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International Recruitment Welcome Booklet

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Guide to Tameside & Glossop

Integrated Care NHS

Foundation Trust
Contents Page

Page 3 – Welcome to Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
Page 4- Your checklist for your move to the UK
Page 5 - Training & Development
Page 6 – Registration/Revalidation
Page 7– Welcome to the UK
Page 8 – Holidays and Festivals
Page 9 - British Weather
Page 10 - British Etiquette
Page 11 - Getting Around Tameside & Glossop (Greater Manchester)
Page 12 – Living & Working in the UK
Page 13 – NHS Pension Scheme
Page 14 – Housing
Page 15 – Setting up a UK Bank Account
Page 16 – Setting Up Broadband
Page 17 - Food & Drink
Page 18 - Getting a Mobile Phone
Page 19 - Driving in the UK
Page 20 – Health Care
Page 21 & 22– Visa & Right to Work / Biometric Residents Permit (BRP)
Page 23 – Useful names and numbers
Page 24 - Leisure
Page 25 – Local community centres
Page 26 – Schools

Working for Us – Our Staff Views


Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care “Everyone I have worked with has been
NHS Trust is looking forward to having
friendly, helpful and approachable. The
you join our wonderful team and want
opportunities for training and developing
to make the transition to becoming
one of our amazing staff members as
are good”
smooth as possible.
To guide with this we have created this
booklet with some helpful hints and
tips, to use whilst you are settling in to
your new role. “Very positive management and a great
culture of support and challenge.”

“I have frequently recommended the

organisation as a place to work due to
the team spirit that is held at the Trust”

‘Good employers and the NHS is always good to

work for wage wise. I highly recommend our
team if people have the specialism as it's such a
friendly team who work more like a family.

“The Trust has good supporting policies and

procedures for employees. We are treated fairly and
have supportive managers.”
Your checklist!
Before you relocate to the UK, you may need to consider and plan for the following:

• Right to work in the UK (page 11) – unless you have existing right to work you will need
to apply for a Tier 2 visa. We will apply for a certificate of sponsorship for you

• Professional registration (page 5)– you will need to have this in place prior to starting
with us

• Accommodation (page 13) - The chances are you will need immediate/short term
accommodation once you arrive and then longer term accommodation once settled. Get
in touch with your recruitment officer if you think you might need immediate
accommodation on arrival. We sometimes have short term accommodation on site,
although it is not guaranteed

• National Insurance Number and bank account (page 11 & 15)– You will need to plan to
sort this as soon as you arrive in the UK as you cannot commence in post without this.
Make sure you build in a few days to sort these before you start work

• Driving Licence (page 7) – You can usually drive on an overseas driving licence for 12
months, after which you will need a UK driving licence. However you can check this on .

• Social and support network – if this is your first time to the UK, it may be a bit change
for you. Have a think about who your support network will be. We have included details
of some local organisations for different community groups
• Family support – if you are coming with your family

Training & Development

Personal Development

At the Trust we believe that investing in our

employees ensures that they get an opportunity
to develop and progress in their careers. We
recognise that employees are our most valuable
asset and we are committed to providing them
with appropriate training and development
opportunities. IT Training

Our training is designed to provide staff with the We use ground-breaking information
knowledge and skills they need to carry out their technology to achieve the best possible
jobs to the highest standard while developing support for patient and staff care.
them to further their careers.
There are many different courses available,
Learning and development is a continuous our training team design and deliver courses
process and an important component of tailored to the needs of users and the
Continuing Professional Development (CPD). department you work in. Our trainers are
Patient care is at the centre of everything we do. dedicated to providing the best possible
Through education and training, we empower learning experiences. You can find more
staff to deliver high quality, effective patient
details about these courses under training
and development on the Trust intranet page.
Our annual appraisals give our staff an
Here at the Trust we use MyESR to process
opportunity to discuss the progress
online learning. We have a designated team to
they have made with their manager.
help support with use of the app and
completion of all mandatory training. Our Your manager can help with evaluating
Education & Training team are here to help your job performance, behaviour and
with the use of this app to help complete your personal development. Appraisals are a
e-learning requirements. vital tool to help maximise your potential
and encourage staff to take ownership for
their own development.

We actively encourage all our staff to be

engaged with appraisals, this is because
quality appraisals are the foundation to
creating a culture which promotes positive
attitudes, motivates staff and facilitates
development, which in turn drives and
improves both our staff and patient care.


The Trust works to support its staff with local

appraisal procedures and personal development.

Revalidation is the process by which professionals

are required to demonstrate (on a regular basis)
that they are up to date and fit to practice,
ensuring the safety of both yourself and your

General Medical Council (GMC) / General

Dental Council (GDC) – It is essential that you
take responsibility to maintain your GMC
/GDC accounts, and that your Designated
Body is kept up to date. Your updated account
will be emailed to your Responsible Officer,
who will make your ‘Revalidation
recommendation’ to the GMC/GDC.

Nursing and Midwifery Council - this is the

regulator for nursing and midwifery professions in
the UK. Its role is to protect the health and
wellbeing of the public, set standards of
education, training, conduct and performance so
that nurses and midwives can deliver high quality
healthcare consistently throughout their careers.

Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) –

Professional board that set the standards for
education, training and practice for Allied
Health Professionals.
Welcome to the UK

The United Kingdom, made up of England,

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an
island nation in north-western Europe.

England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The

Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a
globally influential centre of finance and culture.
England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge,
Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities
at Oxford and Cambridge.
England’s Attractions Food & Drink

England is home to 21 of Britain’s UNESCO World From cream teas to curries and fish and chips,
Heritage Sites, including Hadrian’s Wall in the English food is exciting and diverse. No matter
North East, Stonehenge in the South West, where you are in England, you’ll find great
Canterbury Cathedral in the South East and the regional food and restaurants.
Tower of London and Maritime Greenwich in
London. There are a number of zoos and safari Sport
parks to picnic spots, beaches and theme parks
across England. Sporting is integral in England, sports grounds
and stadiums can be seen in every city. Football
Shopping is the national sport, and also home to cricket,
tennis and rugby.
There are many different shopping experiences
you can have up and down the country. You can
visit Oxford Street to Manchester’s Trafford
Centre, England has endless shopping choices.

Holidays and Festivals

Britain’s calendar of holidays and festivals means

there is something to celebrate every month.
New Years Day, Easter and Christmas Day are the
three annual Bank Holidays that are official
national public holidays.

Fast Facts

The UK’s unit of currency is the pound sterling

(£GBP). Many of the payments are made by cash Telephoning
and card payments, in smaller shops there might
To call an international number dial 00 followed
be a minimum payment for card transactions.
by the country code. Charges vary dependent
When preparing your currency for the UK please
on providers.
be aware that £50 notes are not commonly used,
we therefore advise you to ask for UK currency in
£5, £10 and £20 denominations. Cash
machines/ATMs are found almost everywhere In the UK, we drive on the left hand side, with
and the majority do not charge a fee. We have right hand drive cars, differing from most
ATM machines at most of our sites. countries in the world. For more details on
driving with a different license in the UK, visit
Emergency Services
https://www.gov.uk/driving-nongb-licence .

In case of an emergency, the national number is

999 for fire, police or ambulance. Operators have
access to translation services covering 170 Britain operates on Greenwich Mean Time
languages. If you have a non-urgent health (GMT) as standard. However, on the last Sunday
related matter, this can be reported on 101. For in March until the Last Sunday in October, the
non-urgent health matters please call 111. clocks go forward by one hour for British
Summer Time (BST).
Age Limits
We use a three-pin plug design throughout the
country, and operate on 230 volts, 50 hertz. At the age of 17 you are legally allowed to drive
and have to be 18 to buy alcohol and cigarettes,
gamble or vote in the UK. Many establishments
implement the government “Challenge 25”
scheme, therefore you must produce
photographic ID (i.e. driving license, passport) to
prove your age when buying alcohol. However at
16-17 you can play the lottery and drink as part
of a meal in a restaurant.

British Weather

Britain is an island country and the surrounding

seas give us a varied climate. The seasonal
differences in Britain are not as extreme as they are
in some countries. The year is split into four
seasons, each roughly three months long.

Manchester has a reputation of being a rainy city,

so its always wise to bring an umbrella!

Winter (December to February)

Winter is the coldest months in the UK, running

from December to February (although November Summer (June to August)
can often suffer wintery conditions). Temperatures
Some days temperatures can reach up to 30°C
can fall as low as freezing point (0°C) though not too
although there are many hot spells during the
much colder than this. This can lead to frost in the
summer, it also rains during the summer months.
mornings and sometimes snow fall.
There are increased hours of daylight which can
Average Minimum/Maximum Temperatures | reach up to 17 hours.
6.6°C - 7.4°C Average Min/Max Daylight Hours
Average Minimum/Maximum Temperatures |
| 8-9 hours Average Monthly Rainfall (mm) |
18.1°C - 20.6°C Average Min/Max Daylight Hours |
16-16 hours 30 minutes Average Monthly Rainfall
Spring (March to May) (mm) | 61mm

The temperatures begin to rise, and the days Autumn (September to November)
become longer, however the weather conditions
Autumn is the gradual change from Summer to
can still be wet and windy.
Winter bringing with it the biggest range of
Average Minimum/Maximum Temperatures | weather conditions. Often temperatures in
9.3°C - 15.4°C Average Min/Max Daylight Hours September and October can still be summery,
| 11-15 hours Average Monthly Rainfall (mm) | equally November can be very cold.
Average Minimum/Maximum Temperatures |
17.5°C - 9.5°C Average Min/Max Daylight Hours
| 10-14 hours Average Monthly Rainfall (mm) |

British Etiquette

Around the world, there are different cultures and a

particular way of doing things. The British also have a
particular way of doing things, here are just a few.


In Britain, we are famous for queuing, you will see

people waiting in a orderly line . Queue-jumping is
frowned upon.


Hugs and kisses are often acceptable with family and close
friends. When meeting new people and patients you can
usually shake hands when saying hello and goodbye.

Card culture

Whether it is a birthday or Christmas, giving greeting

cards remains an important tradition. Thank you cards
are always appreciated, the British still favour cards even
in the digital age.


Tipping is customary in restaurants, however check a

service charge hasn't already been added to your bill
before tipping. Restaurants usually add 12.5%. As a
general rule when tipping, 10% is perfectly acceptable.

Getting Around Tameside & Greater Manchester

Tameside & Glossop are well connected

to Manchester and the rest of the
country through public transport. We
have a number of methods of public
transport which you can use throughout
Greater Manchester has a website to
help with any queries with public
transport methods and they also have an
app which you will be able to download Tax i
to help with getting around Greater
There are a number of taxi services in
and around the area.
Anyone driving a licensed vehicle must also
be licensed as a driver by a local authority.
We have two train stations which are Licensed drivers are issued with an
within 20 minutes of the hospital. Ashton identification badge which displays a photo
Train station and Stalybridge Train of the driver, an identification number and
station, both which have trains to the an expiry date. Drivers are required to
centre of Manchester display the badge in a prominent position
Trams Please note: All taxis are metered and take
Ashton centre has a tram which runs cash only. If travelling a long distance, the
every 6 minutes to the centre of price can be discussed and agreed with the
Manchester and goes past Manchester Operator beforehand.
City Stadium on the route to Manchester.

Buses are a popular form of transport

within the UK, with a regular bus service
running between Tameside and

Please note: The bus driver may not have

appropriate change for high value notes (i.e
£20) therefore please ensure you have the
appropriate coins and/or £5 / £10 notes.
Many buses now have app’s to download
to purchase tickets and payment on card
may be taken this is dependent on the bus

Living & Working in the UK

We recognise that working in the UK for the

first time can be quite daunting and
sometimes confusing. In order to help you
(and us) to ensure your pay is correct as soon
as possible, find below further information.

National Insurance Number

Your National Insurance Number is your

personal reference number to make sure your
National Insurance contributions and tax are
recorded against your name only. It is made up
of letters and numbers and is unique to you Tax Code
and will never change. You must not share
The Tax Code is set by Her Majesty’s Revenue
your NI number with anyone who does not
& Customs (HMRC) usually once you have
need it as knowledge of your number might
been allocated a NI Number. Until a
help someone to steal your identity.
permanent tax code can be allocated to you,
You may have a National Insurance (NI) you will be given an emergency tax code.
number printed on the back of your BRP.
However not all BRPs have this as it depends Unfortunately, the Trust is unable to make
on your visa status. If you need to apply for a enquires to the Tax Office directly, on your
NI number this can only be applied for once behalf, due to confidentiality. Therefore if you
you arrive and are living in the UK. have any queries or questions relating to your
tax code, you will need to contact the Tax
You will not be charged for a National Office directly. You can contact them and
Insurance Number, it is completely free, provide them with your Tax Office Reference
therefore please do not use any website that code, this will allow them to identify that you
charges a fee for this service. If you have any are an employee of our Trust. You can find
further queries regarding you NI number, answers to any general queries on:
please contact your Recruitment Team. https://www.gov.uk/tax-codes

NHS Pension Scheme

(sometimes called

Once you commence your employment with us,

you will be automatically enrolled into the NHS
Pension Scheme, if you are eligible. If you are not
eligible to join the NHS Pension Scheme, you will
be enrolled into the Trust alternative Pension
arrangement called NEST (National Employment
Savings Trust).

It is advised to read the literature about the

benefits of a pension and make a decision if you
want to continue with contributions or to ‘opt
out’. You will receive a letter from the Pensions
Team advising you which scheme you have been
enrolled on to. If you chose to ‘opt out’ then you
will need to download, complete and return the
relevant forms as soon as possible. Unfortunately,
it is not possible for the pensions team to do this
for you and details of how to do this will be
included in the letter you will receive.


The North West has a great buying and rental

property market and our prices are
comparably favourable with the rest of
England and Wales. There is a wide range of
homes available across Greater Manchester
from upmarket luxury flats to family homes
and city mill conversion apartments.

Rent a Property

You can find a wide range of properties to rent

privately or through letting agents. There are
several Letting Agents located in and around
the city that will assist you in finding the right You can visit and browse different letting
accommodation to rent depending on your agents and housing options on:
needs and affordability.
Whether you decide to buy your own place or
rent accommodation, it is important to also
consider the following points in order to assess www.rightmove.co.uk
how much money you can spend on a
mortgage or on your rent each month such as: Buying your own property

·Food If you are looking to get onto the property

·Utility Bills (water,gas,electricity) ladder, you may need to consider getting a
·Council Tax mortgage. In order to get a mortgage in the UK
·Building and contents insurance you need to assess your income, your housing
·Car (inc. petrol, insurance, needs, the housing market, cost of living in
breakdown cover, MOT and tax) or
public transport cost order to consider the possibility of obtaining a
·Expenditure on social activities mortgage.
·Childcare costs (if applicable)
You would need to contact or go into your
local bank or building society to discuss and
apply for a mortgage in order to buy your own
property. It is advisable to shop around with as
many banks

Trust Accommodation

The Trust has a small number of apartments

that can be rented on a short-term basis.
Please contact your Recruitment Team if you
would like further information.
Setting up a UK Bank Account

In order to open a UK bank account once you arrive in

the UK, you will need two documents: one to provide
your identity and one to prove your address. Proving
your identity is simple as you just need your passport
and BRP. We advise that you do not open a bank
account online as this can cause a delay in the
account being approved by the bank.

A To whom it may concern letter will be included

in a welcome pack confirming your address and
employment at the Trust - you can use this to set
up a bank account.

The largest four UK banks are HSBC, Lloyds,

and RBS/NatWest, Barclays.

Visit some of the below banks in person and at

the customer service desk say you want to open
an account:


Warrington Street, Ashton-Under-Lyne, OL6 6JL

2 Staveleigh Way, Old Street, Ashton-Under-
Lyne, OL6 7JY

Unit 33 Arcades Shopping Centre, Ashton-
Under-Lyne, OL6 7JE

219 Stamford Street Central, Ashton-Under-
Lyne, OL6 7QH

Setting up Broadband

Once you have settled into your surroundings

you may want to think about setting up

Broadband is known as an internet service

which allows you to access the web, email,
streaming TV and other online services at
high speeds. To find the best deals you can search directly
on each broadband providers website or use
There are a few things to consider when price comparison websites such as:
choosing the right home broadband
which include: www.moneysupermarket.com/
·Phone lines The majority of contracts available are for a
·Speed period of 12 months dependent on the
·Download Allowances provider. Please be aware that you will be tied
·Multiple Users into a contract and ending a contract before
·Stability the stated date may incur a fee. Therefore, it is
important to consider all the options before
Here are just some of the broadband providers you enter into a long term contract.
available in the UK:
Internet access through wifi, is now also
·Sky widely installed in cafes, airports, and many
·TalkTalk other public buildings throughout the UK.
·Virgin Media

Food & Drink


There are a wide range of supermarkets in

England where you can purchase groceries,
electrical items, clothing, over the counter
medicines and gifts all under one roof.

The most popular supermarkets in the UK are:

·Lidl Carrier bags – why there’s a charge:
·Marks & Spencer
·Waitrose The UK law requires large shops in England to charge
All these supermarkets sell an array of foods, both 5p for all single-use plastic carrier bags to help
British and international. Many of these reduce litter by encouraging people to reuse bags. A
supermarkets offer online shopping, they will bag-for-life is a reusable shopping bag. It is an
deliver food direct to your door at a convenient alternative to single-use paper or plastic bags.
time that will suit you for a small delivery fee.
Supermarket Trolley – coin locks:
Our larger stores also have Pharmacies, where you can
buy over the counter medicine and get your To use a shopping trolley in the majority of UK
prescriptions. You can also receive free advice on minor supermarkets, you will need a £1 coin to unlock the
illnesses from a pharmacist. trolley. After you have finished shopping, you will
need to put the trolley back in the designated trolley
Local Stores bay to retrieve the £1 coin.

There are many local stores in most areas, where

you can pick up many essential items such as
bread, milk, cheese etc, in a short walking distance
or car journey.

Getting a Mobile Phone

There are various ways in which you can get a Sim Only Contracts
mobile phone in the UK. A range of different
price plans and options must be considered If you already have a phone, or have just
when buying a phone, these include: purchased a phone you are able to get a Sim
Only Contract, this is considerably cheaper, as
Pay Monthly Contracts you would not be getting a handset from the
provider. You can choose a package offering
A pay monthly contract means you pay a single minutes, international calls, texts and mobile
monthly fee for a fixed period of time and you data.
are able to select a handset. You have the
option to take out a contract with a provider Pay As You Go
such as, EE, O2, Vodaphone, Three etc. It is
highly advised to search for the best plan for If you do not want to get into a contract, you
you, as deals vary with providers with regards are able to get a PAYG phone, eliminating
to the amount of minutes, texts, internet monthly bills and fixed term contract. You can
usage and the mobile phone handset. pick up a mobile phone for as little as £20 from
any mobile phone store and large supermarket
The majority of contracts available are for a stores. However please be aware when making
period of 12 or 24 months dependent on the international calls using your PAYG phone will
provider and the handset. Please be aware that cost considerably more.
you will be tied into a contract and ending a
contract before the stated date may incur a fee. Where can I get a mobile phone?
Therefore, it is important to consider all the
options before you enter into a long term
There are many places you can buy a mobile
contract. If you are looking to include
phone that offer Contract and PAYG options.
international calls in your contract, please talk
to a representative and find the best deal for You can visit the local shopping centres where
you. You will need proof of identity when there are a wide range of mobile phone shops,
purchasing a pay monthly contract. you can also visit your local supermarket such
as ASDA and Tesco or shop online using various
price comparison websites to obtain the most
suitable price plan.
Driving in the UK

Foreigners moving to Great Britain or Northern

Ireland are permitted to drive using their
existing licence if it has been issued from
countries within the European Economic Area
(EEA) (EU plus Iceland, Norway or Lichtenstein)
or a number of other countries that have
reciprocal arrangements with the UK.

The list of countries with which Britain has

reciprocal agreements includes: Australia, Having car insurance is a legal requirement in
Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Canada, the UK, even if you’re only planning on driving
Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Hong occasionally or are staying for a short time. The
Kong, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Republic of minimum legal requirement of insurance cover
Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland and is third party insurance, which means you’re
Zimbabwe. covered if you have an accident and cause
damage to another person, vehicle, animal or
If you do not have a driving licence yet, or your property. This does not cover any other costs
licence is from a ‘non-designated country’, like repairing your own vehicle.
you’ll first need to apply for a provisional GB
licence. You can then take a driving test and
apply for a full licence once you’ve been in
To get an accurate quote you will need certain
Great Britain for at least 6 months. Please visit
details about your car, including:
licence to apply for your provisional driving ·Make and model
licence. ·Age and value
·Any modifications made
Driving lessons
•You will also need to include information about
You are not required to take any driving your job, age, and where you live, along with
lessons in the UK before taking the test, but your driving history
you might find it helpful to get familiar with A list of comparison websites include:
The Highway Code. To find driving instructors
Money Supermarket
who are approved by the Driver and Vehicle www.moneysupermarket.com
Standards Agency (DVSA) please visit: Compare the Market
www.gov.uk/find-driving-schools-and- www.comparethemarket.com
lessonsTo book your test, please visit:
Go Compare
Health Care
•If you have been granted leave to enter or
Living permanently in the UK you (and the remain in the UK for a temporary period of
dependants on your visa) are entitled to receive more than six months, and have paid (or been
free medical treatment. In addition to the state- exempted from paying) the Immigration
run NHS, there are also many private medical Health Charge (also known as the
facilities available. •“Surcharge”), or you believe that another
exemption from charge category applies to
you, you will need to indicate this on the GP
Registration with your Local GP
registration form. Please take documents with
you to any hospital appointment to confirm
You must register with a GP practice prior to
your identity and any exemption you may
booking an appointment. The receptionist will
provide you with the relevant forms for
registration. To find local GP practices near your •Even if you are generally chargeable, you
address, please click here: can still receive the following services free:
·Seeing your GP or practice nurse
GP Practitioners (GPs) treat all common medical for any reason
conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other ·Being tested for most suspected
medical services for urgent and specialist care. They infectious diseases and treated for
are usually the first point of contact for nearly all them if the test is positive
NHS patients. GPS are experts in family medicine,
·Family planning services
preventative care, health education, and treating ·Treatment for sexually
people with multiple and long-term conditions. All transmitted diseases
UK residents are entitled to the services of an NHS ·Treatment given at an Accident and
GP. Emergency unit

•If your GP refers you to hospital for further

treatment, then you should expect to provide
documents that demonstrate you are an
ordinarily resident, or exempt from charge,
otherwise you will have to pay. In an
emergency, you should call an ambulance or
go directly to your nearest A&E department
where you will receive immediate treatment
to stabilize your condition. This will be free of
charge. However, unless exempt.

•Dentistry is one of the few NHS services
where you have to pay a contribution towards
the cost of your care. You can find your NHS
Dentist in your area on www.nhs.uk/Dentist

Visa – Right to Work

Biometric Residents Permit
A points-based system is used within the
UK for managing applications by individuals
from outside the European Economic Area The biometric residence permit is a residence permit
(EEA) and Switzerland who wish to work or which holds a migrant’s biographic details and
train in the UK. If you come from outside shows their immigration status and entitlements
the EEA, you will need a visa to work within while they remain in the United Kingdom.
the UK.
You’ll get a biometric residence permit (BRP) if
Tier 2:
General (New Hire – Doctors/ Nurses): 1.Apply to come to the UK for longer than
Persons who have been offered a skilled 6 months
2.Extend your visa to longer than 6 months
job in a position that cannot be filled by 3.Apply to settle in the UK
a UK settled person

You are advised to collect your BRP from the Post

Tier 5: Office branch stated on your decision letter before
Government Authorised Exchange:- You your first day of employment as this is your Right to
can apply for this visa if you are from Work check however when this is not possible the
outside the EEA and want to come to the vignette in your passport will cover you for a period
of 30-days. We would expect you to collect your BRP
UK for a short period of time for
within the first week of your employment. You will
training/experience. You will require a need to take with you your passport or travel
sponsor, which for Medical & Dental staff document which contains your 30-day travel
will be the relevant Royal College. vignette.

Your Recruitment Department will need to see

Youth Mobility Scheme:- You can apply for your original BRP to take a certified copy and
this visa for up to 2 years if you meet the satisfy the right to work check, therefore please
criteria specified on the UKVI website. let us know as soon as you have collected this
https://www.gov.uk/tier-5-youth-mobility from the Post Office.

Dependant visa:-
If you are on a dependant visa and are
permitted by the home office to work, you
will not require sponsorship by the Trust to
work. However on commencement you
must ensure that your BRP remains in date
and inform the Trust of any changes that
might affect your dependant visa status.

•The BRP will include:

·Holder’s digital image
·Holder’s name
·Valid until – the date the permit
expires. This date is at the end of the time the
holder is allowed to stay; or five or 10 years if
the holder has been given permission to
settle in the UK (known as indefinite leave to
·Place and date of issue – this is the
UK followed by the date the permit was
·Type of permit – this is the
immigration category the holder is in
·Remarks – these are the
immigration entitlements for the length
of the holder’s stay, and may continue on
the back of the permit
·ZW9005196 – unique permit number
·Holder’s signature
·Biometric chip •You will need to make an appointment with
·Holder’s gender the local police station and they will ask to see
·Holder’s date and place of birth the following documents:-
·Holder’s nationality
·Remarks – this is a continuation of ·Passport
immigration entitlements for the length ·BRP (the Home Office letter will not suffice)
of time of the holder’s stay. ·2x Passport size photos
·Machine readable zone (MRZ) – ·To whom it may concern letter (must include
this area allows information printed on contract dates and home address)
the permit to be read quickly by machine ·£34 cash (exact amount as change may
not be available)
•Registering at your Local Police Station ·Children passport and BRP (children under
the age of 16 will be placed on the mothers
certificate therefore they do not need to pay
•If you are a foreign national from one of these an additional £34 per child)
countries, you will need to register with the
police within seven days of your arrival: •If they do not register there could be a fine
of up to £5k and/or 6 months jail sentence.
•Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, China,
Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel,
•They need to inform the police within 7
days of any of the following changes:
Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Libya, Moldova, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, • Change of address
Palestine, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Extend stay in the UK
Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United • Circumstances change
Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yemen

Useful Trust Contact numbers: Useful UK Contact numbers:

Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care NHS The 999 number is a 24 hour service and should
Foundation Trust contact details: only be used in situations where there is:

For recruitment queries please contact ·A medical need for an ambulance

the recruitment team on the below ·A need to contact the Fire Brigade
email address: ·A need to contact the Police
(please see below)
Reasons to call 999 for the Police:
Occupational Health department: ·Use, or immediate threat of use, of
If not a Police emergency, please call the
Payroll Department: non-emergency number on 101

Payroll@tgh.nhs.uk You should call 101 to report crime and other

concerns that do not require an emergency
Medical Staffing Department: response. For example, if:
·Your car has been stolen
·Your property has been damaged
•Or to:
·Give the police information about
crime in your area
·Speak to the police about a general

NHS for non-urgent medical concerns – dial 111

The NHS 111 number is available for you to call if

you're worried about an urgent medical concern,
you can speak to a fully trained adviser.

Website: www.nhs.uk

Greater Manchester Police – Ashton Branch

– dial 0161 872 5050
The number is for issues that do not need an
emergency response.

Health and Wellbeing – Staff Benefits

Here at Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care we are
keen to promote the health and wellbeing of our
employees. We have a number of staff benefits
which we offer to help with this.

Annual Leave
27 – 33 days pro-rata plus bank holidays
Unpaid Leave
Opportunity to purchase extra days of annual leave
Family friendly and flexible working policies Lifestyle Benefits
Food outlets www.healthservicediscounts.com
1. Nandos – 20% off food (up to £4) Formally known as NHS Discounts, Health Service
Discounts offer discounts and promotional offers
2. Starbucks – 10% (please note not all outlets with over 200 big brand and holiday retailers,
saving you from 5% to 50%. (Family and friends
3. Domino’s Pizza – 50% when you collect your can also register for discounts via this site.)
4. Frankie & Benny’s – 20% off www.redguava.co.uk
5. Chiquitos – 20% off Offers a good selection of frequently updated
6. Dorothy Perkins – 10% off special offers available to NHS staff.

Phone Companies www.bluelightcard.co.uk

O2 – 25% off on contract phone plans Offers a good selection of frequently updates
EE – 25% off on contract phone plans offers available to NHS staff.
Vodafone – 15% off contract phone plans
Salary Sacrifice Scheme.
The trust hosts a number of salary sacrifice
Hilton Hotels – up to 30% off
schemes, where you will be able to purchase
products and receive tax & national insurance
relief on the prices
There are many outlets which offer NHS discount if
you show your NHS card and ask. Cycle to work scheme -
Lifestyle Benefits
www.healthservicediscounts.com Car Lease Scheme –
Formally known as NHS Discounts, Health Service http://driver.gmpdrivercare.com/index.php
Discounts offer discounts and promotional
offers with over 200 big brand and holiday
retailers, saving you from 5% to 50%. (Family
and friends can also register for discounts via
this site.)
Local Community Centres:

If you are new to the UK it can be helpful to try and build your support network in the
local area. Below are some details of local community centres:

Indian Community Centre

103 Union Street
Ashton Under Lune
0161 330 2085

Pakistani Community Centre

Marlborough Street

Jewish Representative Council

The Nicky Alliance Day Centre,

85 Middleton Road,
Manchester, M8 8JY
0161 720 8721

General community support

Action Together (provide social groups, practical support and leisure activities for
various groups across Tameside & Oldham

Children who are resident of the UK usually start in full time education the September after they turn 4
years old (although this is not compulsory until the August, December or March following their 5 th
birthday) and must remain under they are 18 years old.

The UK has a good state school system and most children attend state schools, which are free. It is
possible for children to attend a private school for a fee. It is also possible to home school children, but
there is strict criteria on how this is done.

To obtain a school place for your children you will need to apply through the local Council.

If you need childcare for pre-school age children and before or after school, there is usually a cost to this.
This can be a nursery, a childminder or a before and after school clubs.

Children age 3 and 4 are entitled to a number of free hours childcare. The exact number of hours depend on
your salary and employment status.

For more information about education visit https://www.gov.uk/schools-admissions

For more information about schools admissions in Tameside and Glossop visit https://
www.tameside.gov.uk/admissions or contact the Admission team via the message box at the bottom of
the screen

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