• Good relationship with the municipality.
• We already receive funding from the municipality to raise awareness on
climate change issues in local primary schools.

Weaknesses: which are the INTERNAL FACTORS that make our

organisation WEAK?
• The team in charge of fundraising is too small - two people recently left
the organisation.
• We're not very good at writing proposals in English.
• We do not have good contacts with the university and other
organisations that work in a similar sector.
SWOT of our NGO
Opportunities: which are the EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITIES available
for our organisation in relation to this call?
• The municipality has already published a call for proposals on
climate change.
• We could actually try to partner with one of the potential
competing organisations, as they may be complementary to us.

Threats: are there any EXTERNAL THREATS in the context in which

we work?
• There will be a lot of competition for the same project.
• Other organisations have more experience than we do in working
with municipality funds.
• Convert SWOT Matrix into an Action Plan for
your NGO

• We looked at the matrix to make the most out

of our strengths and opportunities. We also
checked how to minimise the threats and
weaknesses we identified.
Action Plan
• Our action plan was:
Develop a detailed plan to make the best use of our
knowledge on climate change for the next call for proposals.

• Discuss with the municipality and the local communities what

needs could be addressed through the call for proposals.

• Look for a new staff member that can coordinate the writing
of the proposal in English.

• Find a partner that has more experience than we do in

applying for funding from the municipality.
Profile of a Fundraiser
Social skills

Strategic positioning of their social entity

Empathize with donors/investors

Adapting to donors/investors

Matching projects and donors

Fundraising Skills
A fundraiser must have a combination of:

Networking (personal and virtual)

Back-office work
Strategic positioning
Fundraising is performed once the strategic positioning of the
social entity (NGO, Social Business) is clarified

Mission, Vision, Values must be clear

Donor and social entity must be compatible

Rich country, poor country…

Fundraising in rich countries is focused on private donors
Events, campaigns, millionaires, etc

Fundraising in poor countries is focused on institutional donors

International Organizations (UNDP, World Bank, EU, GiZ)
Major international NGOs

Where is Tunisia? In the middle…

Empathize with Donors/Investors
They want to give, you do not have to convince them

They never find what they want, they are desperate

Always take the leadership

You have to sell them that you are the solution to their problem
Comparison with bank loans, who is doing a favor to whom?

Discussion: How does a donor look like?

Adapting to donors/investors
Adapting to their priorities
Adapting to their calendar
Adapting to their administration


Matching Projects and Donors
Define your project
Identify donors
Adapt your project to the donors -> Shared Values
• MindTools “Ten ways of overcome the fear of Networking” (2017)
Fundraising 101: Rueben Mayes at TEDxWSU 2014
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsvSWkEHNDk (16 min)

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