T-Test Part 2 & Anova
T-Test Part 2 & Anova
T-Test Part 2 & Anova
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Since the obtained t-value (2.91) is greater than the critical t-value
(2.201) at .05 level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, the energy conservation campaign affected gasoline
consumption among families.
In APA format:
• Lesson 10
• Comparing two independent
groups (each receiving a different
treatment) to check significant
mean differences between
• Comparing “before and after”
measures after exposing a single
group to a treatment.
Looking Forward
• Sample size: 40
• Random assignment to four groups
• Participants in each group were
shown lists of words, and asked to
answer questions about each word
• Note: the participants were NOT
trying to memorize the words; they
were simply reading through the list
and answering questions
Context: Results
• Independent Variable?
• Levels?
• Dependent Variable?
One Way Analysis of Variance
H0: 1 = 2 = 3
• H0: Using a telephone does not affect
driving performance.
H1: not H0
• H1: Using a telephone affects driving
Limitations of the One-Way ANOVA
1. To compute MSB (Mean Squares Between) = SSB/DFBetween
2. To compute MSW (Mean Squares Within) = SSW/DFWithin
3. To compute Fobtained (One Way ANOVA) = MSB/MSW
4. To determine Fcrit, we consult our table appendices for ANOVA. Use
DFB as your Numerator DF, and DFW as your denominator DF. In this
case, since our DFBetween or Numerator DF is 2, and our DFWithin or
Denominator DF is 12, our Fcrit at .05 level of significance is 3.88
(Refer to table below. Lightface (.05) and Boldface (.01). We always
use the values in Lightface.
Measuring Effect Size
The effect size tells us the extent to which the dependent variable
is caused by the independent variable. In our study, therefore, it
can be concluded that 0.79 (or 79%) of stress levels is attributed to
the type of situation. The remaining 0.21 (or 21%) of stress is caused
by other factors, including chance or error.
Make a Decision
• Since the obtained F value is greater than the critical value for F
at .05 level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, the type of situation affects stress level.
APA Format
• The three F values obtained following the Scheffe Test will then be compared
with an “adjusted Fcrit”, which is essentially our existing Fcrit multiplied by
(number of groups – 1). For our example, then, our adjusted Fcrit is 3.88 x (3-1)
= 7.76. Each of the F values obtained using the Scheffe Test will now be
compared with 7.76.
F1-2 = 8.889 > 7.76 (mean 1 and mean 2 are significantly different)
F1-3 = 45 > 7.76 (mean 1 and mean 3 are significantly different)
F2-3 = 13.889 > 7.76 (mean 2 and mean 3 are significantly different)
• What are our conclusions? Since all the F values obtained exceeded the adjusted
F , we can now conclude that all pairs of means are significantly different.