Presentation 1

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 Kenya has the largest wind farm in the African continent

 They are the lowest cost developers of geothermal Power in the world and home to the 8th
largest geothermal station
 The data related to per capita electricity generation and capacity utilisation are given in the
 Though the cumulative emissions are just 0.55% since 1850 it receives only
0.5% of international investments
 There are huge power transmission losses in Kenya that results with a
wastage of 35.5% of generated power
 Approximately 1.56 giga watt hour of energy a year is lost which is enough to
power up 1.3 million houses annually
 35% of the rural population is deprived of access to electricity
 Just O.6% of solar energy,8.3% of geothermal energy and 0.33% of wind energy of
the overall potential is being extracted which is around 9% of the renewable potential
that is being used
 Only 19.6% of the overall potential is being utilised
 This data makes it evident that there are so many untapped resources which can be
utilised in an appropriate way
 The solution to this is divided into 5 phases, at each phase we try sorting out a major
• 70% of the areas have high Solar potential
 73% of the area experiences wind speeds of 6 m/s at 100m above ground
 solar plants may be erected and energy can be collected in the geographical
areas where there is very little possibility for the development of other
renewable energies

 More details is provided in the slides

 now coming to the roadmap for the growth of energy capacity in Kenya
 in the first 2 years of Survey every region of the nation is determined for the energy
potential, including solar, geothermal, wind, and other renewable sources.
 Establish production units in regions with high energy potential.
 Begin distributing generated energy within 8-16 km radius to achieve
complete rural electrification by 2030.
 Focus on expanding solar capacity in areas with high solar potential,
especially in regions with limited potential for other renewable energies
 From the third year Investments has to be made in solar, geothermal, and
wind power projects to increase the utilization of renewable resources.
 Develop solar plants in areas with high solar potential in rural regions.
 Upgrade and expand the Lake Turkana Wind Power Plant and geothermal
 Aim to increase the utilization of renewable energy sources to 25% of the
total energy mix.

• From the 6th year
 Address the issue of energy losses by installing more distribution grids and
upgrading transmission systems.
 - Implement measures to minimize power transmission over long distances
to reduce losses.
 -
 Focus on reducing transmission and distribution loss by approximately 1.56
thousand GWh/year.
 - Expand renewable energy capacity to reach 40% of the total energy mix.
 At the final stage
 Market excess energy to neighbouring countries to boost the economy.
 Increase renewable energy utilization to 50% of the total energy mix.
 Establish partnerships with international organizations and investors to
secure funding for energy projects.
 Continue to monitor and maintain infrastructure to ensure long-term
• Coming to the financial plan 35% of the overall budget is given to the energy, that is,
10.79 billon usd and the percentage is divided as 10% to wind energy , 6% to
geothermal energy, 12% to solar and 7% to transmission systems
 by following the aforementioned road map the energy generation capacity from
renewable sources will increase to 18% from 9% by 2034 which could significantly
alter the nation's overall growth and development.
 It is possible to raise the overall energy generating capacity to 5236.8 millon
killowatt-hours from 995.5 million kilowatt-hours Which is about 5% increase

 A rise in energy-generating facilities will improve living standards,
creating a wealth of job possibilities, and increase the GDP of the nation.
 Kenya will lead Africa as a powerhouse by 2035 if further investments and
efforts are made.

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