CM Toolkit
CM Toolkit
CM Toolkit
Select slides that support a dialogue on what change is and why it is critical
Change Management Defined
Change Management is the discipline of preparing people for and supporting them through a business, technical and/or organizational
change. The overarching goal is to achieve the desired level of organizational performance as soon as possible.
Denial and “To what extent will it affect me?“ “I think I can figure out
Uncertainty “How can I work in a virtual matrix?” Adaptation how to live with it”
Fear and “Same job, less money!” “Maybe, I should learn more about their culture”
Testing and
Resistance “I don’t trust those guys!“ Acceptance “The train is leaving, I better get on”
“It’s difficult, but we can do it”
“I’ll do what is
Withdrawal necessary to survive”
The lessons learned from previous projects as well as industry research highlights that training and
communication activities can address some of the people-related issues, however a broader range of activities
are necessary to drive the adoption of the new technology and processes.
The elusive “big gain”
Many companies launch big initiatives with the intention of “changing the entire company” but fail to see the returns
they expected
They start new programs and invest in technology, process, and organizational improvements and see some returns
but not the game changing, step function gains they had hoped for
The most often neglected ingredient to seeing the big gains is in people’s behaviors. Companies cannot
fundamentally change unless people change how they work
Many initiatives
stall here
Stage 3
Stage 2
Stage 1 Big Gains
Marginal Improvement
Work is done differently.
Implementation Initiative is accepted and People’s behaviors change
creates tactical improvements fundamentally, maximizing
New systems, processes, org (e.g. faster software, specific gains from new capabilities
structures, or priorities processes perform better, etc.), and enabling major
introduced but work is essentially done the improvements
same way as before Time
Framework Key People Levers
Change Leadership
Clear, consistent and targeted communications
Clarity of expectations
Communicate compelling value proposition for
People Risk and
Impact transition
Learning and
Alignment and
Learning Organization / HR
Build Vendor Management Develop a service
Competency Workforce management capability
Transformation Communications
Develop specific training Utilize mixed sourcing model
programs targeting new
Define the governance
structure, roles &
Rollout End-User training Talent responsibilities, etc
Requirements and Culture
and documentation
HR Programs Realign resources
Organization Develop staffed
Design and redeployment strategy
Identify skills gaps & new
support positions required
Change Leadership
Use transparent and
Organization / HR
consistent employee
Learning movement procedures
Integrated Transformation Approach
Integrated Change, Organization/HR, and Learning services are delivered at the program and project level to drive consistency,
alignment, and effective service delivery across the overall transformation effort.
Organization /
Workforce Transition
2018 2019
April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Onboarding Resources Onboarded
Identify resources ILLUSTRATIVE
Develop onboarding Go-Live
plans 12/1
Coordinate onboarding
Training Training Plan / Training materials Training
End User Training Needs Training Plan and Curriculum development and delivery
Assessment Training Strategy Strategy development, review and approval Curriculum delivered
to end users
A data-driven, analytical approach to managing change will accelerate value for you
How precision is Analytic – Driven Change will provide specific and actionable data that will be used to develop targeted
achieved interventions for XXXXX X stakeholders / leaders and allow for progress to be tracked
Targeted global and function specific change management and training recommendations will accelerate
How speed is achieved performance by focusing the XXXXX X project’s resources on areas likely to achieve the high-quality
Deployment of targeted recommendations are tightly linked to XXXXX X’s project goals and objectives.
How impact is Insights are derived from the analysis of both what XXXXX X stakeholders perceive and what objective
achieved (e.g. financial and operational) data tells us. Additionally, objective data will allow us to quantifiably
demonstrate the impact of the change.
Execute Change
Conduct Assessment & Analysis Plan & Design Change Solutions
The Conduct Assessment and Analysis Phase The Plan and Design Change Solutions phase drives to During the Execute Change Solutions
emphasizes a deep understanding of the XXXXX’s solution development in preparation for execution. It starts Phase, implementation of the planned
business problem and desired outcomes, with leadership and aligning them to a common vision and solutions begins. Managing data and
goal, uses insights from analysis in the first phase to build the
understanding leaders’ commitment and alignment change solutions regularly, appropriate
solution plan, and finally requires designing and developing
to strategic objectives, and collecting and analyzing change solutions, which can be implemented in the final transition activities and measurement will
data in a way that is meaningful to the XXXXX. phase. be critical to the sustainability of the
The insights from analysis will drive the solutions in solutions.
the next phase. Communication Strategy
Leadership Action Plans
As One Analysis
Detailed 22nd Floor Change Management and Communications Plan
Draft by
Phase Category Launch Date Deliverable Name Vehicle/Channel Audience Messages Messenger Approver Author Date Status NOTES Lessons Learned
Engagement Strategic May Initial Meeting Senior Leaders • Program X description and key details Complete
Communication Organizational • Why Program X is being implemented
(Written) Program X
Engagement Strategic May Initial Program X In person meeting Impacted Program X overview Complete
Communication Info Share (HR) & teleconference employees
Engagement Strategic 1-Jun Program X Email All Tower Program X introduction and overview <Client Complete
Communication Advanced Notice employees Personnel>
Analysis Stakeholder 30-Jun Change Complete Core Team Detailed stakeholder analysis, following <Client Person> Project Team <Client 30-Jun Complete
Management Management Plan Stakeholder Program X toolkit framework Person>
Analysis / Program
X Toolkit
Analysis Define Change 21-Jul Change Excel document Core Team Detailed information on project analysis, <Client Person> Project Team <Client 21-Jul Complete
and Vision Management Plan change management strategy, and change Person>
map, following Program X toolkit framework
Analysis Influence/ 21-Jul Change Excel document Core Team Detailed leader analysis following Program X <Client Person> Project Team <Client 22-Jul Complete
Sponsorship Management Plan toolkit framework Person>
Analysis Define Change 30-Jul Change Excel document Core Team • Comprehensive communications and <Client Extended <Client 27-Jul Complete
and Vision Management Plan training plan Person>/<Client Change Team Person>/<Cli
• Plan includes draft key messages that Person> ent Person>
address needs uncovered during analysis
Engagement Strategic 26-Jul - 30-Jul Senior Leader Meeting Senior Leaders • Work with impacted senior leaders to Global Real N/A N/A N/A Complete
Communication Role Mapping complete initial role mapping (i.e., determine Estate &
(Meeting) Sessions percentage of employees across the 4 Workplace
workstyles) Transformation
Engagement Strategic Tentative: Week of Impacted Leader Email <Client • Status since last update TBD <Client <Client Complete
Communication 23 -Aug Update Personnel> • FYI that SVP communications will be Person> Person>
(Meeting) lunching shortly
Sample Outputs
Engagement Strategic Late Aug - Date UPDATE: Real Email & Word Building X SVPs • Background on current space shortage <Client Person> <Client <Client 30-Jul Complete
Communication TBD Estate in the Document and above • Private office situation Person> Person>
(Written) Tower • Existing 5th floor lease
• Long-term solution & Program X facts
• External Benchmarking
• Next steps
• Managing in the interim period
• Thank you for participation and support
Establish Clarity of
Assess Leadership Conduct Data Analysis
Intended Business Collect Data
Alignment and Visualization
• Clearly establish business • Use data to understand the • Collect data to validate the • Extract Analytics-Driven insights
outcomes that can be used to alignment and commitment of problem is the “right” problem and to aid decision making, identify
drive planning and decision leaders most critical to the that the solution will achieve the opportunities, and understand
making throughout the project success of the project business outcome, manage risks, where the greatest impact will
realize results and more efficiently be to effectively prioritize
use resources solutions
Establish business outcomes Conduct leadership assessment Identify data necessary to Analyze data using trends,
for planning and decision to measure leaders’ collect based on business correlations, etc.
making commitment or resistance to the outcome
change Extract insights from the
Use XXXXX resources to Determine ways to maximize data and identify
understand industry trends Document areas of resistance
use of time, cost and effort of opportunities to implement
and/or gaps in leadership data collection (e.g., limited change solutions to achieve
alignment, including (but not number of questions, online business outcomes
limited to) lack of clear vision, vs. paper)
differences between leadership Use data visualization to
vision and strategy, and lack of effectively showcase
consistency and commitment insights from data and drive
decision making and action
Plan & Design Change Execute Change
Conduct Assessment & Analysis
Solutions Solutions
• Partner with leadership to drive • Build the strategic change • Design and develop targeted
alignment around the common solution plan, what includes what change solutions based on the
vision and goal, a pre-condition is needed to implement, the needs of individual stakeholder
for the success of the project potential impact to the business if groups from data analysis
implemented and the risks
associated with not implementing
Determine what changes will Determine which change Build change solutions (e.g.,
need to occur within the solutions are required to communications, training,
organization and what skills achieve business outcomes change management) and
leaders will need to become develop materials
aligned Identify indicators of success
based on business outcomes
Engage leaders and develop
a plan to address leadership Identify and prioritize change
alignment solutions based on those that
drive greatest impact
Modify and track leadership
alignment throughout the Develop a high level roadmap
project lifecycle
Determine level of effort to
implement and associated
Plan & Design Change Execute Change
Conduct Assessment & Analysis
Solutions Solutions
• Execute the change management • Confirm that business has absorbed
strategy adjusting as necessary and adopted the change and can
based on changing needs of demonstrate a quantifiable
stakeholder groups, outside operational outcome that is
influences and demand sustainable
Execute against work plan Measure progress based on
(including development and indicators of success
implementation of change
solutions). Continue to manage and monitor
ongoing change management
activities, such as change agent
networks and communications, as
well as leadership action plans
• Use insights from data analysis to create targeted solutions to meet the unique
needs of each stakeholder group
A one-size-fits-all approach frequently yields
poor results • Create an implementation plan that best utilizes money and resources by only
implementing select solutions as needed
• Hold teams accountable by measuring not just project status, but progress
towards business outcomes
It’s tough to manage what you can’t measure • Clearly define what success looks like and establish indicators of success to
Without a comprehensive solution, success • Identify the related initiatives (talent, process, change or org) required to
won’t be sustainable supplement the new solutions
• Clearly identify business outcomes and project objectives that are measurable
Lack of clear direction and business objectives • Gain leadership alignment around outcomes and check in regularly
= failure to achieve results
What is a
Communications Defines the approach for sharing information about GIFT so that stakeholders receive required information in a timely manner to ensure alignment
What is a
Communications A work plan that details all communication activities throughout the phases of GIFT to ensure the key stakeholders get required information in a timely manner
Ensure appropriate and consistent messages are being communicated to key stakeholders in a timely manner
Increase understanding of the objectives and expected benefits of GIFT
Communicate how GIFT will impact Chartis and its employees, including:
Why develop a What will be expected during the GIFT timeline
Communications What will change because of GIFT
Plan? What should and should not be expected when GIFT is implemented
Report on GIFT project progress through multiple communications methods and vehicles/channels
Promote two-way communications and feedback from target audience groups
Acknowledge and celebrate milestones within the GIFT community and the UK and Europe Finance & Accounting and Operations & Systems organizations
Why conduct a Identify the ways in which employees’ jobs will change
Change Impact Ranks these changes based upon the degree of impact
Assessment? Develop plans to address changes so that employees can do their jobs
Change Management Assess Develop Program Deliver Initial Program Manage and Deliver Integrated
Communications Communication Plan Communications Program and Project Communications
Identify Stakeholder Align and Prepare Initiate Stakeholder Manage and Support Stakeholders
Groups Stakeholders Action
Assess Supporting HR
Realign Supporting HR Programs and Processes Implement Realigned HR Programs and Processes
Training Assess Program Develop Program Develop Program Manage Integrated Program and Project Training
Training Needs Training Strategy/Plan Training Strategy/Plan Activities
Develop Knowledge
Implement Knowledge Transfer Program Transfer Knowledge
Transfer Process/Plan
Limited buy-in and support Lack of alignment of critical HR and Early results not sustained
Lack of employee motivation organizational aspects Difficulties on implementing new
Difficulties and misunderstandings virtual organization
Increasing resistance to
in communication due to varying Operational disruptions from July 1
transformation and change
expectations, national and
Lack of alignment across key corporate cultures, and language
stakeholders and business leaders issues
Potential conflicts due to lingering Eroding trust and loss of good
non-addressed issues and people
Loss of productivity
Comprehensive Organization Readiness Methodology
Apply Targeted Change Solutions
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
Go Live
Analytics Program Change Risks/ Leadership End User Workforce Go Live Ongoing Change
Checkpoints Learning Strategy
Approach Vision Requirements Action Messaging Transition Change Requirements
Plans Strategy Approach Activities
Develop success Assess risks and outline Spot Risk Spot Risk
metrics & scorecard change requirements Measure post go live usage
Change Assessment Assessment
Analytics Analyze change impacts and stakeholders Continuous Continuous Assess post go live
Refresh Refresh capabilities
Stakeholder Define future state competencies Assess current Develop workforce Execute workforce transition
competency gaps transition approach
& Define new role
Align performance management processes to new roles
Engagement expectations
Establish project plan Manage PMO activities (project plan, risk and issues, audit requirements)
PMO Executive reporting
Building an OR Roadmap
Inputs Outputs
Activities are required to understand the change The Organization Readiness Plan is made up of a
and inform tthe organizational readiness plan series of plans that align to the OR roadmap
OR Analytics
• Stakeholder & Change • OR Activity Risk Metrics
Impact Assessment • Dashboard Reporting
• Readiness Assessments
Identify Business &
Project Objectives
Vision & Leadership Alignment
• Vision Communication Plan* • Leadership Alignment Plan
Develop • Project Team • Leadership Alignment
Organizational Communications Plan* Communications Plan*
Assess Stakeholders
and Change Impact Readiness
Plan Stakeholder Expectations & Engagement
• Change Agent Network Plan • Stakeholder
• Workforce Transition Plan** Communications Plan*
Baseline OR Activity
Risk Assessment Learning
• Learning Plan**
• Project Plan • DIRT Log
Baseline Current OR activity: Initial Assessment Complete
An initial assessment of OR activity is complete. Input from Project Stakeholders and Leaders is recommended to finalize the baseline.
Risk Assessment <MM/YY>
2.2 • All stakeholders have not been identified/mapped leading to confusion over impacts and scope of OR activity
• Limited change impact assessment completed for <FUNCTION> and parts of <LOB> audiences in <MM/YY>
should be updated and expanded to full scope change
Impacts • Change and stakeholder assessments are not maintained which limits scope and effectiveness of OR activities
3 1 • Communications planning only to <MM/YY> limiting opportunity to provide full scope of change
Desired 4
4 0 Actual 1.8
• Leaders are not aware of impacts to team or aligned in rationale for change
1.9 • Some business teams are working independently to understand future state for teams. However broad and
structured work has not yet commenced to define future state operating model and plan transition, therefore
Expectations limiting ability to realize desired Finance end state.
• Individual roles and expectations have not been clarified and there is debate over extent of change to individual
Desired 2.9 roles, meaning that significant individual impacts may not be appropriately addressed.
4 0 Actual 1
• Initial planning work for building learning plans has commenced, however lack of up to date change impact plan
Capabilities 2 will limit ability to deliver high impact training
3 1
Desired 2.4
4 0 Actual 1.7
• Commitment risks have not been identified for any stakeholder, therefore limiting opportunity to engage
Commitment stakeholder appropriately and increasing risk that stakeholder are not bought-into change. Risk mitigation is
especially important for early-engagement stakeholders including leaders and change network
Desired 3.7
4 0 Actual 1.4
• Sustainability planning has not yet commenced. Risk is limited currently given timeline for project however
Sustainability category is trending red unless planning commences shortly
3 1
Desired 2.4
4 0 Actual 1
We use a change scorecard with detailed measures supporting each of our metrics.
Metrics Scorecard Measures
Performance Org.
Operating Clear career Clear roles and Future Program-related
mgt. adjusted to understands
Expectations model and OD paths in future required competency performance
drive new performance
defined state competencies gaps assessed assessed
model expectations
The methodology to capture stakeholder perspectives includes the below key considerations.
The questionnaire currently includes <NUMBER> items around the <NUMBER> metrics (a
mix of quantitative and qualitative / open-ended questions)
The survey will be administered on a quarterly basis to assess and track stakeholder
understanding, commitment and adoption
The survey is hosted via the <SURVEY TOOL>. Selected participants received an email
HOW invitation from the central OR mailbox to complete the survey. We will periodically call upon
leaders for assistance in boosting response.
Provide insight into stakeholder needs, uncover potential risks to successful execution, and
assist in developing mitigation strategies
One of the key features of the survey is the ability to provide results at granular levels (e.g., by line of business, band level)
which will assist in identifying unique risks and necessary actions
<FUNCTION / INITIATIVE> Metrics Scorecard – Self-Assessment as of <MM/YY>
Performance Org.
Operating Clear career Clear roles and Future Program-related
mgt. adjusted to understands
Expectations model and OD paths in future required competency performance 2.7
drive new performance
defined state competencies gaps assessed assessed
model expectations
Do you know which changes you will experience as a result of this program?
Impacts Do you know how your colleagues are impacted by the changes?
Do you know how finance information, systems and processes will change?
To what extent do you feel accountable for complying with the new changes?
Do you understand what skills and tools are required to be successful in your role in the future state?
Capabilities Do you feel that you have the right skills and tools to be successful?
How committed are you personally to helping the program succeed? Please explain.
How committed are your colleagues?
Commitment Are leaders and stakeholders being engaged effectively to help the program succeed?
How effective are the communications from <INITIATIVE>?
Simple (Developmental)
Medium (Transitional) Complex (Transformational)
Simple and Predictable
Variable Complexity and Complex and Unpredictable
Streamlining and small scale or
Planned, holistic organizational
incremental change. Does not
Changes to structure, capabilities change for the enterprise that
change the core business strategy;
and work processes. No changes to redesigns core business model,
transition risks are not significant
underlying business model/strategy. nature of work, and/or cultural
Impacts: People, Work
Impacts: People, Work
Processes, Work Environment, Impacts: People, Work
Structure Processes, Work Environment,
Structure, Rewards
Redesigning a team’s work
New organizational structure Examples:
New release of business
Reductions in staff Redesigning the procurement
Process re-engineering policy
Automating a manual report
Major acquisitions
Creating a Center of Excellence
Change Management Engagement Model Overview
The process for engaging the Change Management Function begins with a business leader or HRBP contacting the Function lead,
who will assess intake to determine which change management services are needed. Business leaders, HRBPs, and / or the Function
Lead will then develop and implement the change management plan, with responsibilities varying depending on the level of services
Identify &
Scope Analyze & Plan Deliver
Who is contacting the Who is conducting Who is developing the Who is leading
Change Management the intake and plan? service delivery?
function? determining scope?
The diagram below depicts the services a Change Management Center of Excellence (CoE) can provide.
Facilitate workforce
redeployment and Identify stakeholder groups, assess
transition in alignment with their readiness for change, and
the change determine impacts of the change on
each group
Workforce Impact
Transition Assessment
Management All services in Levels 1 and 2 plus Rewards, Recognition, &
Communication Proficient change management capabilities required
Organization Level 3
& Engagement Requires heavy involvement of Performance &
Competency Management Lead as SME
Recognition, Learning &
& Development
All services in Levels 1, 2, and 3 plus Process Redesign,
Performance Organization Design, and Workforce Changes
Level 4 Advanced change management capabilities required
May require leveraging SMEs across or outside of the
Design rewards, company depending on project size and scope
Provide tools and training to
recognition, and support change delivery on
performance goals to projects and ensure to
promote desired knowledge / capability transfer
Change Management Service Delivery Examples
The table below describes examples of changes that would necessitate each of the change management service delivery levels.
Process Readiness / Impact
Workforce Leadership
Organization Communications
Performance Learning
A policy changes, but there are no Leaders want to promote more An initiative to engage the A new technology system is
Example: impacts on processes stringent adherence to an different generations in the implemented in one or more
existing policy workforce is implemented functions
Conduct readiness and impact Conduct readiness and impact Conduct readiness and impact Conduct readiness and impact
assessment (no learning needs assessment to determine assessment to identify which assessment to identify which
identified) likelihood of resistance stakeholder groups to focus on functions will interact with the
Align leaders around the new Align leaders around the Align leaders around the goals of technology
Level 1 policy importance of the cultural shift engaging multiple generations Align leaders around the vision
Communicate the new policy to Communicate vision and Communicate about initiative for using the technology
leaders and associates reinforce behaviors by engaging and engage leaders and Communicate changes and
leaders and associates associates engage leaders and associates
N/A Design new training on the policy Conduct training to teach leaders Conduct training to teach
Deliver training to leaders and how to engage associates in associates how to use the new
Level 2 associates different generations technology
Implement a Create a common hub and epicenter for change management capabilities and competencies that enforce
collaboration and excellence in delivery of a full suite of services
Center of Empower center to be optimally engaged and effective by directing all change management related projects
Excellence and stakeholders to leverage available tools and resources within CoE
Create a multi- Enable change management function to support varying levels of service scope and complexity – from
layered / tiered rudimentary to elaborate
engagement Clarify role of the CoE, HRBPs, project leaders, and other key stakeholders and respective involvement in
model delivering the suite of change management services
Empower business leaders to drive and take ownership of change management to enable
Utilize business successful, effectively resourced change management and business initiatives
leaders as
Work with Talent Management to identify high-potential leaders to serve as change champions
change agents
Incorporate change management competencies into competency models for business leaders
Utilize data and analytic tools to enlighten and expose need for change management, adoption
Employ and risks, success factors, focus areas, etc.
embed data &
Use analytics to emphasize and reinforce accountability and measure success against
realization of concrete goals / benefits
Clarify global The global extent of the solution will dictate the activities that can be performed by the global team vs. the
regional team
vs. regional Empower the change management regional teams so that projects do not feel like US solutions that are
accountabilities driven out to the regions
Program infrastructure should be put in place to ensure the global team can operate effectively
Establish Take all stakeholders through the process of determining and agreeing to the guiding principles
function early on (workshops can be helpful to drive adoption)
guiding Construct guiding principles that are as specific and granular as possible to signal to
principles stakeholders that real decisions are being made
Change Management Capacity and Delivery Options
There is a continuum of change management capacity and delivery options that help determine how change management is provided
for various initiatives; the models below also influence which change management organizational structure are most effective for a
Which model makes sense for the <XXXXX> Change Management team?
Change Management Organizational Structure Options
There are multiple options for structuring a Change Management function. The best option is dependent on <XXXXX’S> needs. Since
the <XXXXX> Change Management team is leaning towards a Centralized (vs. a Decentralized) model, the following slides focus on
the Centralized model, with the Hybrid model as an alternative.
Centralized Hybrid
• Additional costs may be required to ensure
Resource(s) Resource(s) Resource(s) Resource(s)
Internal specialized knowledge in each area
Function B
Project 1 • Limited ability for Change Management to
Deployed Comm Deployed Org Deployed Comm Deployed Org
Resource(s) Resource(s) Resource(s) Resource(s) develop project subject matter expertise
• Increased resource coordination
• Projects lose some control of their user
Deployed Deployed Deployed Deployed communities
Change Training Change Training
Resource(s) Resource(s) Resource(s) Resource(s)
Function C
Project 2
Deployed Comm
Deployed Org
Deployed Comm
Deployed Org
• How are change management resources
implemented within the business with this
Key: • How are change management resources
scaled effectively to meet demand from
Change Functional/
the business?
Resources from
Management Technical Project Team
Central Team
Central Team Resources
Option 2: Hybrid Structure
Change Management Central Team • Central team supports cross-project activities
• Central pool of resources assigned to projects as
Resources assigned to projects as needed • Resources can be full or part-time
• Direct reporting to Change Management Central
Team and indirect to projects
Deployed Change Deployed Change
Function A Management Management Project 5
Resource(s) Resource(s) Advantages:
• Cross-project alignment and consistent approach to
engaging the business
• High levels of standardization and localization across
Deployed Change Deployed Change
Function B Management Management Internal • Enables scalability
Resource(s) Resource(s) Project 1 • Deep Change Management knowledge
• Coordination and bundling of touch points
• Sharing of learnings across projects
• Development of project knowledge
Deployed Change Deployed Change
• Allows for changing resource needs throughout the
Function C Management Management
Project 2
lifecycle of the project
Resource(s) Resource(s)
• Potential confusion of reporting lines
Key: • Projects may perceive loss of ownership of Change
Management resource
Change Functional/
Resources from
Management Technical Project Team
Central Team
Central Team
Resources Questions:
• Given dual reporting lines, who is accountable for
change management results?
Change Management Organizational Structure Leading Practices
Focus on Align workgroup and individual measures to the workgroup’s / individual’s areas of control or influence
outcomes & Implement formal and informal structures to support the principle of continuous improvement (e.g., integrate with
measures engagement model)
Transfer decision making authority and responsibility to those with the power to influence outcomes
Create a cost Minimize or eliminate duplicate roles except where absolutely necessary
effective Consolidate and centralize transactional activities
organization Utilize alternate source delivery (i.e., contracting) options where it makes sense
Design flexible Design structures to promote responsiveness to changing customer needs
& responsible Use flexible structures, such as alliances, partnerships, and networks to promote effective relationships with
structures customers and external stakeholders
Ensure that the structure is feasible to attract / retain the required talent within the desired timeframe
Design a flatter Limit the layers of management between manager and the front line
structure Maximize the contribution of individual roles; facilitate a “once and done” by limiting iterations on tasks
Ensure decision making authority is closest to the source of information and those who have the expertise to
interpret and act upon it
Enable Ensure that structures enable the dissemination and use of knowledge to share best practices, optimize service
knowledge effectiveness, and serve the customer
sharing Manage information across end-to-end processes rather than through functional hierarchies
Push appropriate information, authority, and accountability to individuals to promote “just-in-time” and “just-the-
right” person decision making
Ensure structures promote career path training
Structure Construct functions around activities that need to be performed; do not tailor them to the qualifications of
functions individuals
based on role Develop functions that are incumbent anonymous, and can be easily filled based on requirements
Change Management Function Maturity Model
Culture of Culture of
Incremental Transformation and
Change Awareness Change Leadership
Change Function Mature
Value Drivers Manages integrated
change portfolio, sits on
Lagging Delivers change in enterprise steering
Manages change
major projects and delivery and integration committees or reports
Delivers change programs but within across a full portfolio of to the Board level.
services to stand alone individual business programs with broad Accountable for
projects in individual units, with solid cross business unit strategy execution
Scope of Business units; limited strategic alignment engagement and through major
Activity strategic alignment, and increased business strategic alignment. transformations.
business engagement, engagement, but no
or integration across integration outside of Integrated suite of
projects. program scope. change tools,
Standardized set of methodologies and
change tools and approaches universally
Some standardization approaches aligned with
for basic change tools applied and adhered to,
recognized external with embedded industry
Fragmented set of (e.g. Communications standards, and with
Methodology, plans)., but inconsistent best practice, and
change tools across the widespread application
Approach application and thought leadership.
& Tools
organization; limited and adherence.
standards adherence Deep understanding of
Understanding of the business and the
business imperatives, key strategic,
Reasonable, if and strategic enablers. regulatory and market
somewhat superficial, Resources may have drivers. Able to add
Change team members
awareness of the operational or business insight and
have low level of
activities of the business management analysis, along with
business alignment
Business units, their underlying experience and a broad deep change
and poor understanding
Knowledge business, key drivers network within the management expertise.
of the underlying
and strategic enablers. business.
business, key drivers or
strategic enablers.
Sample Tool: Change Management Needs Assessment
Every project presents unique Change Management challenges that need to be effectively managed. Which Change Management
components are most critical for each of the current/future FSS Projects?
Change Customer & Training &
Alignment & Commun- Organization &
Management Employee Knowledge
Stakeholder ications Talent
Planning Readiness Transfer
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
Project 6
Project 7