Vinay Chandwani PPT (Icds 2023) Final

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International Conference on Dam Safety, 2023

Sedimentation in Reservoirs:
A Case Study of
Bisalpur Dam, Rajasthan

September 14th – 16th 2023, Jaipur, Rajasthan


o Introduction
o Sedimentation in Reservoirs
o Sedimentation Effects on Reservoirs
o Importance of Reservoir Sedimentation Studies
o Sedimentation Case Study
o Description of Study Area
o Methodology
o Results and Discussion
o Conclusion

o Sedimentation in Reservoirs
o Sediment particles in the river are in form of sand, silt, gravel and
even larger boulders.
o Water flowing in the river, scours its bed and banks, detaching
these sediment particles from the surface and carries them to the
o If a dam is constructed on this river, the velocity of the flowing
water is reduced due to obstruction, thereby helping the sediment
particles to settle down in the reservoir formed.
o The phenomenon by which the sediments are transported and
deposited into the reservoirs by the streamflow is known as
Reservoir Sedimentation.

o Sedimentation Effects on Reservoirs

o Sedimentation affects the sustainability of operations and projects
established in the reservoir or run off river projects.
o Over time, sediments build-up in reservoirs and displaces
usable storage volume, which in turn negatively affects
hydropower generation, reduces the reliability of the reservoir,
irrigation, water supply, flood management services, and
degrades aquatic habitat.
o Globally, the annual water storage loss due to sedimentation has
been assessed between 0.5 and 1% (Kokpinar et al., 2015; Rahmani
et al., 2018) and it is projected that by 2100, the world’s water
storage capacity will decline by > 50% (Gopinath et al., 2014).

o Importance of Reservoir Sedimentation Studies

o Objective is to ensure that storage capacities provided are not lost or
reduced prematurely due to sedimentation and the reservoirs should
continue to serve the intended functions for the planned life span.
o Project Planning Stage
o Fixing Dead Storage (Maximum Drawdown Level or MDDL)
o Fixing Live Storage
o Project Operation Stage
o Evaluating Loss of Live Storage
o Change in Area-Capacity Curve
o Comparison of “Assessed” Life with the “Planned” Life of Reservoir

o Key Features of Reservoir Sedimentation Studies

o Sedimentation in reservoirs is a serious issue and needs to be
assessed judiciously to evaluate the performance and economics of
the reservoir projects.
o Allocation of the various storages of reservoir, on the basis of
distributed silts throughout the reservoir depth.
o Evaluation of loss of live storage and change in the area-capacity
curves of reservoirs during their designed life span of a project.
o To provide an idea about how sediments tend to deposit near
the dam during a given time period thereby, assess rate of
o Assess impact of sedimentation on the planned life of Reservoir.
Sedimentation Case Study

o Description of Study Area :

o Bisalpur reservoir is located at 75°27'12.52"E longitude and
25°55'33.88"N latitude in Rajasthan State on River Banas.
o It is a multipurpose storage reservoir constructed in the year 1999
for Irrigation and Drinking water Supply purposes.
o Bisalpur Dam is a Gravity dam of 39.5 m height with a length of
574 m. The total catchment area of Bisalpur is 27726
o The reservoir has a submergence area of 209.52 at the Full
Reservoir Level of 315.50 m.
o The dam has created a storage capacity (Gross Storage) of 1095.84
MCM. The Live and Dead Storage Capacity of reservoir are
1039.22 MCM and 56.62 MCM respectively.
Sedimentation Case Study

Location of Bisalpur Dam

Sedimentation Case Study

o Methodology:
o Hydrographic and Topographic survey of the Bisalpur Reservoir
area up to the Full Reservoir Level 315.50 m and Maximum Water
Level 316.345 m of the reservoir were conducted in year 2021.
o A comparison of the pre-impoundment Area-Elevation-Capacity
table in year 2004 and the Capacity-Area-Elevation data derived
from Hydrographic survey of 2021 were done to provide an
estimate of water capacity loss over time due to sediment
o Based on the capacity-elevation table, the “New Zero Elevation”
for 100 years (in block of 10 years) were worked out to estimate
Live Capacities expected to be available for next 100 years.
Sedimentation Case Study

o Results and Discussion

o Capacity-Area-Elevation Curves
o Loss in Gross Reservoir Capacity or Capacity at FRL is 65.90 MCM.
o Loss in Dead Storage Capacity or Capacity at MDDL is 20.89 MCM.
o Loss of Area at FRL is 2.78
o Loss of Area at MDDL is 2.89
Parameter 2004 HS 2021
Area at MDDL 21.22 18.33
Capacity at MDDL 56.62 MCM 35.73 MCM
Area at FRL 212.30 209.52
Capacity at FRL 1095.84 MCM 1029.94 MCM
Sedimentation Case Study

o Results and Discussion

Parameter Dead Storage Live Storage Gross Storage
Loss in Storage Capacity 20.89 MCM 45.01 MCM 65.90 MCM
between 2004 & 2021
Loss as % of total loss 32% 68% 100 %
Loss in Reservoir 2.17 % 0.25 % 0.35 %
Capacity Per annum
Sedimentation Case Study

o Results and Discussion

Live and Dead Storage of Bisalpur Dam
o The loss in reservoir capacities in 1200
1039.22 Live Storage (MCM) 2004
17 years operation from 2004 to 1000
Live Storage (MCM) HS 2021
2021 has been assessed as Dead Storage (MCM) 2004
65.90 MCM. The sediment 800 Dead Storage (MCM) HS 2021

accumulation in Bisalpur 600

Reservoir is to tune of 3.88
MCM/year. 400

o Since, the gross catchment area 200

of dam is 27726, the 56.62 35.73
effective rate of siltation is 0

worked out to be nearly 0.14

Sedimentation Case Study

o Results and Discussion

New Zero Elevation NZE (m) for Bisalpur Dam
o The sediment entering into a storage 305.0 in Block of 10 years MDDL 304.60 m
reservoir gets deposited progressively 304.5
304.0 303.44
with the passage of time and this 303.02 303.23

New Zero Elevation NZE (m)

303.0 302.68
causes the bed level near the dam to 302.5 302.02

rise and the raised bed level is 302.0

termed as “New Zero Elevation”. 301.0 300.47
300.5 300.06 300.22
o Based on the capacity-elevation 300.0
table, the new zero elevation for 100 299.0
years (in block of 10 years) has been 298.0
worked out. MDDL or sill level of 297.5
2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 2101 2111 2121
Bisalpur Reservoir is located at RL Year
304.60 m. The NZE after 100 years of
operation is worked out to be 303.44.
Sedimentation Case Study

o Conclusion
o Re-surveyed Live Capacities in 2021 works out to 994.22 MCM against
the earlier pre-impoundment capacity of 1039.22 MCM in 2004. Thus,
the incremental loss in reservoir capacity till 2021 was worked out 65.90
MCM in 17 years of reservoir operation.
o The loss between 2004 and 2021 below MDDL (i.e., Dead Storage) works
out to 32% of total loss. Thus, there is a significant loss of 68% in Live
Storage. The Effective Annual Rate of Siltation during past 17 years
works out to be 0.14 mm/yr.
o The present studies reveal that, the Capacities below MDDL and Live
Capacities are expected to be available for next 100 years.
o The study reveals that, there is no significant impact on the operation of
the Irrigation Sluice from MDDL perspective.

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International Conference on Dam Safety, 2023

Thank You

September 14th – 16th 2023, Jaipur, Rajasthan

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