L6 - Positive States
L6 - Positive States
L6 - Positive States
• Path of transformation. Path of transformation starts with transforming emotions.
In the Noble eightfold path after Perfect Vision (Samma Ditthi) there comes Perfect
Emotions (Samma Sankappo).
• Many people think that emotions are automatic responses to happens outside.
And therefore we are helpless, we really can’t do anything about it. We get angry
because people behave badly, certain situations irritates us and so on. But the
reality is we are creators and owners of our emotions.
• We can classify emotions in two broad types, negative and positive. Negative
emotions are hate, jealousy, greed, lust, anger, confusion etc. Positive emotions
are Love, care, compassion etc. Negative emotions are distructive and disturbing
they lead us to harm ourselves and others. Positive emotions are peaceful, life
serving and harmonising
• Buddhism speaks of three emotions that are at the root of all negative
emotions they are Greed, Hatred and Confusion, Lobha, Dosa and
• Three root positive emotions are Generosity, Maitri and Clarity, i.e.
Alobha, Adosa, Amoha in Pali.
• We see in our experience the effects of each emotion on our lives and
if we wish to take Buddha’s advice on it we find a systematic way of
developing beneficial and getting rid of poisonous and destructive
emotions. We will be looking into how to develop positive emotions in
meditation practices
• Four Brahmaviharas - Metta, Karuna, Mudita and Upeskha are
called four Brahmaviharas.