Chapter 1-Theodolite Traversing

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Chapter-1: Control survey by

Traversing Method

(6 Hours)
Control Survey by Traversing
1. Principles and importance of traversing, types of
2. Field works for traversing and booking of field notes
3. Reduction of reading to angle and bearing
4. Angular misclosure and Closing Error
5. Traverse adjustment and computation for closed and
link traverse -Gale's Table
6. Plotting of traverse survey
7. Omitted measurements in traversing
8. Instructions to field applications
Theodolite Traverse…………

 Traversing is a popular method of surveying.
 traversing is done by the instrument theodolite is known
as theodolite traverse.
 Theodolite traverse survey is a method of establishing
control points.
 Horizontal controls are fixed through theodolite & tape
whereas vertical control is fixed by level.
Theodolite Traverse…………

What is traverse ?
 The series of inter connected lines form the framework is known
as traverse.
 The sides of the traverse is known as ‘traverse leg’
 the points where two straight line meets is known as ‘traverse
Traverse Station

Traverse Leg
Theodolite Traverse…………

Types of Traverse

1. Open Traverse

2. Close Traverse
A. Close Loop Close Traverse
B. Open Loop Close Traverse
Types of Traverse…………

Open Traverse
 The traverse originates from a point of known position
(coordinates) and terminates to an unknown point which is known
as open traverse.
 There is no check on observed data.
 It is generally not used in civil engineering works.
Types of Traverse…………

Close Traverse
 A closed traverse originates and terminates at points of known
 This types of traverse permits an internal check on the

Open loop close traverse

Purpose of Traverse:

 To provide control points for photogrammetric

survey, plane table survey with high precision.
 Location and construction layout survey for
highway, railway, canals etc.
 To compute area and volume.
 Horizontal control for topographic mapping.
 To locate or establish property boundaries.
Horizontal and vertical control:

Horizontal control:
 Accurately fixing of horizontal positions of the
control points (stations) in traverse is known as
horizontal control.
 In coordinate system (N, E, Z) N & E defines the
horizontal control.
 Instruments used for fixing horizontal control in
theodolite traverse are: theodolite or tacheometer,
measuring tape, ranging rod, arrows, peg,
hammer etc.
Horizontal and vertical control…..

Vertical control:
 In theodolite traverse frameworks, accurately
fixing of vertical position (Reduced Level) of
control points is known as vertical control.
 Z coordinate represents the vertical control.

 Instruments level, staff etc. are used for fixing

vertical control.

Field Steps:

1. Reconnaissance/ Recce

2. Selection of stations

3. marking of stations

4. Field observations (leg length and angle measurement)

5. computation and plotting:

Field Steps:
1. Reconnaissance/ Recce
 The preliminary inspection of the area to be
surveyed is called reconnaissance.
 Identify suitable location for traverse station.
 Ensure intervisibility of stations.
 Field conditions, slope, detail types, instrument
required, transportation facility, availability of labours
Field Steps:
2. Selection of stations:
 Number of stations should be minimum as far as practicable
and forms well-conditioned triangles.
 Whole area must be covered, the basic principle of surveying
i.e. working from whole to part gets implemented.
 Intervisibility of stations.
 Leg ratio should be maintained (major traverse 1:2 and minor
traverse 1:3)
 Instrument easily can be setup.
 Ground station (peg) relatively permanent, do not disturb
 Angle between station should not be straight (180°± 20°)
Field Steps:
3. Marking of stations:
Stations are marked on the ground & should be marked
permanently so that some stations can be used in future also.
Three-point reference (D-card) is also taken in ‘Y’ shape as
Field Steps:
4. Field observations (leg length and angle measurement):
For traverse surveying field measurements are:
 Linear measurements: by tape, total station, chain etc.

 Angular measurements: Theodolite, total station

 Elevation (RL): level, TS, tacheometer

For locating details, both linear and angular measurements are

Field Steps:
5. computation and plotting:
 Data collected from the field are computed and necessary
corrections are applied. Finally, data are plotted on paper on
suitable scale and required format.

 Furthermore, designer design the project based on map generated

through survey. Design of project ultimately based on the accuracy
of survey works.
Theodolite Traverse Computation:
 The traverse computation involves calculation of
consecutive & independent coordinates of control points.
 Finding the coordinates of stations, A, B, C… etc
Theodolite Traverse Computation Steps:
 Checking the field data or observations.
 Setting up traverse angles and distances suggested by
 Take bearing of reference traverse leg
 Calculation of consecutive coordinates
 Calculation of closing error
 Balancing of error i.e. consecutive coordinates
 Calculation of independent coordinates
Latitude (L):
 Latitude is the projection of a of a line on the North-South
meridian. The distance measured parallel to the N-S direction is
called Latitude.
Departure (D):
 Departure of a line is the projection on the East-West meridian.
The distance measured parallel to the E-W direction is called
Latitude (L) = l Cos
Departure (D) = l Sin
If ‘’ is the bearing of line AB
And ‘l’ is the length of AB

LAB = l cos
DAB = l sin
Consecutive or dependent coordinates:
 The Latitude and Departure of a point (station) with
respect to the preceding station is known as consecutive
coordinate or dependent coordinate.
 Consecutive coordinate may be positive or negative
depending upon quadrant in which they lie.
Independent coordinate:
The coordinates of any point with respect to a common
origin are said to be independent coordinates of that point.
The origin may be a station of the survey line or a point
entirely outside the traverse.
Closing Error (e):
 In a close loop close traverse, the algebraic sum of
latitudes & departures must be equal to zero.
 But due to the error in field measurements of angles and
lengths, sometimes the finishing point may not coincide
with the starting point of closed traverse.
 The distance by which a traverse fails to close is known
as closing error or error of closure.
Closing Error (e):
For closed traverse,
L = 0, D = 0
If this condition is not satisfied,
closing error exists.
AAʹ = closing error
Magnitude of closing error
(e) =
Direction of c.e.
() =
Where ‘’ is in QB/RB system.
Relative Accuracy:
 Relative closing error (e) =

 Relative Precision or accuracy =

Where ‘p’ is perimeter of traverse.

line/leg Length(m) WCB
1. Magnitude of losing Error
AB 89.32 45° 10ʹ
2. Direction of Closing Error
3. Relative Precision BC 219.76 72° 05ʹ
CD 151.18 161° 52ʹ
DE 159.1 228° 43ʹ
EA 232.26 300° 42ʹ

line/leg Length(m)=l WCB () Latitude (l cos) Departure (l sin)

AB 89.32 45° 10ʹ 62.98 63.34
BC 219.76 72° 05ʹ 67.61 209.10
CD 151.18 161° 52ʹ -143.67 47.05
DE 159.1 228° 43ʹ -104.97 -119.56
EA 232.26 300° 42ʹ 118.58 -199.71
851.62 0.52 0.23
Magnitude of closing error
(e) =

= 0.568 m

Direction of c.e.
() =

Relative Precision or accuracy =

(851.62/0.568) = 1/1499.33
Closing Error (e):

If there is no closing error.

L = ND – NA
D = ED - EA } If this condition is not satisfied, closing error
Closing Error (e):

Lʹ = L – (ND – NA)
Dʹ = D – (ED – EA)
Closing error (e) = Direction of c.e. () =

line/leg Length(m)=l WCB (q) Coordinates

AB 145.5 30° 20ʹ A (1000 E, 2000 N)
BC 95.6 120° 30ʹ D (1238 E, 2145 N)
CD 102.5 50° 40ʹ

Calculate: Magnitude, direction of closing error & Precision of link

L = lAB cosAB + lBC cosBC + lCD cosCD
= 142.03 m
D = lAB sinAB + lBC sinBC + lCD sinCD
= 235.13 m

ND – NA = 2145-2000 = 145 m = difference of Latitude

ED – EA = 1238-1000 = 238 m = Difference of Depature

Lʹ = L – (ND – NA)

= 142.03 - 145 = - 2.97
Dʹ = D – (ED – EA)
= 235.13 – 238 = - 2.87
Magnitude of Closing error (e) =
= 4.13 m
Direction of c.e = () = = = 44 1  8
Balancing of Traverse:
 In the case of closed traverse, L = 0 & D = 0, in ideal
 In other words, N = S and E = W,
 but in actual practice, some closing error always found to be exist
while computing the latitude and departure.
 Then the total error in latitude and departure are determined and
distributed among the traverse station proportionately, according to
following rules:
A. Bowditch’s Rule:
B. Transit Rule:
C. Graphical method:
Balancing of Traverse……
A. Bowditch’s Rule:
 This is the most common method of traverse adjustment.
 This rule is applied when both linear and angular measurements
are of equal precision.
 Total error in latitude and departure is distributed in proportion to
the length of sides.

Correction in latitude = total error in latitude 

CL =  L 
Correction in departure = total error in departure 
CD =  D 
Balancing of Traverse……
B. Transit Rule:
 The transit rule is applied when angular measurements are more
precise than the linear measurements.
 According to this rule, the total error in latitude and departure is
distributed in proportion to the latitude and departure of the sides.

Correction in latitude = total error in latitude 

CL =  L 

Correction in departure = total error in departure 

CD =  D 
The data of closed traverse is given in table below, balance the
traverse by using
i. Bowditch
ii. & Transit rule

Line Length (m) Latitude (m) Depature (m)

AB 200.0 -173.2 100.0
BC 130.0 0.0 130.0
CD 100.0 86.6 48.0
DE 250.0 250.0 0.0
EA 320.0 -154.9 -280.0
Balancing by Bowditch's Rule
Length Latitude Correction in Corrected Depature Correction in Corrected
(m) (m) Latitude Latitude (m) Depature Depature
AB 200.0 -173.2 100.0
BC 130.0 0.0 130.0
CD 100.0 86.6 48.0
DE 250.0 250.0 0.0
EA 320.0 -154.9 -280.0

(Perimeter) (+ve error) (-ve Correction) (-ve error) (+ve correction)

Balancing by Bowditch's Rule
Length Latitude Correction in Corrected Depature Correction in Corrected
(m) (m) Latitude Latitude (m) Depature Depature
AB 200.0 -173.2 -1.7 -174.9 100.0 0.4 100.4
BC 130.0 0.0 -1.1 -1.1 130.0 0.26 130.3
CD 100.0 86.6 -0.9 85.8 48.0 0.2 48.2
DE 250.0 250.0 -2.1 247.9 0.0 0.5 0.5
EA 320.0 -154.9 -2.7 -157.6 -280.0 0.64 -279.4
1000.0 8.5 -8.5 0.0 -2.0 2.0 0.0
(Perimeter) (+ve error) (-ve Correction) (-ve error) (+ve correction)
Balancing by Transit Rule
Length Latitude Correction in Corrected Depature Correction in Corrected
(m) (m) Latitude Latitude (m) Depature Depature
AB 200.0 -173.2 -2.2 -175.4 100.0 0.36 100.4
BC 130.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 130.0 0.47 130.5
CD 100.0 86.6 -1.1 85.5 48.0 0.17 48.2
DE 250.0 250.0 -3.2 246.8 0.0 0.00 0.0
EA 320.0 -154.9 -2.0 -156.9 -280.0 1.00 -279.0
8.5 -8.5 0.0 -2.0 2.0 0.0
664.7 558.0
Gale’s Table:
Q. Calculate the Latitudes, Departures and closing error for the
following traverse and adjust using Bowditch’s method. If
coordinate of A [1000m, 2000m] compute independent
coordinate of all other stations
line/leg Length(m) WCB
AB 89.31 45° 10ʹ
BC 219.76 72° 05ʹ
CD 151.18 161° 52ʹ
DE 159.1 228° 43ʹ
EA 232.26 300° 12ʹ

Bearing (WCB) Consecutive Coordinate Correction Corrected COORDINATE Stations


Line/Leg Station
Lat Dep
d m s Lat (+ -) Dep (+ -) Lat (+ -) Dep (+ -) E N
(+ -) (+ -)

A - - - - - - - - - 1000.0 2000.0 A

AB 89.31 B 45 10 0 62.968 63.335 0.1299 0.0843 63.098 63.419 1063.4 2063.1 B

BC 219.76 C 72 5 0 67.606 209.103 0.3196 0.2074 67.925 209.310 1272.7 2131.0 C

CD 151.18 D 161 52 0 -143.672 47.052 0.2199 0.1427 -143.452 47.194 1319.9 1987.6 D

DE 159.10 E 228 43 0 -104.971 -119.557 0.2314 0.1501 -104.740 -119.407 1200.5 1882.8 E

EA 232.26 A 300 12 0 116.831 -200.736 0.3378 0.2192 117.169 -200.517 1000.0 2000.0 A

-1.238 -0.804 1.238 0.804 0.000 0.000

P= 851.61 ∑= ∑= ∑= ∑= ∑= ∑=

Closing error =√[(∑lat.)2 + (∑dep.)2] = 1.47632

Precision = Total closed distance (Perimeter) / (Closing error) = 576.84712

Q. A closed traverse ABCDA given as below. Balance the
traverse by Bowditch’s rule and calculate the independent
coordinates in the form of Gale’s table, coordinate of A is
(600 N, 800 E)

line/leg Length(m) Angles Remarks

AB 171 A 54° 45ʹ

BC 152 B 105° 41ʹ

Bearing of AB is 51° 16¢
CD 126 C 57° 26ʹ

DA 107 D 135° 38ʹ

Calculation Steps
i. Calculate the sum of interior angles and
correct them if error any error
ii. Calculate bearings of all traverse lines
iii. Compute Consecutive coordinates (latitude
& departure) & errors in (L, D)
iv. Balance the Latitudes & Departures by
Bowditch's Rule
v. Calculate Independent Coordinates

Observed Correction in Corrected Bearing (WCB) Consecutive Coordinate Correction Corrected Independent

Angles Angles Angles
g Dep (+
d m s d m s d m s d m s Lat (+ -) Dep (+ -) Lat (+ -) Lat (+ -) Dep (+ -) E N

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600.000 800.000 A

AB 171 54 45 0 1 37 30 56 22 30 51 16 0 106.994 133.391 -0.3282 -13.3470 106.666 120.044 720.044 906.666 B

BC 152 105 41 0 1 37 30 107 18 30 123 57 30 -84.906 126.075 -0.2917 -11.8640 -85.197 114.211 834.256 821.469 C

CD 126 57 26 0 1 37 30 59 3 30 244 54 0 -53.449 -114.102 -0.2418 -9.8347 -53.691 -123.936 710.319 767.778 D

DA 107 135 38 0 1 37 30 137 15 30 287 38 30 32.428 -101.968 -0.2054 -8.3516 32.222 -110.319 600.000 800.000 A

1.067 43.397 -1.067 -43.397 0.000 0.000

P= 556 353 30 0 ∑= ∑= ∑= ∑= ∑= ∑=

Closing error =√[(∑lat.)2 + (∑dep.)2] = 43.4105

Precision = Total closed distance (Perimeter) / (Closing error)

= 12.80797

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