Presented By: - Manish Kumar Manish Sharma Mrinal Mardia Neha Jakhotia Nidhi Sachdeva

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Presented By: Manish Kumar Manish Sharma Mrinal Mardia Neha Jakhotia Nidhi Sachdeva

Leadership is
Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things. Peter F Drucker Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. Dwight Eisenhower

Born July 18, 1950, England Virgin Group > 360 companies Companies cost $ 25 billion 55 000 employees

A Frugal Billionaire Is an English industrialist (business magnate) The quintessential entrepreneur

He was knighted in 1999 for his Services to entrepreneurship

Sir Richard appears at No. 85 on the 2002 list of 100 Greatest Britons Sir Richard was also ranked in 2007's Time Magazine "Top 100 Most Influential People in the World".

On 7 Dec 2007, United Nations Secretary presented Branson with the United Citizen of the World Award for his support for environmental and humanitarian causes Richard Branson is the 236th richest person according to Forbes list of billionaires with an estimated net worth of approximately $4.4 billion USD

My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above themfrom the perspective of wanting to live life to the full, I felt that I had to attempt it.

How he began
When he was 16 years old, he dropped out of school to move to London and launch Student Magazine, which did relatively more success. At 19 founded the Virgin mail order record company Success in selling mail order records, opening of a record shop then launched own record label, Virgin Records. On May 25, 1973, the Richard Branson biography took on a whole new dimension with the release of Mike Old fields the first release for Virgin Records, which quickly became a bestseller throughout England GREAT SUCCESS

Bransons Empire

Virgin brand
Branson didnt run his businesses by strategies. Instead, he keeps a to do list, that he writes at th e beginning of each day. In recent years,Branson has taken steps to define a strategy for the Virgin Group Branded Venture Capitalism was what his strategy advisor called it.

Some simple strategies

Size does matter: you need to challenge and compete with big brands to become big yourself. Take it easy, mix fun with work. Haggling is possible in every business it brings down prices. Mingle like a common man, go ahead like a bullet. Be camera / media friendly

Main characteristics
Ability to connect with people.

Innovative approach to the business.

Like challenges and always disengage difficulties. Im not good at theory.Almost everything Ive learned, Ive learned by doing.

Topping my list of gut feelings is this: business has to give people enriching, rewarding lives, or its simply not worth doing.

Do not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict Not interested in leading or controlling others

Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.






Employee Empowerment

Patiently listens to Employees ideas

Not a conventional business person Never forces a consensus

Energizes people towards higher performance

Collaborating, Competing, Compromising, Avoiding, Accommodating

Leadership Style: Participative

Leadership theories
Transformational LeadershipFocused on bringing about changes in organization by building vision, securing commitment and empowering people. Path Goal Theory(Participative Leadership)Leaders to provide information, support and resources to help followers achieve the goals.

Leadership theories
Situational Theory (Hersey & Blanchard): High concern for relationship and low concern for task i.e. Participative behavior.

Ohio State Studies: He is a consideration type of leader who believe in fostering informal relations. Establish warm, friendly and supportive climate for the subordinates to perform well.

What Qualities?

Leadership qualities
Art of delegation I have to be good at helping people run the individual businesses Branson says his philosophy of "look for the best and you'll get the best" helped him build an empire recognized for its young, fun culture If a flower is watered, it flourishes. If not, it shrivels up & dies. Its much more fun looking for the best in people Employee should be given the opportunity to do well in a different Virgin Group job. Firing is seldom an option

Interaction Between employees and managers is fundamental. Encourage stuff to write him any ideas or suggestions . Either way they get a chance to be heard. Branson has developed a level of trust with his top managers by setting directions and then stepping back to let them navigate. I come up with the original idea, spend the first three months immersed in the business so I know the ins and outs and then give chief executives a stake in the company ask them to run it as if its their own Motivational strategies extend to innovative ideas. The key encouraging innovation within the Virgin ranks, Branson suggests, is to listen to any and all ideas and to offer feedback. Inspire people to think like entrepreneurs, and whatever you do, treat th em like adults. The hardest taskmaster of all is a persons own conscience, so the more responsibility you give people, the better they will work for you.

One thing is certain in business. You & everyone around you will make mistakes. When you are pushing the boundaries this is inevitable and its important to realize this. Even when things are running well there is always the prospect of a new reality around the corner. Failure usually occur when leaders avoid the reality of business.You have to trust people around you to learn from their mistakes. Blame and recriminations are pointless. There are many successful ways to run a company. What works once may not work again. What everyone tells you never to do may just work once. There are no rules. You dont learn to walk following rules. You learn by doing, an by falling over and its because you fall over that you learn to save yourself from falling over. Its the greatest thrill in the world and it runs away screaming at the first sight of bullet points.

STRATEGY Listen to people Encourage communication and feedback. Integrate personnel into other parts of organization.
CORE BELIEFS AND VALUES Helping people achieve things that they did not know they were capable of Being a catalyst to the success of others Constantly learning BRANSON'S SKILLS Public Relations genius he understands what the media wants and gives it to them. He is likeable. He knows when to disappear.

VALUES AND BELIEFS He says that he never listens to critics. He is a sponge for new ideas Inspire people to think like Entrepreneurs

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