Unit - IV: Anova Analysis of Variance

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Unit –IV

Analysis of variance
Example :

The three samples below have been obtained from normal populations
with equal variances. Test the hypothesis that the sample means are
8 7 12
10 5 9
7 10 13
14 9 12
11 9 14
The table value of F at 5% level of significance for v1=2 and v2 is 3.88
Post hoc test
• A post hoc test is used only after we find a statistically significant
result and need to determine where our differences truly came from.
The term “post hoc” comes from the Latin for “after the event”. There
are many different post hoc tests that have been developed, and most
of them will give us similar answers.
The most common post-hoc tests are here number wise from 1
(better) to onwards:
• Bonferroni Procedure.
• Duncan's new multiple range test (MRT)
• Dunn's Multiple Comparison Test.
• Fisher's Least Significant Difference (LSD)
• Holm-Bonferroni Procedure.
• Newman-Keuls.
• Rodger's Method.
• Scheffé's Method.
How to Calculate the Least Significant Difference

When you run an ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test and get a significant result,

that means at least one of the groups tested differs from the other groups.
However, you can’t tell from the ANOVA test which group differs. In order to
address this, Fisher developed the least significant difference test in 1935, which is
only used when you reject the null hypothesis as a result of your hypothesis test
results. The LSD calculates the smallest significant between two means as if a test
had been run on those two means (as opposed to all of the groups together). This
enables you to make direct comparisons between two means from two individual
groups. Any difference larger than the LSD is considered a significant result.
Tukey’s test
Tukey's test is a multiple comparison test and is applicable when there
are more than two means being compared (for two means, utilize a
t test). Typically, Tukey's test is utilized after an ( Analysis of Variance)
has shown that significant difference exists and determines where the
difference exists.

• The observations being tested are independent within and among the

• The groups associated with each mean in the test are 
normally distributed.
• There is equal within-group variance across the groups associated
with each mean in the test (homogeneity of variance).
Dunnett’s Test
Dunnett’s Test (also called Dunnett’s Method or Dunnett’s Multiple
Comparison) compares means from several experimental groups against
a control group mean to see is there is a difference. When an ANOVA
 test has significant findings, it doesn’t report which pairs of means are
different. Dunnett’s can be used after the ANOVA has been run to
identify the pairs with significant differences.

One fixed “control” group is compared to all of the other samples, so it

should only be used when you have a control group. If you don’t have a
control group, use Tukey’s Test.
As Dunnett’s compares two groups, it acts similarly to a t-test. The following formula gives you a value
that you can use to compare mean differences. The formula is:
• Step 1: Look up the tDunnett critical value in the Dunnett
-critical value table. You’ll need:
• Your chosen alpha level (usually 5%),
• Sample size, n,
• Degrees of freedom from the ANOVA “Within Groups” output. This is
the “n” in the left hand column of the table.
• For example, let’s say you had an alpha level of 5%, a sample size of 5
and 20 df. The Dunnett critical value is 2.65.
Plug the value into the formula:

Step 2: Find the mean squares (MS) of the within group in the
ANOVA source table. Plug that value into the above formula.
For example, let’s say your MS within is 15.39:
• Step 3: Find “n”, the number in one group. For this example, that’s 5:

solving the formula, we get:

DDunnett = 2.65 * 2.481 = 6.575.
• The answer (6.575) is the critical distance between means. If the distance
between a control group mean and an experimental group mean is greater
than 6.575, then that distance is significant. For example, let’s say you had
a control group mean of 52 and three experimental group means of 55, 64
and 72. The differences between means (absolute values) are:
• Group 1 55 – 52 = 3
• Group 2 64 – 52 = 12
• Group 3 72 – 52 = 20
• Only groups 2 and 3 exceed the Dunnett’s distance of 6.575, so they are
the significant pairs.

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