How To Write A CV and Ethics Regarding
How To Write A CV and Ethics Regarding
How To Write A CV and Ethics Regarding
Font: Use a professional, readable font (e.g., Arial, Times New Roman).
Font Size: 10-12 pt for body text, larger for headings.
Margins: 1-inch margins on all sides.
Consistency: Maintain consistent formatting throughout (e.g., bullet points, font styles).
Length: Typically 2-4 pages for an academic CV.
Ethics Regarding CV/Resume
Maintaining ethical standards in creating your CV or resume is crucial. Here are some key
ethical considerations:
1. Honesty
Accurate Information: Always provide truthful and accurate information. Do not exaggerate or
fabricate qualifications, experiences, or achievements.
Dates: Ensure all dates are correct and reflect your actual employment and educational history.
2. Transparency
Gaps in Employment: Be honest about employment gaps and provide reasonable explanations
if asked.
Job Titles and Responsibilities: Accurately represent your job titles and responsibilities without
inflating your role.
3. Plagiarism
Original Work: Write your CV/resume yourself. Do not copy someone else's content or job
Attribution: If you must include content or phrases from other sources, properly attribute them.
4. Privacy
Confidential Information: Do not disclose confidential information about your current or
previous employers.
References: Ensure you have permission before listing someone as a reference.
5. Professionalism
Appropriate Content: Include only relevant professional information. Avoid personal details
that are not related to the job.
Respect for Previous Employers: Do not speak negatively about previous employers or
CV vs Resume