Chapter Four - Quality Attributes

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Chapter Four

Quality Attributes

Quality attributes
 Software quality attributes are measurable or testable properties

of a software system used by quality architects.

 These properties help to determine whether the software satisfies

the stakeholders' requirements and needs.

 quality of software systems;

 how design affects software quality;

 quality attributes of software design.
 System quality attributes
 Business quality attribute
 Architecture quality attributes
System quality attributes

The most important software architecture quality attributes are

 Usability

• The customers ability to get work done with the system in an efficient
and pleasing manner
• how easy it is to the user to accomplish the desire task
• Not require new or unique knowledge to use the system
• Learnability, attractiveness, understandability
 Availability

• It’s ready to carry out its task when you need it to be

• Concerned with the probability that the system will be operational when
System quality attributes

 Performance

• Concerned with how long it takes the system to respond when an

event occurs
• The ability of software to meet timing requirement

 Security

• The ability of system protect data and information from

authorized access while still providing access to people and

systems that are authorized
• Concerned with the systems ability to withstand attacks/threats

System quality attributes

 Modifiability

The easy with which software can deal with changes

 Interoperability

The ability of software or different software's exchange


System quality attributes

 Testability

Concerned with the ease with which the software can be

made to demonstrate its faults
 Reusability

Using component in other component with small or no


Business Quality Attributes

 Are business quality goals

 Has influence on system architecture

 Related with cost, schedule, marketing

 Includes :

 Time to market

 It relates to the time taken to implement the system

 Reduce the average time required to deliver the system

 Achieved by:

 Reuse existing system artefacts

 Use COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf ) component- “one size fits

all” default capabilities to organizations

Business Quality Attributes cont’d

Time and budget are probably the constraints that most

software developers are familiar with, often because

there’s not enough of either
Perform cost feasibility analysis

Highly flexible architecture cost high than rigid one

however maintenance cost will reduced

Projected lifetime

Related with the lifespan of the software system

Business Quality Attributes cont’d
 Extending the lifetime of the system

 Make the product to survive longer in market place

 Achieved by:

 Develop software that is scalable, modifiable and portable

 Targeted market

 To attack large market with a collection of related product

 Maintain competitive advantage

 Achieved by:

 Consider the quality attributes such as portability,

functionality, performance, reliability and usability of product

Business Quality Attributes cont’d
Read about

Roll-out schedule

Integration with legacy system

Architecture quality attributes
 Conceptual Integrity

 combining the components and their interactions

 The architecture should do similar things in similar ways

 Correctness and Completeness

 concerned with checking the architecture for errors and

 Buildability

 concerned with the organization’s capabilities to actually

construct the architecture in question

Achieving Qualities (Tactics)
 The quality attribute requirements specify the responses of the system

that, with a bit of luck and a dose of good planning, realize the goals
of the business.
 now turn to the techniques an architect can use to achieve the

required quality attributes. these techniques architectural tactics.

 A tactic is a design decision that influences the achievement of a

quality attribute response-tactics directly affect the system’s response.

 A system design consists of a collection of decisions. Some of these

decisions help control the quality attribute responses; others ensure

achievement of system functionality.

 Availability Tactics

 A tactic is a design decision that influences the control of a

quality attribute response.

 represent the relationship between stimulus, tactics, and
 The tactics, like design patterns, are design techniques that

architects have been using for years.

 Goal of availability tactic


 Read about quality attributes of ISO 9126 and ISO 25010

quality models
 Discuss how each of the quality attributes can be achieved

 Determine the concerns for each of the quality attributes

 Identify and discuss conflicting quality attributes


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