International Recruitment Welcome Booklet
International Recruitment Welcome Booklet
International Recruitment Welcome Booklet
Page 3 – Welcome to Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
Page 4- Your checklist for your move to the UK
Page 5 - Training & Development
Page 6 – Registration/Revalidation
Page 7– Welcome to the UK
Page 8 – Holidays and Festivals
Page 9 - British Weather
Page 10 - British Etiquette
Page 11 - Getting Around Tameside & Glossop (Greater Manchester)
Page 12 – Living & Working in the UK
Page 13 – NHS Pension Scheme
Page 14 – Housing
Page 15 – Setting up a UK Bank Account
Page 16 – Setting Up Broadband
Page 17 - Food & Drink
Page 18 - Getting a Mobile Phone
Page 19 - Driving in the UK
Page 20 – Health Care
Page 21 & 22– Visa & Right to Work / Biometric Residents Permit (BRP)
Page 23 – Useful names and numbers
Page 24 - Leisure
Page 25 – Local community centres
Page 26 – Schools
Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care “Everyone I have worked with has been
NHS Trust is looking forward to having
friendly, helpful and approachable. The
you join our wonderful team and want
opportunities for training and developing
to make the transition to becoming
one of our amazing staff members as
are good”
smooth as possible.
To guide with this we have created this
booklet with some helpful hints and
tips, to use whilst you are settling in to
your new role. “Very positive management and a great
culture of support and challenge.”
• Right to work in the UK (page 11) – unless you have existing right to work you will need
to apply for a Tier 2 visa. We will apply for a certificate of sponsorship for you
• Professional registration (page 5)– you will need to have this in place prior to starting
with us
• Accommodation (page 13) - The chances are you will need immediate/short term
accommodation once you arrive and then longer term accommodation once settled. Get
in touch with your recruitment officer if you think you might need immediate
accommodation on arrival. We sometimes have short term accommodation on site,
although it is not guaranteed
• National Insurance Number and bank account (page 11 & 15)– You will need to plan to
sort this as soon as you arrive in the UK as you cannot commence in post without this.
Make sure you build in a few days to sort these before you start work
• Driving Licence (page 7) – You can usually drive on an overseas driving licence for 12
months, after which you will need a UK driving licence. However you can check this on .
• Social and support network – if this is your first time to the UK, it may be a bit change
for you. Have a think about who your support network will be. We have included details
of some local organisations for different community groups
• Family support – if you are coming with your family
Personal Development
Our training is designed to provide staff with the We use ground-breaking information
knowledge and skills they need to carry out their technology to achieve the best possible
jobs to the highest standard while developing support for patient and staff care.
them to further their careers.
There are many different courses available,
Learning and development is a continuous our training team design and deliver courses
process and an important component of tailored to the needs of users and the
Continuing Professional Development (CPD). department you work in. Our trainers are
Patient care is at the centre of everything we do. dedicated to providing the best possible
Through education and training, we empower learning experiences. You can find more
staff to deliver high quality, effective patient
details about these courses under training
and development on the Trust intranet page.
Our annual appraisals give our staff an
Here at the Trust we use MyESR to process
opportunity to discuss the progress
online learning. We have a designated team to
they have made with their manager.
help support with use of the app and
completion of all mandatory training. Our Your manager can help with evaluating
Education & Training team are here to help your job performance, behaviour and
with the use of this app to help complete your personal development. Appraisals are a
e-learning requirements. vital tool to help maximise your potential
and encourage staff to take ownership for
their own development.
England is home to 21 of Britain’s UNESCO World From cream teas to curries and fish and chips,
Heritage Sites, including Hadrian’s Wall in the English food is exciting and diverse. No matter
North East, Stonehenge in the South West, where you are in England, you’ll find great
Canterbury Cathedral in the South East and the regional food and restaurants.
Tower of London and Maritime Greenwich in
London. There are a number of zoos and safari Sport
parks to picnic spots, beaches and theme parks
across England. Sporting is integral in England, sports grounds
and stadiums can be seen in every city. Football
Shopping is the national sport, and also home to cricket,
tennis and rugby.
There are many different shopping experiences
you can have up and down the country. You can
visit Oxford Street to Manchester’s Trafford
Centre, England has endless shopping choices.
Fast Facts
British Weather
The temperatures begin to rise, and the days Autumn (September to November)
become longer, however the weather conditions
Autumn is the gradual change from Summer to
can still be wet and windy.
Winter bringing with it the biggest range of
Average Minimum/Maximum Temperatures | weather conditions. Often temperatures in
9.3°C - 15.4°C Average Min/Max Daylight Hours September and October can still be summery,
| 11-15 hours Average Monthly Rainfall (mm) | equally November can be very cold.
Average Minimum/Maximum Temperatures |
17.5°C - 9.5°C Average Min/Max Daylight Hours
| 10-14 hours Average Monthly Rainfall (mm) |
British Etiquette
Hugs and kisses are often acceptable with family and close
friends. When meeting new people and patients you can
usually shake hands when saying hello and goodbye.
Card culture
Rent a Property
Trust Accommodation
Warrington Street, Ashton-Under-Lyne, OL6 6JL
2 Staveleigh Way, Old Street, Ashton-Under-
Lyne, OL6 7JY
Unit 33 Arcades Shopping Centre, Ashton-
Under-Lyne, OL6 7JE
219 Stamford Street Central, Ashton-Under-
Lyne, OL6 7QH
Setting up Broadband
·Lidl Carrier bags – why there’s a charge:
·Marks & Spencer
·Waitrose The UK law requires large shops in England to charge
All these supermarkets sell an array of foods, both 5p for all single-use plastic carrier bags to help
British and international. Many of these reduce litter by encouraging people to reuse bags. A
supermarkets offer online shopping, they will bag-for-life is a reusable shopping bag. It is an
deliver food direct to your door at a convenient alternative to single-use paper or plastic bags.
time that will suit you for a small delivery fee.
Supermarket Trolley – coin locks:
Our larger stores also have Pharmacies, where you can
buy over the counter medicine and get your To use a shopping trolley in the majority of UK
prescriptions. You can also receive free advice on minor supermarkets, you will need a £1 coin to unlock the
illnesses from a pharmacist. trolley. After you have finished shopping, you will
need to put the trolley back in the designated trolley
Local Stores bay to retrieve the £1 coin.
There are various ways in which you can get a Sim Only Contracts
mobile phone in the UK. A range of different
price plans and options must be considered If you already have a phone, or have just
when buying a phone, these include: purchased a phone you are able to get a Sim
Only Contract, this is considerably cheaper, as
Pay Monthly Contracts you would not be getting a handset from the
provider. You can choose a package offering
A pay monthly contract means you pay a single minutes, international calls, texts and mobile
monthly fee for a fixed period of time and you data.
are able to select a handset. You have the
option to take out a contract with a provider Pay As You Go
such as, EE, O2, Vodaphone, Three etc. It is
highly advised to search for the best plan for If you do not want to get into a contract, you
you, as deals vary with providers with regards are able to get a PAYG phone, eliminating
to the amount of minutes, texts, internet monthly bills and fixed term contract. You can
usage and the mobile phone handset. pick up a mobile phone for as little as £20 from
any mobile phone store and large supermarket
The majority of contracts available are for a stores. However please be aware when making
period of 12 or 24 months dependent on the international calls using your PAYG phone will
provider and the handset. Please be aware that cost considerably more.
you will be tied into a contract and ending a
contract before the stated date may incur a fee. Where can I get a mobile phone?
Therefore, it is important to consider all the
options before you enter into a long term
There are many places you can buy a mobile
contract. If you are looking to include
phone that offer Contract and PAYG options.
international calls in your contract, please talk
to a representative and find the best deal for You can visit the local shopping centres where
you. You will need proof of identity when there are a wide range of mobile phone shops,
purchasing a pay monthly contract. you can also visit your local supermarket such
as ASDA and Tesco or shop online using various
price comparison websites to obtain the most
suitable price plan.
Driving in the UK
•Dentistry is one of the few NHS services
where you have to pay a contribution towards
the cost of your care. You can find your NHS
Dentist in your area on
Dependant visa:-
If you are on a dependant visa and are
permitted by the home office to work, you
will not require sponsorship by the Trust to
work. However on commencement you
must ensure that your BRP remains in date
and inform the Trust of any changes that
might affect your dependant visa status.
Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care NHS The 999 number is a 24 hour service and should
Foundation Trust contact details: only be used in situations where there is:
Annual Leave
27 – 33 days pro-rata plus bank holidays
Unpaid Leave
Opportunity to purchase extra days of annual leave
Family friendly and flexible working policies Lifestyle Benefits
Food outlets
1. Nandos – 20% off food (up to £4) Formally known as NHS Discounts, Health Service
Discounts offer discounts and promotional offers
2. Starbucks – 10% (please note not all outlets with over 200 big brand and holiday retailers,
saving you from 5% to 50%. (Family and friends
3. Domino’s Pizza – 50% when you collect your can also register for discounts via this site.)
4. Frankie & Benny’s – 20% off
5. Chiquitos – 20% off Offers a good selection of frequently updated
6. Dorothy Perkins – 10% off special offers available to NHS staff.
If you are new to the UK it can be helpful to try and build your support network in the
local area. Below are some details of local community centres:
Marlborough Street
Action Together (provide social groups, practical support and leisure activities for
various groups across Tameside & Oldham
Children who are resident of the UK usually start in full time education the September after they turn 4
years old (although this is not compulsory until the August, December or March following their 5 th
birthday) and must remain under they are 18 years old.
The UK has a good state school system and most children attend state schools, which are free. It is
possible for children to attend a private school for a fee. It is also possible to home school children, but
there is strict criteria on how this is done.
To obtain a school place for your children you will need to apply through the local Council.
If you need childcare for pre-school age children and before or after school, there is usually a cost to this.
This can be a nursery, a childminder or a before and after school clubs.
Children age 3 and 4 are entitled to a number of free hours childcare. The exact number of hours depend on
your salary and employment status.
For more information about schools admissions in Tameside and Glossop visit https:// or contact the Admission team via the message box at the bottom of
the screen