RATE EXTENT OF REACTION PowerPoint Presentation
RATE EXTENT OF REACTION PowerPoint Presentation
RATE EXTENT OF REACTION PowerPoint Presentation
ΔH=Hproducts -Hreactants
Exothermic reaction is the reaction that
release energy.
ΔH < 0
Endothermic reaction is the reaction
that absorb energy.
ΔH > 0
Activation energy is the minimum energy
needed for a reaction to take place.
Activated complex is the unstable
transition state from reactants to products .
Positive catalyst is a substance that
increases the rate of a chemical reaction
without itself undergoing a permanent
Rate and Extent of Reaction
Reaction rate is the change in concentration of
reactants or products per unit time.
The factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions.
1 Temperature.
reaction rate increases when temperature increases
2 Concentration.
reaction rate increases when concentration of reactants increases.
3 Pressure (for gases only)
reaction rate increases when pressure is increases,
4 Catalyst.
Reaction rate increases when positive catalyst is added.
5 surface area (state of division). reaction rate increases when surface area of a solid
6 Nature of reacting substances.
Gases react faster than solid or liquid.
The collision theory is a model that explains reaction
rate as the result of particles colliding with a certain
minimum energy,
Explanation of the factors that affect the rate of chemical reaction using
collision theory
1 Temperature
If temperature is increased
• The speed and average kinetic energy of the particles
• More particles will have enough kinetic energy
• More effective collision per unit time
• Reaction rate increases
2 Concentration
If concentration of reactants increases.
• The will be more particles per unit volume
• More particles have enough kinetic energy
• More effective collision per unit time
• Reaction rate increase.
3 pressure
If pressure is increases.